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Important Tour Information:  Please read the following information completely.  It will answer many of your tour-related questions and will help you have a more enjoyable tour experience.

  1. Without a green dot on your name tag, you will not be allowed on the tour bus.  The green dot indicates that you have signed the liability waiver.
  2. All tours buses will be located between the Royale Pavilion and the hotel main entrance.  Exit the doors across from the Front Desk, down the steps, and turn left.  Follow the sidewalk approximately 125 feet to…

Kids’ Explorers Club:  Bring the kids’ (ages 6 to 12) for a great week of tours and fun in the Kids’ Explorer Club.  Games, crafts, swimming, and trips; every day is packed with fun.  Breakfast, lunch and snack included.  Open Sunday from 6:30 PM until 9:00 PM, Monday through Thursday from 8:15 AM to 5:00 PM, and on Friday from 8:15 AM until after the banquet.

Participants must register and pay the convention administrative fee before attending any events.  Discounted tickets for events may be purchased on the pre-registration form.


Career Development

Monday, July 14
7:15 PM: Piano Technology: $5 ($7), Capri 107
The piano technology profession offers full / part-time employment opportunities.  Hands-on demonstrations; blind technicians answer your questions.  Door prizes.
Wednesday, July 16
7:00 AM: NIB Breakfast $10 ($15), Royale 7
Join National Industries for the Blind for a discussion about employment and the AbilityOne program.

Studies and Focus Groups

Saturday, July 12, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM, 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM,…

Audio-Visual Services Sponsored by JP Morgan Chase

Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

President: Oral Miller
Registration: $10 ($10)
Monday, July 14, Skybox 206
12:15 PM – 4:00 PM: AAVL Lunch and Business Meeting $29 ($32)
12:15 PM: Introductions and luncheon
12:45 PM: “One Person,” Sandra Spalletta, Esq., Rockville, MD, shares her story of working full-time as mother, lawyer and investor while losing her sight.
1:30 PM: Break
1:40 PM: A representative from AccessaMed, Normandy Park, WA will discuss…

Friday July 14, Capri 114

8:00AM - 5:00PM Profile of a Leader: Training Tomorrow's Leaders $75 ($75)
Interactive training provided by ACB's leadership.  Discussions on leader characteristics, organizational structure, governance documents, membership retention, fundraising and other topics.

Saturday, July 12

5:30 PM: ACB Exhibitors Reception (by invitation only), President’s Suite

Sunday, July 13

11:00 AM: ACB Committee Chairs Meeting, Skybox 209
An important meeting with ACB President Kim Charlson.  Every committee should be…

DKM First-Timers Committee

Chair: Allen Casey
Thursday, July 17, President’s Suite
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: DKM First-Timers Reception $15 ($18)
Beat the Las Vegas heat and keep cool with the DKM ice cream social!  Meet 2014 DKM First-Timers: Carol McGhee of Morgantown, WV and Steve Fiksdal of Auburn, WA.  Share memories of ACB pioneer Durward K. McDaniel.

Employment Committee

Chair: Rebecca Bridges
Monday, July 14
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: Dress for Success $6 ($8)
Learn the dos and don'ts of…

ACB Board of Directors

Saturday, July 12
9:00 AM: Pre-convention Board meeting
Saturday, July 19
10:00 AM: Post-convention Board meeting

Board of Publications

Chair: Denise Colley

Sunday, July 13
10:30 AM: BOP Meeting, Capri 105
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: BOP Town Hall Meeting, Grande G
Thursday, July 17
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: BOP Town Hall Meeting, Grande G
7:00 PM: BOP Candidates' Forum, Grande Ballroom A
Hear from and ask questions of this year’s candidates.

American Council of the Blind
53rd Annual Conference and Convention
Theme: ACB: The Real Deal
Audio-Visual Services Sponsored by JP Morgan Chase

Notice: ACB business will be conducted during general sessions, which are held Sunday, July 13, from 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM and Monday-Friday, July 14-18, from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM.  ACB has elected to proceed with such meetings under Section 29-405.20(f) of the District of Columbia Nonprofit Corporations Code.

Sunday, July 13, Grande Ballroom A

6:30 PM:…

Adopted by the ACB Board of Directors, May 2009

  1. Each debatable issue before the convention shall be limited to approximately twenty (20) minutes with a three-minute time limit per speaker, alternating between affirmative and opposing speakers, unless a majority of the members agree to extend debate for an additional period of time.
    • Motions to close debate will not be recognized by the chair during the first debate period.  After the first debate period, properly moved motions such as "I call for the question" or "I move the previous question" will be handled…

Saturday, July 12

5:00 PM: Roman Catholic Mass, Royale 7
Father John Sheehan, Jesuit Priest, Xavier Society for the Blind, New York, NY

Sunday, July 13

9:00 AM: Jewish Service, Capri 106

10:00 AM: Interdenominational Service, Royale 7
Bishop Robert Arnold
True Word Interdenominational Church
Las Vegas, NV

10:00 AM: LDS Meeting, Capri 106

Monday, July 14, Top of the Riv North

7:00 PM: Gospel Sing
Led by Michael and Alison Smitherman, Jackson, MS