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Special-Interest Affiliate Meetings

Audio-Visual Services Sponsored by JP Morgan Chase

Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

President: Oral Miller
Registration: $10 ($10)
Monday, July 14, Skybox 206
12:15 PM – 4:00 PM: AAVL Lunch and Business Meeting $29 ($32)
12:15 PM: Introductions and luncheon
12:45 PM: “One Person,” Sandra Spalletta, Esq., Rockville, MD, shares her story of working full-time as mother, lawyer and investor while losing her sight.
1:30 PM: Break
1:40 PM: A representative from AccessaMed, Normandy Park, WA will discuss accessible prescription labels.
2:30 Business Meeting
Wednesday, July 16, Executive Director’s Suite
4:15 PM - 5:45 PM: AAVL Musical Mixer $10 ($12)
Music, refreshments and lively conversation.

American Association of Blind Teachers

President: Marcia Dresser
Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Theme: “Education Around The World.”
Registration: $10 ($12)
Sunday, July 13, Skybox 206
8:00AM – 11:00 AM: AABT Breakfast & Program $26 ($28)
8:00 AM: Welcoming Remarks and Breakfast.
8:45 AM: Education Around The World.  Learn how blind or visually impaired children are educated in Canada and Turkey.  Presenter: Rita Dilek, Department Head, Program for Visually Impaired, Vancouver Community College, Vancouver, BC.
9:30 AM: Break
9:45 AM - 11:00 AM: AABT Annual Business Meeting and Elections
Tuesday, July 15
12:00PM – 3:30PM AABT NBCF Tour $17 ($20)
The Nevada Blind Children's Foundation has a Braille library, a technology lab, a horizontal rock climbing wall, and much more!  Lunch is included.
Wednesday, July 16
1:15 LUA/BRL/AABT Program, Capri 106
1:15 PM: Welcome: Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA; Judy Jackson, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL; Marcia Dresser, President, American Association of Blind Teachers, Reading, MA.
1:30 PM: Meet Talking Book narrator, Gabriella Cavallero, Talking Book Publishers, Inc., Denver, CO.
2:15 PM: BARD and Braille: An update on accessing braille NLS titles with refreshable braille: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL.
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: One Book, One ACB
Discussion of “For the Benefit of Those Who See: Dispatches From the World of the Blind,” by Rosemary Mahoney.  This educator and author describes her experiences teaching at a school for the blind in India.  Also profiles the founder of the school, Sabriye Tenberken.
4:15 PM – 5:30 PM: Singing Around the World $4 ($5), Skybox 208
Learn simple songs and rounds from around the world.

American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

President: Chris Prentice
Registration: $30 ($32)
Saturday, July 12, Executive Director’s Suite
5:00PM - 6:30PM: Reception for Oral Miller $5 ($7)
Celebrate the outstanding career of past ACB President Oral Miller. Hors d'oeuvres and cash bar.
6:45 PM – 7:30 PM: AAVIA Board Meeting
Sunday, July 13, Skybox 210
1:15 PM – 5:30 PM: AAVIA Program
1:15 PM: Introductions and Announcements, Chris Prentice, AAVIA President
1:30 PM: An Update on the United States Supreme Court, Professor Bill Piatt, St. Mary’s University School of Law, San Antonio, TX
2:45 PM Update on Technology, Louis Herrera, Technology Consultant, Arleta, CA
4:15 PM, District of Columbia Statutes, John McCann, Member, ACB Board of Directors, Falls Church, VA
Monday, July 14, Skybox 210
1:15 PM – 5:30 PM: AAVIA Program
1:15 PM: Introductions and Announcements, Chris Prentice, AAVIA President
1:30 PM: Bankruptcy Law, Dave Adams, AAVIA Board Member, Telford, PA
2:45 PM: DOH Regulations, speaker to be announced
4:15 PM: An Update from HIMS, Frank McCarthy, CEO HIMS Inc, Austin, TX
4:45 PM: The New Section 503 Regulations, Steve Mendelsohn, AAVIA Board Member, Alameda, CA
Tuesday, July 15, Skybox 206
12:15 PM – 5:30 PM: AAVIA Luncheon & Program
$27 ($29)
Keynote Speaker: John Mowbray, Attorney, Fennemore, Craig, Jones, and Vargas; Las Vegas, NV
2:15 PM: An Update on Structured Negotiations - Linda Dardarian, Attorney, Goldstein, Borgen, Dardarian and Ho, Oakland, CA
2:45 PM: Break
3:00 PM: AAVIA Business Meeting

ACB Diabetics in Action

President: Dee Clayton
Registration: $12 ($15)
Sunday, July 13, Skybox 205
1:15 PM - 4:00 PM: ACBDA Seminar $8 ($10)
1:15 PM: “The ABC’s of Diabetes,” Deanna St. Cyr, Instructor, School of Nursing, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, NV
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: How dogs can assist diabetics; speaker to be announced
Wednesday, July 16, Skybox 206
12:15 PM - 2:30 PM: ACBDA Lunch and Meeting $30 ($32)
Thursday, July 17, Executive Director’s Suite
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM: ACBDA Mixer $15 ($17)
Meet and mingle with other diabetics.  Light refreshments included.
American Council of Blind Families
President: Deanna Scoggins
Registration: $8 ($8)
Tuesday, July 15, Capri 112
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM: ACB Families Bingo $5 ($8)
Fun for all ages!  See how many different ways there are to win at Bingo!  Lots of winners; lots of prizes!
Wednesday, July 16, Skybox 201
7:00 AM - 8:15AM: Families Breakfast & Meeting $15 ($15)
Book Lovers Unite!  Meet ACB Families and share books for kids’ and teens.  Action-packed and fun - open to all.

ACB Government Employees

President: Sarah Presley
Registration: $10 ($10)
Sunday, July 13, President’s Suite
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM: ACBGE Mixer $14 ($14)
Past, present & future government employees network and socialize.
Thursday, July 17, Skybox 206
12:15 PM – 2:30 PM: ACBGE Luncheon and Business Meeting $30 ($30)
12:15 PM: Introductions and luncheon
1:15 PM: Dialogue between ACB Government Employees and ACB's Executive Director: Learn how ACB has been addressing concerns about Section 508 and other issues of importance to government employees.  Speaker: Melanie Brunson, ACB Executive Director, Arlington Virginia
2:15 PM: Business meeting

ACB Human Service Professionals

President: Darian Slayton Fleming
Registration: $10 ($12)
Sunday, July 13, Skybox 201
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM: ACBHSP Business Meeting
Where are we and where are we going?

American Council of Blind Lions

President: Kenneth Semien
Registration: $10 ($12)
Saturday, July 12, President’s Suite
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM: ACB Lions Milly's Place, $15 ($15)
Share news from your local club; trade pins; friends, fun and snacks.
Sunday, July 13, Skybox 203
9:30 AM – 11:00 AM: ACB Lions Board Meeting
Thursday, July 17, Capri 114
12:15 PM – 2:30 PM: Lions Luncheon $33 ($35)
Lion Noni Ribka, 2013 - 2014 District Governor, Lions District 46, Las Vegas, NV is the first Filipino – American to be elected district governor since 1938.  Come listen to this fascinating woman.

ACB Radio Amateurs

President: Steve Dresser
Registration: $5 ($7)
Thursday, July 17, Capri 106
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: ACB Radio Amateurs Annual Program and business meeting

American Council of Blind Students

President: Josh Pearson
Program Chair: Leslie Weilbacher
Registration: $5 ($7)
Saturday, July 12, Executive Director’s Suite
8:00 PM: ACB Students Welcome Party $8 ($10)
Food, fun and friendship!  Meet new people and get reacquainted with old friends.
Sunday, July 13
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM: ACBS Business Meeting, Skybox 205
12:15 PM – 1:45 PM: ACBS Scholarship Winners’ Luncheon $28 ($30), Skybox 206
Celebrate the accomplishments of this year's national scholarship winners, the newest shining stars in the ACB galaxy.  Sponsored by ACBS and RSVA.
Monday, July 14, Grande G
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: Dress for Success $6 ($8)
Learn the dos and don'ts of dressing like a pro.  Use your wardrobe to make a great first impression.  Sponsored by ACBS and Employment Committee.
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Storytelling During Interviews $6 ($8)
Back by popular demand!  Land the job of your dreams by mastering the increasingly popular behavioral interview.
Sponsored by ACBS and Employment Committee.
Tuesday, July 15, Skybox 202
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: ACBS Business Meeting
Thursday, July 17, Top of the Riv South
9:00 PM – 11:00 PM: ACBS Comedy Night $10 ($12)
End your week in Las Vegas on a high note.  Enjoy a great comedian, cash bar and our best raffle prizes yet!

Blind Information Tech Specialists

President: John McCann
Program Chair: Andrea Pitsenbarger
Registration: $15 ($17)
Multi-Session Event:
Saturday, July 12, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, BITS Suite
Saturday, July 12, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM, BITS Suite
Sunday, July 13, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, BITS Suite
Sunday, July 13, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM, BITS Suite
Monday, July 14, 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM, BITS Suite
Tuesday, July 15, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM, BITS Suite
BITS Windows 8.1 Hands-On Class $40 ($40)
Nationally recognized Assistive Technology trainer and author Cathy Anne Murtha, Marana, AZ, will present an overview of the Windows 8.1 operating system, with emphasis on the built-in enhanced Narrator screen-reader.  (Limit of 8 each session.)
Sunday, July 13
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: BITS Accessible Apps for Social Media, Skybox 207
The most effective ways of accessing and interacting with social media.  Presenter: John McCann, BITS President,
Falls Church, VA.
1:30 PM - 4:00 PM: BITS Vendor Showcase, Skybox 207
An overview of new products our Assistive Technology vendors are highlighting in the exhibit hall.
Monday, July 14
1:15 PM - 4:00 PM: BITS Program, Skybox 207
Presenters: Albert J. Rizzi, Founder and CEO, My Blind Spot, New York, NY; John Martyn, Computer Programmer and Scripter, My Blind Spot, Albuquerque, NM; Vita Zavoli, Accessibility Training Manager, My Blind Spot, San Leandro, CA; Richard P. Kelly, Access Training Consultant, My Blind Spot, Emmetsburg, IA.
8:30 PM - 11:00 PM: Bytes with BITS (in pkg) $15 ($17), Executive Director’s Suite
Meet up with old friends and make some new ones, snacks included.
Tuesday, July 15, Skybox 211
12:15 PM - 4:00 PM: BITS Luncheon (in pkg) $32 ($35), Skybox 211
Speaker, Jeff Bishop, IT Accessibility Analyst, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ..  Annual business meeting at the conclusion of the luncheon.

Blind LGBT Pride International

President: Guillermo Robles
Program Chair: Don Brown
Registration: $20 ($20)
Multi-Session Event:
Monday, July 14, 2:45 PM – 4:00 PM, BPI Suite
Tuesday, July 15, 2:45 PM – 4:00 PM, BPI Suite
Wednesday, July 16, 2:45 PM – 4:00 PM, BPI Suite
Thursday, July 17, 1:15 PM – 2:30 PM, BPI Suite
Let the Wine Tasting Begin $20 ($20), (in BPI pkg)
Led by a wine consultant, learn about, experience and buy exclusive California artisan wines.  Food pairings included.  (Limit of 16 each session.)
Sunday, July 13, BPI Suite
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM: BPI Viva Las Vegas Mixer $25 ($27),
(in BPI pkg)
Lots of Margaritas, a little salt and lime, viva Las Vegas - It's Party Time.
Monday, July 14,
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: From Myths and Stereotypes toward Inclusion and Equality, Skybox 205
This interactive workshop will focus on dispelling commonly held myths associated with people who are LGBT, emphasizing the commonalities the LGBT population shares with other groups.
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Expanding Employment Opportunities, Skybox 205
Kathy Martinez, Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Labor, provides an update of federal initiatives impacting LGBT people in the workplace and recently enacted disability-related employment initiatives.
7:00 PM: Annual Business Meeting and Elections, BPI Suite
9:00 PM: BPI Caucus, BPI Suite
Tuesday, July 15
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: The Color of Sunlight, Skybox 205
Michelle Alexander, Author of "The Color of Sunlight,” Registered Nurse, Patient Advocate, Missoula, MT, reflects upon her transformative experience as an RN with a blind, terminally ill, transgender patient in rural Montana.
10:00 PM: Board Transition Meeting, BPI Suite
Wednesday, July 16
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Tech Up and Tune In $8 ($10), Skybox 208
A panel of iOS device users demonstrate the basics of producing, downloading, storing, locating, and listening to digital music.  Moderator, Kevin Ratliff, Austin, TX.  Co-sponsored by FIA and BPI.
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM: Stepping Into Your Greatness! Skybox 205
Michelle Alexander, certified life coach, Missoula, MT, is a powerful speaker, heart-felt writer and educator.  She will discuss how our greatness comes from our experiences.  We thrive when we are living in integrity with our truth.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM: BPI Night at the Movies $7 ($8),
Grande H
Behind the Candelabra (Audio Described).  Filmed at the Riviera, Michael Douglas plays the flamboyant, phenomenally successful Liberace, whose extravagant costumes, trademark candelabra, and elaborate stage shows made him the most bankable entertainer of his time.
Thursday, July 17, BPI Suite
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM: BPI What's ‘Appenning?
This fun info-share workshop will give Android and iOS users an opportunity to demonstrate and exchange useful and fun apps for work, learning and play.
9:00 PM - 11:00 PM: The Funniest Pleasure Party Yet $15 ($15)
A night of fun with refreshments, friends, laughter, and a small taste of “Passion Parties” products!  See, touch, and taste some of the top sellers.  Note: geared for LGBT and other adults only!  Products feature sexual content.
Friday, July 18, BPI Suite
10:00 PM: BPI Farewell, $10 ($12)
Bid a fond adieu to Las Vegas and look toward Dallas.

Braille Revival League

President: Judy Jackson
Program Chair: Susan Glass
Registration: $10 ($12)
Sunday, July 13
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM: UEB Workshop $5 ($7), Skybox 209
Introductory workshop on the Unified English Braille Code.  Presenter: Judith M. Dixon, BANA Board member, Washington, DC.  Co-sponsored by BRL and BANA.
3:30 PM: BRL Board Meeting, Skybox 202
Tuesday, July 15
7:00 AM - 8:15 AM: BRL International Breakfast $25 ($30), Capri 114
Learn about the innovative ways braille is being used around the world.  Moderator: Sandra Sermons, Rockville, MD.  Sponsored by BRL and IRC.
1:15 PM - 4:00 PM: BRL Program: Lifelong Benefits of Braille, Capri 106
Panelists and audience participants share stories of how braille literacy has proven to be essential to their careers and lives.  We hope to document these stories for online distribution and publication.  Panelists: Ralph Smitherman, BRL Secretary, Brandon, MS; Sandra Sermons, Contract Specialist, General Services Administration, Rockville, MD; and Susan Glass, retired English professor, West Valley Community College, Saratoga, CA.
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: BRL Business Meeting
4:15 PM – 5:30 PM: Scrambler and Commonology $7 ($10), Skybox 205
Ralph Smitherman, BRL Secretary, Brandon, MS, leads participants in two fun braille games.  Join us in support of BRL.
Wednesday, July 16, Capri 106
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM: LUA / BRL / AABT Program
1:15 PM: Welcome: Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA; Judy Jackson, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL; Marcia Dresser, President, American Association of Blind Teachers, Reading, MA.
1:30 PM: Meet Talking Book Narrator, Gabriella Cavallero, Talking Book Publishers, Inc., Denver, CO.
2:15 PM: BARD and Braille: An update on accessing braille NLS titles with refreshable Braille.  Presenter: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL.
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: One Book, One ACB
Discussion of “For the Benefit of Those Who See: Dispatches From the World of the Blind,” by Rosemary Mahoney.  This educator and author describes her experiences teaching at a school for the blind in India.  Also profiles the founder of the school, Sabriye Tenberken.

Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

Living with and Learning About the Future of Low Vision
President: Jim Jirak
Program Chair: Charles Glaser
Saturday, July 12, Skybox 201
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Pre-convention Board Meeting
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Nominating Committee
Sunday, July 13, Capri 112
9:00 AM – 12:00 PM: CCLVI Program
9:00 AM: Welcome and Introductions, Jim Jirak, President, CCLVI, Omaha, NE.
9:15 AM: Dr. Bennett McAllister, optometrist, Chief of primary care, Western Health Sciences University, Claremont, CA, discusses latest research and treatments for many eye disorders including the benefits of vitamin therapy for macular degeneration, stem cells, gene therapy, and new medical treatments.
10:30 AM: Break
10:45 AM: Committee Reports
11:45 AM: Announcements
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM: CCLVI Program
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: What's new in optical technologies for low vision.
Dr. Bennett McAllister, optometrist, Chief of primary care, Western Health Sciences University, Claremont, CA, discusses latest in low vision aids for people with macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma, and other causes of low vision.
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: Continuation of Committee Reports
Monday, July 14
1:15 PM – 5:30 PM: CCLVI Technology Day, Capri 112
Moderator:  Charles Glaser, Stone Mountain, GA
1:15 PM: Julian Vargas, independent technology specialist, Los Angeles, CA discusses using an iOS device for orientation in unfamiliar surroundings.
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: Exhibitors Showcase - Featuring ACB Exhibitors of Low Vision Aids.  Moderator: Kathy Casey, Albany, NY.
3:45 PM: Julian Vargas, independent technology specialist, Los Angeles, CA, discusses using an Android device for orientation in unfamiliar surroundings.
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM: CCLVI Game Night $10 ($12), Skybox 207
Be a contestant or a member of the audience and play "The Newlywed Game" and "Family Feud."
Tuesday, July 15, Capri 108
1:15 PM – 3:30 PM: CCLVI Business Meeting
3:45 PM - 5:00 PM: Post-convention Board Meeting
Wednesday, July 16, Capri 112
1:15 PM – 2:30 PM Low Vision or Totally Blind, Who is King?
Relationships between people with different visual capabilities.  Moderator: Jim Jirak, CCLVI President, Omaha, NE.  Panelists: ACB members Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; Teddie-Joy Remhild, Burbank, CA; Susan Kitazawa, San Francisco, CA; Ken Stewart, New York, NY.


President: Peter Altschul
Program Chair: Lynn Hedl
Registration: $12 $15
Saturday, July 12, FIA Suite
7:00 PM: FIA Board Meeting
Sunday, July 13, FIA Suite
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM: FIA Mixer/Showcase sign-up $18 ($20)
Enjoy an old-fashioned ice cream social, meet friends, and learn how to audition for this year's Showcase.
Monday, July 14
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: Writers’ Workshop $4, ($5), FIA Suite
Writing with Feeling: Tools for Effective Communication.
Writing is an art that can transcend time and place.  Learn how to unlock your writing potential by injecting strength and confidence into your prose.  Presenter: Leah Gardner, performance poet, Hayward, CA.
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM: Showcase Audition and Rehearsal,
FIA Suite
No specific time slot needed.  Visit the FIA Suite during the audition time to rehearse your number for the FIA showcase.
9:00 PM: Prose and Poetry Reading $4, ($5), Capri 106
Writers are invited to read their original works to a receptive audience.  Moderator: Carla Hayes, McMurray, PA
Tuesday, July 15
12:15 PM: FIA Luncheon and Business Meeting $27, ($30), Capri 114
“It all started with Grandpappy.”  Speaker: John Dashney, internationally known storyteller and author, Salem, OR.
8:00 PM: Performing Arts Showcase $20 ($25), Top of the Riv
Experience a top quality Vegas show as talented ACB members entertain you.  Cash bar available during the performance.
Wednesday, July 16, Skybox 208
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: Art Traditions Around the World $4 ($5)
Interactive panel discusses traditions and art experiences from countries in which they have lived or visited.  Moderator: Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL.  Co-sponsored by FIA and IRC.
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Tech Up and Tune In $8, $10
A panel of iOS device users demonstrate the basics of producing, downloading, storing, locating, and listening to digital music.  Moderator: Kevin Ratliff, Austin, TX.  Co-sponsored by FIA and BPI.
4:15 PM – 5:30 PM: Singing Around the World $4, $5
Learn simple songs and rounds from around the world.
Thursday, July 17, FIA Suite
7:30 AM: FIA Board Meeting

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Laurie Mehta
Program Chairs: Charlie Crawford and Betsy Grenevitch
Registration: $15 ($15)
Sunday, July 13
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: GDUI First-Timer Session, Capri 106
Tips for a less stressful experience for you and your dog.  Facilitators: Penny Reeder, Montgomery Village, MD; Jane Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD.
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: GDUI Hotel Orientation, Royale 5
Link up with guide dog instructors to learn your way around the hotel.
1:00 PM: Jane Sheehan’s Suite
Meet and greet members of the GDUI board of directors.
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM, Royale 5
An introduction to products and services in the GDUI Suite; this information will make your visit to the suite more enjoyable and productive.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM: GDUI First-Timer Session, Capri 106
Tips for a less stressful experience for you and your dog.  Facilitators: Penny Reeder, Montgomery Village, MD; Jane Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD.
4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: GDUI Hotel Orientation, Royale 5
Link up with guide dog instructors to learn your way around the hotel.
Monday, July 14
7:00 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club
Meet in lobby for a short walk next door to the PepperMill Restaurant, featuring great, reasonably priced food (non-smoking).
1:15 PM – 4:15 PM: GDUI Opening Session, Royale 7
1:15 PM: Introductions, announcements, affiliate roundup, and welcome by ranking GDUI board member or convention delegate.
2:00 PM: Guide Dog School Updates
3:30 PM: Break
3:45 PM: Entering new environments, how to familiarize yourself with new places and pattern your dog, Rod Haneline, CPSO, Leader Dogs for the Blind Rochester, MI.
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM: Tellington T Touch $12 ($15), Royale 7
Learn the Tellington T Touch method to enhance the quality of your dog’s life.  Presenter, Corinne Cevaer-Corey, Touch Practitioner, LoveEnergyTouch for Pets, Santa Barbara, CA.
Tuesday, July 15
7:00 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club
Meet in lobby for a short walk next door to the PepperMill Restaurant, featuring great, reasonably priced food (non-smoking).
1:15 PM – 5:00 PM: GDUI Program, Royale 7
1:30 PM: Keeping our dogs healthy
A fast-paced discussion moderated by local veterinary staff.  Featured topics include flea and tick prevention, nutrition, aging dogs, herbal treatments, vaccinations, heartworm testing, and updates on recent viruses.
3:30 PM: Break
3:40 PM - 4:45 PM: Roundabouts, quiet cars and more.  Presenters: Chuck Jordan, Director of Program Services, Guide Dogs of America, Sylmar, CA; Lukas Franck, Senior Consultant Special Projects, Seeing
Eye, Morristown, NJ.
4:45 Legislation and Advocacy
Charlie Crawford, Chair GDUI Advocacy Committee, Silver Spring, MD
Wednesday, July 16
7:00 AM: GDUI Breakfast Club
Meet in lobby for a short walk next door to the PepperMill Restaurant, featuring great, reasonably priced food (non-smoking).
12:15 PM - 4:00 PM: GDUI Lunch $30 ($32), Royale 7
Join the GDUI family for lunch and camaraderie.  Our speaker is Vickie Curley, Dog Behaviorist, Sergeantsville, NJ.  She will share her experiences as a puppy raiser and provide tips on how to get the best behavior from your guide dog.  Great door prizes!
2:45 PM: GDUI Caucus
7:30 PM: Dog Stories and More $5 ($7), Royale 5
Share humorous or moving stories about your guide dog.

Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs

President and Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Registration $6 ($8)
Sunday, July 13, RSVA Suite
10:00 PM -12:00 AM: RSVA / IVIE Mixer (in pkg) $15 ($20)
Join RSVA & IVIE for fun and refreshments; all are welcome.
Monday, July 14, Skybox 206
7:00 AM - 8:15 AM: IVIE Breakfast and Business Meeting $23 ($26)
Join us for a delicious breakfast, then help us make important decisions during our annual business meeting.
Wednesday, July 16, Capri 114
12:15 PM: IVIE/Rehab Task Force Luncheon $30 ($32)
“Entrepreneurship for Newbies and Experts”
12:55 PM: Welcome and Introductory Remarks; Carla Hayes, IVIE President
1:00 PM: “Entrepreneurship: Is It For You?”
Ardis Bazyn, CEO, Bazyn Communications, Burbank, CA; Hi Suk Chae-Bean, Rehabilitation Counselor II, Las Vegas, NV
1:30 PM: “Taking Your Business to the Next Level,” Carla Hayes, CEO, Lengua-Learn Communications, McMurray, PA
1:50 PM: “Tips and Tricks from Those Who Know”
An open dialogue, business owners share strategies that make their businesses a success.
Thursday, July 17, Skybox 202
12:30 PM - 2:30 PM: IVIE Business Expo
Blind and visually impaired business owners will showcase their products and services and answer your questions.

Library Users of America

President: Brian Charlson
Registration: $10 ($12)
Saturday, July 12, Skybox 204
5:30 PM: Pre-convention Board Meeting
Monday, July 14
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM: LUA Program, Capri 106
1:15 PM: Welcome and Introductions
Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA
1:25 PM: Initiatives and Issues at NLS
Karen Keninger, Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: “Your Public Library, My Public Library”
A membership forum on the role of public libraries and blind and visually impaired patrons.  Paul Edwards, Miami, FL; Brian Charlson, Watertown, MA; Nolan Crabb, Columbus, OH.
3:30 PM: Business meeting and elections
5:45 PM - 7:00 PM; Reading the Kindle Way $5 ($7), Capri 106
LUA and IAC demonstrate the pros and cons of reading with both the Kindle app for the iPhone and the Kindle Fire HDX.  Jane Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD; Brian Charlson, Watertown, MA.
Wednesday, July 16, Capri 106
1:15 PM – 4:00 PM: LUA / BRL / AABT Program
1:15 PM: Welcome: Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA; Judy Jackson, President, Braille Revival League, Miami, FL; Marcia Dresser, President, American Association of Blind Teachers, Reading, MA.
1:30 PM: Meet Talking Book Narrator, Gabriella Cavallero, Talking Book Publishers, Inc., Denver, CO.
2:15 PM: BARD and Braille: An update on accessing braille NLS titles with refreshable Braille.  Presenter: Paul Edwards, Miami, FL.
2:30 PM: Break
2:45 PM: One Book, One ACB
Discussion of “For the Benefit of Those Who See: Dispatches From the World of the Blind,” by Rosemary Mahoney.  This educator and author describes her experiences teaching at a school for the blind in India.  Also profiles the founder of the school, Sabriye Tenberken.
4:00 PM: LUA Post-convention Board Meeting

Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America

President: Dan Sipl
Program Chair: Ardis Bazyn
Registration $20 ($20)
Sunday, July 13,
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM: RSVA Board Meeting, Skybox 202
1:30 PM - 5:30 PM: RSVA Program, Skybox 211
1:30 PM: Welcome: Dan Sippl, RSVA President, Eau Claire, WI.  Roll call: Ardis Bazyn, RSVA Secretary, Burbank CA
1:40 PM: Drazen Elez, Bureau Chief, Business Enterprises of Nevada
2:00 PM: "Highlights from Nevada vendors"
Dick Saperstein, NCBV President, Minden, NV; Elizabeth Perring, Viva Vegas Vending, Las Vegas, NV; Bert Hansen, NCBV Vice President, Boulder City, NV.  Also recently BEN Certified trainees: Dustin Voinell, Pahrump, NV; Lee Weiss, Las Vegas, NV
2:30 PM: Customer service and management options, Ed Manley, E.H. Manley & Associates, Las Vegas, NV
3:00 PM:  Break
3:15 PM: "Accessible Quick Books," Presenters: Albert J. Rizzi, Founder and CEO, My Blind Spot, New York, NY; John Martyn, Computer Programmer and Scripter, My Blind Spot, Albuquerque, NM; Vita Zavoli, Accessibility Training Manager, My Blind Spot, San Leandro, CA; Richard P. Kelly, Access Training Consultant, My Blind Spot, Emmetsburg, IA
3:45 PM: Medicare and how it affects your business.  Barbara Duckett, Area Training Specialist, Las Vegas Social Security District Office, Las Vegas, NV
4:10 PM: Micromarts - Pat McMullen, Vice President, Turnkey Corrections, Minneapolis, MN
4:40 PM: Resolutions / Constitution and Bylaws (first reading): Ardis Bazyn, Secretary, Burbank, CA
5:00 PM: Nominating Committee (delegates only)
10:00 PM -12:00 AM: RSVA / IVIE Mixer (in pkg) $15 ($20), RSVA Suite
Join RSVA & IVIE for fun and refreshments, all are welcome.
Monday, July 14
12:15PM - 5:30PM RSVA Luncheon (in pkg) $35 ($40), Skybox 211
12:15 PM: Welcome, Dan Sippl, President RSVA, Eau Claire, WI.  Luncheon Speaker: Kim Charlson, President, American Council of the Blind, Watertown, MA
1:30 PM: Presentation of Awards, Eddie Turner, RSVA Awards Chair, Jackson, MS
2:30 PM: RSVA business meeting
5:00 PM: RSVA Caucus
7:30 PM - 9:00 PM: Viva Las Vegas Act 1 $20 ($25), Top of the Riv South
Listen to RSVA’s special Elvis Presley entertainer and have your picture taken with the king!
9:00 PM - 11:30 PM: Viva Las Vegas Act 2 $15 ($20), Top of the Riv South
Our DJ will be spinning records; come dance with RSVA.
Tuesday, July 15, RSVA Suite
12:15 PM – 2:30 PM: RSVA Presidents and Board Lunch

Visually Impaired Veterans of America

President: John Fleming
Registration: $10 ($10)
Tuesday, July 15, Skybox 201
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM: VIVA Business Meeting
"Where do we go from here?"  Group discussion on what's next in the future of VIVA?  Officer elections will be held.