All times listed are in Eastern.
9 am: ACB Presents The Daily Schedule
Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the daily schedule; and sharing time.
11 am: Alison's Community Cafe
Celebrate the end of the week with Alison and your fellow community members with some lively chatter and fun. Meet new people, or re-acquaint with old friends.
12 pm: Mindful Movement to Manage Stress
This yoga class co-ordinates small, gentle movements with the breath to promote a sense of well-being. The movements are selected to benefit guide dog handlers and white cane users, so we focus a lot on hips, back, shoulders, arms, and hands and other areas where we build up tension.
You will be encouraged to move within your current range of motion and energy level. The whole practice can be done while sitting in a chair. We will finish with a guided awareness relaxation. Everything will be described clearly, and you can ask questions. What you'll need for this class: a firm chair that won't slide around as you move; a folded blanket or a couple of folded bath towels, and a bed pillow or throe pillow. This class is taught by yoga teacher Robin Mandell.
3 pm: Judy and Lucy's Music Memories
Come in and talk with us about music, our favorite subject! What is our topic for this week? Well, you just never know what memory lane Judy and Lucy will lead you down, you'll have to come and find out!
4 pm: Blindness and More
This is a support group for people with multiple disabilities.
Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional serving in a professional capacity; and does not purport to provide mental health services.
Subscribe to Blindness and More email group
5 pm: In Perspective
Featuring John Sanders, retired narrator and recorder of radio shows at Perkins School for the Blind
Sponsored by Branco Events
7 pm: VISAbilities
Be the first to hear about a new show coming soon to ACB Media. Several of the hosts will join me tonight . This program will include many friends, healthy living, special guests, and so much more. And, of course, it will be sprinkled with plenty of fun. Everyone is welcome to join me for this breaking news.
Sponsored by VISAbilities.
9 pm: It's Play Time
Meka and Cindy welcome you to join in for another fun Friday night filled with games and laughter.