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ACB Committee Meetings

DKM First-Timers Committee

Chair: Allen Casey
Thursday, July 17, President’s Suite
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM: DKM First-Timers Reception $15 ($18)
Beat the Las Vegas heat and keep cool with the DKM ice cream social!  Meet 2014 DKM First-Timers: Carol McGhee of Morgantown, WV and Steve Fiksdal of Auburn, WA.  Share memories of ACB pioneer Durward K. McDaniel.

Employment Committee

Chair: Rebecca Bridges
Monday, July 14
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: Dress for Success $6 ($8)
Learn the dos and don'ts of dressing like a pro.  Use your wardrobe to make a great first impression.  Sponsored by ACBS and employment committee
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: Storytelling During Interviews $6 ($8)
Back by popular demand!  Land the job of your dreams by mastering the increasingly popular behavioral interview.
Sponsored by ACBS and Employment Committee.

Environmental Access Committee

Chair: Christopher Bell
Sunday, July 13, Capri 105
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM: Pedestrian Safety Concerns $5 ($7)
Learn what the Environmental Access Committee has accomplished to improve safe pedestrian access.  Help the EAC determine priorities and projects for next year.  Sponsored by EAC and Easter Seals Project ACTION.
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM: All Things Paratransit
Donna Smith, Director of Training, Easter Seals Project ACTION, Washington, DC, will address qualifications, assessments, visitor policy and more.  This workshop is co-sponsored by Easter Seals Project ACTION and Environmental Access Committee.

Information Access Committee

Chair: Brian Charlson
Sponsored in part by Linda Dardarian and Lainey Feingold
Saturday, July 12, Grande G
1:15 PM - 4:00 PM: 411 from the IAC $5 ($7)
How the Information Access Committee is engaging companies, big and small, in the future of information access.
Open source and free screen readers: How will they shape the future of computer access?
New Books, New Readers: As what we call “access” changes, so do the devices we use to “access” the written word.  Hear about the two newest “readers,” the Victor Reader Stream with Wi-Fi and the Blaze with built-in OCR.
Sunday, July 13, Capri 114
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: iOS App Swap $5 ($7)
Share useful apps and learn about new ones.  Give us your email address; we will send you the list after the convention.
5:00 PM: How Tweet It Is $10 ($10)
Hang out with friends from the TwitterVerse at the ACB Tweetup.  Not on Twitter?  Come anyway- it’s lots of fun!  Cash bar & snacks.
Monday, July 14, Capri 114
5:45 PM - 7:00 PM: Reading the Kindle Way $5 ($7), Capri 106
LUA/IAC demonstrate the pros and cons of reading with the Kindle app for the iPhone and the Kindle Fire HDX.

International Relations Committee

Chair: Sandra Sermons
Tuesday, July 15, Capri 114
7:00 AM - 8:15 AM: BRL International Breakfast $25 ($30)
Learn about the innovative way braille is being used around the world.  Moderator: Sandra Sermons, Rockville, MD.  Co-sponsored by BRL and IRC.

5:45 PM - 7:00 PM: Voices From Around the World $20 ($22)
Don’t miss this chance to meet our international guests.  Co-sponsored by IRC and MCAC.
Wednesday, July 16, Skybox 208
1:15 PM - 2:30 PM: Art Traditions from Around the World
$4 ($5)
Interactive panel discusses traditions and art experiences from countries in which they have lived or visited.  Moderator: Lynn Hedl, Birmingham, AL.

Membership Committee

Chair: Ardis Bazyn
Saturday, July 12, Capri 106
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: Keys to the Convention
Tips on how to make the most of convention week!  Great for first-timers.
Sunday, July 13, Capri 106
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: Keys to the Convention
Tips on how to make the most of convention week!  Great for first-timers.
Thursday, July 17, Grande G
2:45 PM – 4:00 PM: “How Successful Chapters and Affiliates Recruit and Maintain Membership”

2:45 PM: Introduction of participants

2:55 PM: “Successful strategies used to recruit newcomers?” Marlaina Lieberg, 2nd Vice President, American Council of the Blind, Burien, WA; Will Burley, Vice President, Blind Pride International, Houston, TX; and Norman Culver, President, Alabama Council of the Blind, Talladega, AL.

3:25 PM: “Wow your members to keep them involved!" Brian Charlson, President, Library Users of America, Watertown, MA; Cindy Van Winkle, President, Washington Council of the Blind, Bremerton, WA; and Guillermo Robles, President, Blind Pride International, Los Angeles, CA.

3:55 PM: Affiliate Growth Awards
Hand-outs and door prizes.

Multicultural Affairs Committee

Chair: Peggy Garrett
Monday, July 14, Capri 114
12:15 PM - 2:30 PM: MCAC Luncheon and Program $30 ($30)
"Playing the Hand You're Dealt."  Speaker: Cheryl Cummings, MCAC member, Brighton MA.
Tuesday, July 15, Capri 114
5:45 PM - 7:00 PM: Voices From Around the World $20 ($22)
Don’t miss this chance to meet our international guests.  Co-sponsored by IRC and MCAC.

Public Relations Committee

Chair: Dr. Ron Milliman
Wednesday, July 16, Skybox 209
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM: Special Events That Get Results $5 ($5)
The PR committee will discuss a variety of special events and activities you can share with your affiliate.  Several affiliates and chapters will be recognized for their efforts!

Rehab Issues Task Force

Chair: Doug Powell
Tuesday, July 15, Grande G
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM: Are High School Grads Ready? $7 ($10)
What is "Transition" and how effective are the services?  Presenters: Elaine Robertson, Rehabilitation Supervisor, Las Vegas, NV; Richard Rueda, Director of Transition Services, Junior Blind of American, Union City, CA; and Lori Scharff, Rehab Issues Task Force, Malverne, NY.  Co-sponsored by Rehab Task Force and Special Education Task Force.
4:15 PM - 5:30 PM: Affiliates Leveraging Rehab $7 ($10)
Use Rehab information to increase membership, create positive PR, and increase your affiliate's stature at the state legislative level.  Facilitator: Lori Scharff
Wednesday, July 16, Capri 114, 115
12:15 PM – 2:30 PM: IVIE/Rehab Lunch $30 ($32)
“Entrepreneurship for Newbies and Experts”

12:55 PM: Welcome and Introductory Remarks; Carla Hayes, IVIE President, CEO, Lengua-Learn Communications, McMurray, PA

1:00 PM: “Entrepreneurship: Is It For You?”  Ardis Bazyn, CEO, Bazyn Communications, Burbank, CA; Hi Suk Chae-Bean, Rehabilitation Counselor II, Las Vegas, NV

1:30 PM: “Taking Your Business To The Next Level,” Carla Hayes, IVIE President, CEO, Lengua-Learn Communications, McMurray, PA.

1:50 PM: “Tips And Tricks From Those Who Know:” An Open Dialogue.  Business owners will share strategies which make their businesses a success.

Resource Development Committee

Chair: Dan Dillon
Saturday, July 12, Grande G
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM: Bring Home the Money $5 ($7)
RDC members will discuss fundraising opportunities for affiliates.

Scholarship Committee

Chair: Michael Garrett
Saturday, July 12, Skybox 206
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM: ACB Scholarship Dinner (by invitation only)
Sunday, July 13, Skybox 207
12:15 – 2:30 PM: ACBS Scholarship Luncheon $28 $30
Join ACBS and RSVA to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2014 scholarship winners.
Tuesday, July 15
9:15 AM: Grande Ballroom, 2014 ACB Scholarship Presentations
6:30 PM – 7:30 PM: ACB Scholarship Winners' Reception, President’s Suite
Sponsored by RSVA.  Each affiliate is invited to send two representatives to meet the 2014 scholarship winners.

Sight and Sound Impaired Committee

Chair: Karyn Campbell
Monday, July 14
2:45 PM: Deaf/Blind in the Work Force $6 ($8), Capri 105
Did you ever wonder what people with a combined vision and hearing loss do for employment?  Find out what we do in the work force and how we do it from Tami Berk, Director of Deaf/Blind Programs, Seattle Lighthouse, Seattle, WA.
8:00 PM - 10:00 PM: Get Social with SASI $13 ($15), President’s Suite
Meet people who share your unique issues and learn about various ways to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere.

Special Education/School for the Blind Task Force

Chair: Debbie Grubb
Monday, July 14, Skybox 202
4:15 PM - 6:00 PM: Education Technology Showcase $6($8)
Panel of TVI’s/students, led by Lori Moroz-White, director, Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, Las Vegas, NV, will speak on their experiences with technology in the classroom. Following the panel discussion, visit a “technology playground” showcasing hardware and software with application to classrooms and other learning environments.

Tuesday, July 15, Grande G
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM: Are High School Grads Ready? $7 ($10)
What is "Transition" and how effective are the services?  Presenters: Elaine Robertson, Rehabilitation Supervisor, Las Vegas, NV; Richard Rueda, Director of Transition Services, Junior Blind of American, Union City, CA; and Lori Scharff, Rehab Issues Task Force, Malverne, NY.  Co-sponsored by Rehab Task Force and Special Education Task Force.

Transportation Committee

Chair: Alice Ritchhart
Saturday, July 12, Capri 116
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM: ADA and Fixed-Route Transportation
Easter Seals Project ACTION, Washington, DC, will address your rights under the ADA for fixed-route transportation.  Donna Smith, Director of Training for Project ACTION, will address stop announcements, service animals, reasonable assistance, and more.  Bring questions!  Sponsored by Easter Seals Project Action and the Transportation Committee.
2:30 PM - 4:00 PM: In the Right Place at the Right Time $5 ($7)
Much of the funding for transit and pedestrian access improvements comes from the federal government; most of the decisions about which projects go forward and which get shelved are made at the state, regional and local levels.  ACB leaders who have been successful with transportation and pedestrian access initiatives will share what they did and how it worked.  Moderator: Ron Brooks, Manager of Accessible Transit Services, Valley Metro, Phoenix, AZ.  Speakers: Alice Ritchhart, Brunswick, GA and Patrick Sheehan, Silver Spring, MD.

Women’s Concerns Committee

Chair: Lori Scharff
Monday, July 14, Skybox 209
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM: Planning for the Future and Saving for Retirement $7 ($10)
Learn about 401k/403b, Individual Retirement Account options and planning for your financial future.  Presenter: Devan C. Wyson, CFPR Financial Planner, Cuso Financial Services, One Nevada Credit Union, Henderson, NV.
5:45 PM - 7:00 PM: Yoga with Leslie Spoone
Join Leslie Spoone, Orlando, FL, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer; open to all levels of experience.  Please bring a yoga mat or towel.  Co-sponsored by WCC and Recreation Zone.
Thursday, July 17
2:45 PM - 4:00 PM: Curious about Life Coaching? $7 ($10), Capri 116
Linda Porelle, Martha Beck Certified Life Coach, LCSW, San Francisco, CA, will provide information on how Life Coaching differs from psychotherapy.  Learn simple techniques to improve your well-being on the spot.
4:15 PM - 5:30 PM: How is the Schedule Today? $7 ($10), Capri 116
Women's Circle goes to the doctor: learn how other blind women deal with medical appointments.  This is a confidential session and open to women only.
5:45 PM - 7:00 PM: Pilates with Leslie Spoone, Skybox 209
Learn Pilates techniques for physical fitness from Leslie Spoone, Orlando, FL, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer.  This event is open to all.  Co-sponsored by WCC and Recreation Zone.
Friday, July 18, Grande G
7:00 AM – 8:15 AM: Sister Power Breakfast $28 ($32)
Two inspiring blind women; Debbie Grubb and Marsha Farrow share their stories over a great breakfast.

Audio Description Conference

Joel Snyder, President
Audio Description Associates
July 13-15, 2014, Grande H
1:00 PM - 6:30 PM: 2014 Audio Description Project Conference $175 ($175)
The third Audio Description Project Conference is an international event, bringing together audio description enthusiasts (audio description producers, describers, media leaders, theater and museum administrators, and audio description consumers) for presentations by leaders in the field and updates on the latest description developments in all formats (media, performing arts, museums, and more).  The Conference includes a gala luncheon on Day 3 with a featured guest speaker and the annual Audio Description Awards.
July 16-18, 2014
8:30 AM – 5:30 PM: Audio Description Institute $450 ($450)
Interactive training sessions for prospective audio describers and audio description consultants (consumers of audio description) with a focus on Observation, Editing, Language and Vocal Skills.