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Tuesday, July 12 - Ponderosa A

4:15pm Vanda Pharmaceuticals Reception
Hear about Vanda's efforts to address sleep problems experienced by totally blind individuals.

5:45pm Self-Defense Training - $10, $10 - Bonanza B
Hands-on workshop from the Enabling Safety Project. Learn about their coaching certification program - a career opportunity.

Wednesday, July 13 - Bonanza B

5:45pm Self-Defense Training - $10, $10
Hands-on workshop from the Enabling Safety Project. Learn about their coaching certification program - a career opportunity.

Sunday, July 10 - Ponderosa A

1:30pm Seeing Eye Ice Cream Social

Tuesday, July 12 - So Pac C-D

7:00am Guide Dogs for the Blind Breakfast
GDB graduates welcome

Monday, July 11 - Carson

5:45pm Piano Technology: A Lucrative Career

Wednesday, July 13 - So Pac C-D

7:00am NIB Breakfast - $10, $15
The latest career-related information from National Industries for the Blind; a new scholarship, too!

President and Program Chair: John Fleming
Registration: $10, $10

Tuesday, July 12 - Rose Ballroom

8:15am All veterans are invited to lead the Pledge in the ACB general session at 8:30 a.m. Meet at front of room at 8:15 a.m.

12:15pm VIVA Recruitment Luncheon - $20, $20 - So Pac A
Roundtable discussion and business meeting. During this time of war and economic strife, our veterans need all the support we can give them. Get involved in VIVA and help with membership recruitment and veterans' issues.

President: Dan Sippl
Registration: $20, $20
RSVA Package: $75, $90

RSVA is proud to be a Coral sponsor for the 2011 ACB conference and convention, and to support the July 9 Scholarship Winners' Dinner and the July 10 NABS Scholarship Winners' Luncheon.
Theme: 75 Years of Excellence

Saturday, July 9 - 2932

1:00PM Subcommittee meetings

3:00PM RSVA Board meeting - Bonanza C

Sunday, July 10 - Bonanza A

9:45am Welcome - Dan Sippl, RSVA President, Eau Claire, WI
Introduction of participants
Roll call of affiliates - Ardis…

President: Paul Edwards
Registration: $10, $12

Saturday, July 9 - Tahoe

5:30pm LUA Pre-convention Board Meeting

Monday, July 11 - Donner

1:15pm Welcome and Introductions
Paul Edwards, LUA President, Miami, FL

1:30pm NLS: Where It Is and Where It Is Going
Ruth Scovill, Acting Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS); Michael Katzmann, Chief, NLS Materials Development Division; Judy Dixon, NLS Consumer Relations Officer, Washington, DC

2:30pm Break

2:45pm Spotlighting Two…

President: Ardis Bazyn
Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Registration: $6, $8

Monday, July 11 - So Pac A

7:00am IVIE Breakfast and Business Meeting - $20, $22

Tuesday, July 12 – Room 2932

8:00pm RSVA/IVIE mixer (Members only)

Wednesday, July 13 - So Pac A

12:15pm IVIE Luncheon and Program - $21, $23
Networking Options That Work. Carla Hayes, Language Teacher/Translator and Owner, Lengua-Learn Communications, McMurray, PA; Vickie G. Parker, MS, MFT, Marriage and Family Therapist, Woodland Hills, CA; Ardis Bazyn, Inspirational…

President: Becky Barnes
Program Chair: Jenine Stanley
Registration: $12, $15

The GDUI Suite is in Genoa on the second floor. Hours are Saturday from 1:00 to 5:00pm; Sunday through Tuesday, 9:00am to 5:00pm; and Wednesday, 9:00 to noon. Browse the silent auction items on display. Purchase items for your dog, renew your GDUI membership, or just relax. Schedule dog massages, too.

Sunday, July 10 - Bonanza B

11:00am First-Timers Workshop
How to manage stress for yourself and your dog. What to expect from conference venues such as the…

President: Richard Rueda
Program Chair: Lisa Drzewucki
Registration: $10, $12

Saturday, July 9 - Washoe

3:00pm CCLVI Board Meeting

6:00pm CCLVI Nominating Committee Meeting

Sunday, July 10 - Bonanza C

9:00am Welcome and Introductions
Richard Rueda, CCLVI President, Union City, CA

9:15am Committee Reports
Legislative - Brian Petraits, Brownsburg, IN
Resolutions - Michael Byington, Topeka, KS
Constitution and Bylaws - Jim Jirak, Omaha, NE
Scholarships - Cathy Schmitt Whitaker, Diamond Bar, CA
Nominating -…