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Library Users of America

President: Paul Edwards
Registration: $10, $12

Saturday, July 9 - Tahoe

5:30pm LUA Pre-convention Board Meeting

Monday, July 11 - Donner

1:15pm Welcome and Introductions
Paul Edwards, LUA President, Miami, FL

1:30pm NLS: Where It Is and Where It Is Going
Ruth Scovill, Acting Director, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS); Michael Katzmann, Chief, NLS Materials Development Division; Judy Dixon, NLS Consumer Relations Officer, Washington, DC

2:30pm Break

2:45pm Spotlighting Two Regional Libraries
Mike Marlin, Regional Librarian, California Braille & Talking Book Library, Sacramento, CA; Brett Silver, Outreach and Public Awareness Coordinator, Nevada Talking Book Services, Carson City, NV

3:15pm An Update on the ASCLA/NLS Project to Revise the 2005 Standards and Guidelines of Service for the Library of Congress Network of Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
Kim Charlson, ACB Representative, Standards Revision Advisory Committee, Watertown, MA; Mike Marlin, Member, Standards Revision Working Group, Sacramento, CA

3:30pm LUA Business Meeting
Elections, Resolutions
Reports, including NLS Advisory Reports from the Audio Equipment Advisory Committee - Penny Reeder, 2011 Representative; and Collection Development Advisory Group - Steve Speicher, 2011 Representative

4:00pm Adjournment

Tuesday, July 12 - Alpine

5:45pm Book Mark-It or Book Market - $5, $7
LUA has lots of audio books this year. Bring your books to trade or sell at our third annual opportunity to acquire some new books to read. Fun, refreshments, and an opportunity to read in new directions.

Wednesday, July 13 - Bonanza A

1:15pm Joint Session with BRL
Welcome and Introductions - Judy Jackson, BRL President; Paul Edwards, LUA President

1:30pm Talking Book Narrator
Kristin Allison, Talking Book Publishing Company, Denver, CO

2:15pm Toward Making Accessible Books Available Around the World
Michelle Woods, Acting Associate Register for Policy and International Affairs, United States Copyright Office, Washington, DC

2:30pm Break

2:45pm Web-Braille: What It Is and What's New
Judy Dixon, Consumer Relations Officer, National Library Service for the Blind & Physically Handicapped, Washington, DC

3:15pm New Digital Library Options
Kim Charlson, Director, Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library, Watertown, MA

3:30pm One Book, One ACB!
It's ACB's fiftieth birthday. People of Vision, the history of our organization, is getting older. Some individuals mentioned in the book share how they were treated in the book. Explore the value of the book as a record for the future.

4:00pm Adjournment

4:15pm LUA Post-Convention Board Meeting