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Technology Updates and Training

Many tech-related programs and presentations are also found in special-interest group agendas. Google Focus Group are scheduled for Thursday; see the newspaper for details.

Saturday, July 9 - Alpine

9:00am GW Micro Window-Eyes Training - $10, $10
Explore WE 7.5 with hundreds of apps; experience WE with Office 2010, Windows 7, the Internet and IE 9. See the first-ever talking CCTV's.

1:30pm GW Micro Window-Eyes Training - $10, $10
Explore WE 7.5 with hundreds of apps; experience WE with Office 2010, Windows 7, Outlook, and PowerPoint. See the first-ever talking CCTV's.

Monday, July 11 - Donner

5:45pm HumanWare - Make Travel a Breeze
Let the Breeze talking GPS direct you to your favorite locations and describe what's around you.

5:45pm Smartpen Audio-Tactile Maps - Alpine
The Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired presents Smartpen-based audio-tactile BART station maps for travel planning and wayfinding.

7:15pm Bookshare Users' Group - Donner

7:15pm News from Freedom Scientific

7:15pm Kurzweil 1000 User Group - Tahoe
Meet with Stephen Baum, Vice President of Engineering, and share with your fellow users.

Tuesday, July 12 - Carson

5:45pm HumanWare: Braille on the Go
Connect your Apex or Braille-Connect display to iPhones, iPads, Mac's and PC's with your favorite screen reader.

7:15pm APH Talking Maps Software - Donner

7:15pm HIMS 2011 Sense Products - Tahoe

Wednesday, July 13 - Donner

5:45pm HumanWare: Why I Love Reading with My Victor Stream
Share tips and explore ways to increase your reading pleasure.