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2024 Convention Program


Where the Sun Shines Bright!

Rocket blasting off from the Kennedy Space Center

63rd Annual National Conference & Convention

American Council of the Blind and Special-Interest Affiliates

June 24 – July 11, 2024

Deb Cook Lewis, ACB President

Advertisements - Skip to table of contents

Banner ad for JPMorgan Chase - Commitment to access and inclusion

Banner ad for Vispero - Proud sponsor of 2024 ACB Convention

Banner ad for Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc. -

Banner ad for Sony - Proudly supporting ACB's work

Banner ad for Amazon - We're building a more accessible future

Banner ad for MGM Resorts - Focused on what matters

Banner ad for Spectrum - Together we are making our community a better home for all

Banner ad for Google - What's new in Google accessibility

Banner ad for CVS Health - Proud sponsor of the ACB 63rd Convention

Banner ad for Jacksonville Transportation Authority - Proud sponsor of ACB Convention

Banner ad for AccessAbililty Officer - Our job is to create jobs for the blind

Banner ad for Enhanced Voting - Vote with confidence

Banner ad for APH - It's time to soar

Banner ad for United - Braille signs are arriving soon

Banner ad for Cruise - Building the world's most advanced autonomous vehicles

Banner ad for Aira - Visual interpreting on your terms

Banner ad for DemocracyLive - Accessible voting technologies

Banner ad for UZURV - A transportation network company

Banner ad for ACB Families - A proud 2024 Coral convention sponsor

Banner ad for The American Council of Blind Lions - proud convention sponsor

Banner ad for BOSMA Navigating Blindness - A rewarding place to work

Banner ad for LUA - sponsoring the talking book narrator at ACB's convention

Banner ad for Computers For The Blind - Conference special $50 Laptop

Banner ad for Guiding Eyes for the Blind



President’s Message

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Welcome to the 63rd annual conference and convention of the American Council of the Blind, broadcast on the ACB Media Network, and in-person in Jacksonville, Florida. The theme of the 2024 convention is “ACB – Where the Sun Shines Bright!” Making opportunities turn into successes for people who are blind or visually impaired is what our work at ACB is all about! And in these unique and continually changing times, the efforts of our members to pull together and present an outstanding event is a testimony to the passion and tenacity of our ACB Family. You will hear much more about ACB's successes and challenges during what should be our busiest and most information-packed convention ever.

Every ACB convention relies on scores of volunteers who work to make this event possible. I want to personally thank the members of the Convention Committee, chaired by Janet Dickelman; the Convention Program Committee, Community Zoom hosts, and the ACB Media Network team.

Likewise, let me acknowledge the work and dedication of our ACB staff who work tirelessly behind the scenes to help make the convention a success. You are all fabulous!

Finally, a very warm welcome to those of you attending the ACB convention for the first time. This hybrid event will offer our members and friends a wonderful chance to experience a truly exceptional program in the comfort of your own home or in Jacksonville. There will be hours of audio-described virtual tours, a robust vendor exhibit hall and amazing live tours, daily general sessions with knowledgeable presenters across the full range of issues that impact our community and over 100 breakout sessions from our affiliates, committees, and sponsors. This unique experience will shape our organization for years to come, and we can’t wait to get together in person or on the ACB Media Network.

Plan now to join us in 2025 and come to Dallas, Texas next year.

Enjoy a great convention!
Deb Cook Lewis, ACB President

Conference Gems

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Many, many thanks to our 2024 corporate sponsors. Their continued generous support of the American Council of the Blind and our conference and convention is sincerely appreciated.

Look for the 2024 corporate sponsors on in the conference and convention program, the newspaper, on ACB Media, the convention T-shirt, and throughout the week. Be sure to thank them personally for their generous support.

Diamond Sponsors:

  • JPMorgan Chase – ACB Announcements

  • Meta

  • Microsoft – ACB Media Streaming

  • Sony Corporation of America

  • Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder (Non-24)

  • Vispero – ACB Videography

Emerald Sponsors

  • Amazon - Conference Exhibit Hall

  • Johnson & Johnson Health Systems – sponsoring a breakfast

  • MGM - Interpreter services for deaf-blind attendees

  • Verizon

  • Waymo

Ruby Sponsors

  • CVS Health – Continuing Education Credits

  • Google - Scholarship Mentoring Program

  • HumanWare – ACB Appreciation Events

  • Spectrum - Audio Description Project

Onyx Sponsors

  • AccessAbility Officer - ACB Auction

  • Aira - Guide Dog Relief area

  • American Printing House - Kids explorers club

  • Cruise, LLC - Get Up and Get Moving Activities

  • Enhanced Voting

  • Uber Technologies

  • United Airlines - ACB Life Member Reception

Coral Sponsors

  • ACB Families - Beach Party

  • ACB Lions - ACB Scholarship Travel

  • Bosma Enterprises - ACB Employment Sessions

  • Democracy Live – Advocacy Sessions

  • Library Users of America

  • National Industries for the Blind (NIB) – Sponsoring a Breakfast

  • Penny Forward - Sponsor a student, future ACB Leader or Young Professional

  • UZURV - ACB Transportation sessions

Pearl Sponsors

  • Perkins School for the Blind – Orientation dinner for outstanding blind students


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Wednesday, June 19

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Candidates Forum (Virtual)

Saturday, June 22

6:00 pm - 10:00 pm: ACB Summer Auction (Virtual)

Monday, June 24

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm: ACB Convention Call to Order (Virtual)
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm: Nominating Committee Room Opens (Virtual)
8:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Nominating Committee (Virtual)

Tuesday, June 25

7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Resolutions (Virtual)

Wednesday, June 26

11:00 am - 2:00 pm: Exhibitor Open House; Virtual
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Mock Election; Virtual
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Resolutions; Virtual

Thursday, June 27

9:30 am - 10:45 am: Jacksonville Historical Presentation; Virtual
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Using AI Ethically and Responsibly (BITS); Virtual
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Guide Dog School Updates; Virtual
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Judaism 101 (MCAC); Virtual
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Amazon Devices Accessibility Overview; Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: What is the Braille Challenge(BRL); Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Guide Dog School Updates; Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Disability and the Community College Workplace Pipeline; Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Audio Description at Prime Video; Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: Productivity Apps on Your iOS Device - Helping You Work Smarter, Not Harder;Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: What Can Be Accomplished When We Work Together (LUA); Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: Writing Image Description for Graphic Novels and Other Highly Visual Content; Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: For Everyone Interested in Amateur Radio; Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: Audio Description and Dance; Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: Why You Should Get a Public Library Card; Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: SASI - Supporting Family Members with Dual Sensory Loss; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Easy Chair Yoga; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Lessons in Leadership (ACBL); Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: P.R.E.P. for Successful Networking (ACBNG); Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: AABT Business Meeting; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: ACBS Business Meeting; Virtual
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Resolutions; Virtual

Friday, June 28

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: A Look at AI Platforms (BITS); Virtual
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Choosing a Braille Device Trainer (BRL); Virtual
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Mission Accessibility in India (IRC/AAVIA); Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Turning Stones into Gems - Learn How to Find Direction in Your Life and Career; Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Developments in Spanish Language Audio Description; Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Get More Chances to Score a Job Using the Workforce Office; Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: Implementation and Maintenance of Websites for Affiliates and Chapters (BITS); Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: You Get What You Pay For (LUA); Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: Learn About Streaming Services - You Might be Surprised Which Ones Have AD; Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: The Interview and You (ACBS); Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: Focus Your Muse with MuseScore (FIA); Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: Library Users of America Business Meeting; Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: Academic AD - Audio Description and Higher Education; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Happy Hour CARDIO; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Match Wits with Next Gen and the Boomers; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Audio Description and Artificial Intelligence - What Can and Can't It Do; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: IVIE Business Meeting; Virtual
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Constitutions and Bylaws; Virtual 

Saturday, June 29

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Guide Dog Schools Beyond Our Borders; Virtual
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: AI in the Workplace; Virtual
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Blind Film Critics, Audio Description, and More; Virtual
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Understanding Trauma; Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Audio Description and Artificial Intelligence - What Can and Can't It Do; Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: From Trauma to Triumph; Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Managing Those Workplace Technology Hassles; Virtual
12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Meet Barbara Hinske, Author of Guiding Emily (GDUI); Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: Get to Know Computers for the Blind (BITS); Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: CCLVI Business Meeting; Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: AAVIA Business Meeting; Virtual
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: Exploring New Worlds Through Sensory Games (ACBNG); Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: CCLVI Business Meeting; Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: Writers Workshop - Book Banning, the Threat and Some Solutions (FIA); Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: ACB Inspire Mentoring Program Graduation Ceremony; Virtual
3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: SASI Social; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: ACB Families Goes to Camp; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Sister Power Happy Hour; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Convention Pep Rally with ACB Next Generation and ACB Students; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: RSVA Business Meeting; Virtual

Monday, July 1

9:00 am - 4:00 pm: Individual Voting for Resolutions, Constitution, and Bylaws; Virtual
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm: Affiliate Vote on Proposed Resolutions, Constitution and Bylaws; Virtual

Friday, July 5

8:30 am - 1:00 pm: Sea Serpent Airboat Tour; Onsite
9:00 am - 3:00 pm: ACB Board Meeting; Hybrid; City Terrace 7
2:30 pm - 6:30 pm: Food Tour; Onsite
6:15 pm - 8:00 pm: Scholarship Winners Dinner (Invitation Only); Onsite; City Terrace 9
6:15 pm - 7:45 pm: Jewish Service; Onsite; City Terrace 5
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm: Welcome to Jacksonville; Onsite; Clearwater
8:00 pm - 11:00 pm: ACB Students & ACB Next Gen Friday Night Bash; Onsite; City Terrace 9 

Saturday, July 6

8:00 am - 8:30 am: AABT Breakfast; Onsite; City Terrace 7
8:00 am - 9:30 am: Johnson & Johnson Breakfast; Onsite; City Terrace 4
8:15 am - 1:00 pm: iFLY Indoor Skydiving; Onsite
8:00 am - 9:30 am: The Flight to Freedom: Stories About the Southbound Underground Railroad (Continuation of AABT Breakfast); Hybrid; City Terrace 7
9:00 am - 1:45 pm: Fort Caroline; Onsite
9:30 am - 11:30 am: City Bus Tour I - Jacksonville City Experience Driving Tour; Onsite
10:00 am - 11:15 am: The Buffet Where Your Favorite Recipe for Leadership Success is Served; Hybrid; City Terrace 9
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: ACB Lions Lunch; Onsite; City Terrace 9
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: RSVA/IVIE Awards Luncheon; Onsite; City Terrace 7
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: Sports Fanatics Lunch; Onsite; Clearwater
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Meet Lions from the Knights of the Blind in Washington State (Lions Lunch Continued); Hybrid; City Terrace 9
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: How a Visually Impaired Entrepreneur Created and Launched Her New Business (RSVA/IVIE Luncheon Continued); Hybrid; City Terrace 7
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Sports Fanatics Program; Onsite; Clearwater
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Community Hospitality; Onsite; Matthews
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm: City Bus Tour II - Jacksonville City Experience Driving Tour; Onsite
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: RSVA Program - Tech It Out; Hybrid; City Terrace 7
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Burning the Candle at Both Ends (ACBNG); Hybrid; City Terrace 9
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Network Yourself for Success (ACBNG); Onsite; City Terrace 4
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Interdenominational Service; Onsite; City Terrace 5
4:00 pm: Friends of Bill W; Onsite; Mainstreet 1
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: ACBDA Mixer; Onsite; Hart
4:30 pm - 7:30 pm: Jacksonville Beach Pier; Onsite
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: 2024 Scholarship Recipient Event (by invitation only); Onsite; Matthews
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Giving Society Reception (by invitation only); Onsite; Clearwater
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: ACB Community Meet and Greet; Onsite; Clearwater
8:00 pm - 12:00 am: 45 Years of CCLVI Dance; Onsite; St. John's

Sunday, July 7

7:00 am - 10:45 am: K1 Speed; Onsite
8:00 am - 9:30 am: GDB Breakfast; Onsite; City Terrace 4
8:00 am - 10:00 am: City Bus Tour III - Jacksonville City Experience Driving Tour; Onsite
8:00 am - 8:30 pm: ACB Families Breakfast - Storm Chasers on the Net; Onsite; City Terrace 7
8:30 am - 9:30 am: ACB Families Program (ACB Families Continued); Hybrid; City Terrace 7
9:00 am - 10:15 am: Find Your Voice and Catch the Vision - LVI America Session; Onsite; City Terrace 10
9:00 am - 5:00 pm: Hands-on JAWS Training with Vispero; Onsite; Mainstreet 1
10:00 am - 11:15 am: A Second Helping of Leadership Strategies; Hybrid; City Terrace 9
10:00 am – 11:00 am: Catholic Mass; Onsite; Matthews
10:00 am - 11:15 am: Selvas North American (formerly HIMS, Inc.); Onsite; City Terrace 5
11:00 am - 12:15 pm: You've Got Mail - LVI America Session; Onsite; City Terrace 10
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: AAVL Lunch; Onsite; City Terrace 7
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Advanced Medical Directives (AAVL Lunch Continued); Hybrid; City Terrace 7
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Journey of a Blind Pakistani Lawyer (AAVIA/IRC); Hybrid; City Terrace 9
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Speed Networking - The Vendor Game (RSVA); Onsite; City Terrace 4
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: The Exciting World of Portability - LVI America Session; Hybrid; City Terrace 10
1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: City Bus Tour IV - Jacksonville City Experience Driving Tour; Onsite
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Community Hospitality; Onsite; Matthews
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: The Supreme Court's Term in Review (AAVIA); Hybrid; City Terrace 9
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: This Old House (CCLVI); Onsite; City Terrace 7
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: All About the Florida BEP Program (RSVA); Onsite; City Terrace 12
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Discover, Connect, Thrive - Building Brighter Tomorrows (ACBNG); Onsite; City Terrace 4
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Navigating the Future: Unveiling AI-Powered Innovations in JAWS; Onsite; City Terrace 5
3:00 pm – 4:15 pm: Searching for the Holy Braille - LVI America Session; Onsite; City Terrace 10
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Keys to the Convention; Onsite; City Terrace 12
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: ACB Walk and Tailgate; Onsite; Clearwater
6:00 pm - 7:15 pm: Exhibitors' Reception (Invitation Only); Onsite; St. John's
6:15 pm: Walkers meet in Clearwater to kick off the opening general session: Onsite; Clearwater
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm: Kids Explorers Club; Onsite; City Terrace 6
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Opening General Session; Hybrid; Grand Ballroom 

Monday, July 8

7:00 am - 5:00 pm: Kids Explorers Club – iFLY; Onsite; City Terrace 6
7:30 am - 8:45 am: Life Member Breakfast (Invitation Only); Onsite; Clearwater
9:00 am - 10:15 am: All Things Legislative; Hybrid; City Terrace 9
9:00 am - 10:15 am: Bridging the Generational Gaps in Advocacy; Hybrid; City Terrace 7
10:30 am - 11:45 am: Current Case Law on Issues Impacting People with Vision Loss; Hybrid; City Terrace 9
10:30 am - 11:45 am: Motivating State Agencies to Improve Their Business Enterprise Programs; Hybrid; City Terrace 7
11:00 am - 5:00 pm: Hands-on JAWS training with Vispero; Onsite; Mainstreet 1
12:00 pm - 3:30 pm: The Museum of Southern History; Onsite
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Brick by Brick: Learning Through Lego! Onsite; City Terrace 12
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Visually Impaired Veterans of America Business Meeting; Hybrid; City Terrace 9
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Self-Advocacy at Work; Onsite; City Terrace 4
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Community Hospitality; Onsite; Matthews
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Looking How I'm Feeling (CCLVI); Hybrid; City Terrace 9
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Fashion Forward - How to Dress to Impress (ACBS); Onsite; City Terrace 5
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Discovering Emotional Intelligence - How to Develop It, Hone It, and Practice It (ACBNG); Hybrid; City Terrace 7
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Essential Oils Around the World; Onsite; City Terrace 5
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: How do We Put the AI in Aira?; Onsite; City Terrace 4
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Brick by Brick - Learning Through Lego; Onsite; City Terrace 12
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: How Leader Dogs for the Blind Can Assist You in Achieving Independent Mobility Goals; Onsite; Hart
4:00 pm - 8:30 pm: Beach Party; Onsite
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: Brick by Brick - Learning Through Lego; Onsite; City Terrace 12
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: A Braille Display with Speech - Intelligence You Can Feel and Hear; Onsite; City Terrace 12
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: Unlock the Power of Financial Freedom with Penny Forward; Onsite; City Terrace 4
6:30 pm - 7:45 pm: ACB/JPMorgan Chase Leadership Reception (Invitation Only); Onsite
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm: Gospel Sing; Onsite; Matthews
7:30 pm - 8:45 pm: 1st Act - RSVA Comedian; Onsite; St. John's
9:00 pm - 11:00 pm: Prose and Poetry (FIA); Hybrid; City Terrace 9
9:00 pm - 12:00 am: 2nd Act - Show Your Talent with RSVA Karaoke; Onsite; St. John's

Tuesday, July 9

7:00 am - 8:15 am: BRL Breakfast; Onsite; City Terrace 7
7:00 am - 8:15 am: NIB Breakfast; Onsite; Clearwater
7:30 am - 8:15 am: BRL Breakfast Speaker; Hybrid; City Terrace 7
7:30 am - 8:15 am: NIB Breakfast Speaker; Onsite; Clearwater
7:00 am - 5:00 pm: Kids Explorers Club - Museum of Science and History; Onsite; City Terrace 6
8:30 am - 12:00 pm: General Session; Hybrid; Grand Ballroom
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: AAVIA Lunch; Onsite; City Terrace 4
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: Voices from Around the World Lunch; Onsite; City Terrace 7
12:15 pm - 4:30 pm: The Ritz Theatre and Museum; Onsite
12:15 pm - 5:00 pm: Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind; Onsite
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Q&A With Your Talking Book Narrator (AABT/BRL/LUA); Hybrid; City Terrace 9
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Refugee Can Be (Voices from Around the World Luncheon Continued); Hybrid; City Terrace 7
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: What's Late and Great in the Diabetes Management Space for 2024 (ACBDA); Virtual
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Financial Literacy for Students (ACBS); Onsite; City Terrace 5
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Community Hospitality; Onsite; Matthews
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Q&A with the NLS Director (LUA/AABT); Hybrid; City Terrace 9
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Diagram of a Capital Murder Prosecution (AAVIA); Onsite; City Terrace 4
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Diabetic Advocacy (ACBDA); Virtual
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Get Up and Get Moving at the ACB Convention; Onsite; City Terrace 5
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Guiding the Next Generation (AAVIA); Onsite; City Terrace 4
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Sugar and Spice Isn't Always Nice (ACBDA); Virtual
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Focus Group - Get to Know UZURV - The Adaptive TNC; Onsite; Main Street 1
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: Mental Health Every Day; Hybrid; City Terrace 9
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: A Conversation on Blindness in Trinidad and Tobago; Hybrid; City Terrace 7
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: Scholarship Winners Reception; Onsite; River Terrace 4
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: Need an Audio Assistant - We Have a Product for That; Onsite; City Terrace 12
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: Focus Group - Get to Know UZURV - The Adaptive TNC; Onsite; Main Street 1
5:45 pm - 8:45 pm: Distillery and Brewery Tour; Onsite
6:30 pm - 7:45 pm: Drum Circle (FIA); Onsite; City Terrace 10
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: AFB's Documentary Film: Possibilities; Onsite; Grand Ballroom
7:15 pm - 10:30 pm: BINGO - It's a Families Tradition; Onsite; Clearwater
8:00 pm - 9:15 pm: DRUM Circle (FIA); Onsite; City Terrace 10

Wednesday, July 10

7:00 am - 8:15 am: AFB Breakfast; Onsite; Clearwater
7:00 am - 5:00 pm: Kids Explorers Club – Autobahn; Onsite; City Terrace 6
8:30 am - 12:00 pm: General Session; Hybrid; Grand Ballroom
12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: MCAC Lunch; Onsite; City Terrace 7
12:15 pm - 3:00 pm: Candy Tour I - Sweet Pete's Candy; Onsite
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Nothing About Us Without Us; Black American Perspective on Jacksonville History (MCAC luncheon Continued); Hybrid; City Terrace 7
1:00 pm - 3:45 pm: IVIE Business Expo; Onsite; Hart
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm: USS Orleck; Onsite
2:00 pm - 5:00 pm: Community Hospitality; Onsite; Matthews
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: To Advocate and Educate, the History of Activism in Jacksonville; Hybrid; City Terrace 7
2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Advocacy Bootcamp 101; Hybrid; City Terrace 9
2:30 pm - 5:15 pm: Candy Tour II - Sweet Pete's Candy; Onsite
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Membership Committee Program; Hybrid; City Terrace 7
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: BITS Reception; Onsite; St. John's
4:00 pm - 6:45 pm: Soul Food Bistro; Onsite
4:00 pm: Friends of Bill; Onsite; Mainstreet 1
5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: DKM Reception; Onsite; Clearwater
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: CCLVI Game Night: Family Feud; Onsite; St. John's
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Oppenheimer 2023 Academy Award Winning Film; Onsite; Grand Ballroom

Thursday, July 11

7:00 am - 5:00 pm: Kids Explorers Club – Surge; Onsite; City Terrace 6
8:30 am - 1:00 pm: General Session; Hybrid; Grand Ballroom
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: MCAC Afternoon Mixer - You Can Dance; Onsite; Clearwater
6:30 pm - 9:00 pm: Kids Explorers Club – Dinner; Onsite; City Terrace 6
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm: ACB Banquet; Hybrid; Grand Ballroom
9:30 pm - 11:30 pm: Bon Voyage Party; Onsite; Grand Ballroom

Friday, July 12

6:15 am - 6:30 pm: Kennedy Space Center; Onsite


Abbreviations in This Program

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ACB - American Council of the Blind
AABT - American Association of Blind Teachers
AAVL - Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss
AAVIA - American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys
ACBDA - ACB Diabetics in Action
ACBF - ACB Families
ACBGE - ACB Government Employees
ACBNG - ACB Next Generation
ACBL - ACB Lions
ACBRA - ACB Radio Amateurs
ACBS - ACB Students
ADP - Audio Description Project
AFB - American Foundation for the Blind
APH - American Printing House for the Blind
BITS - Blind Information Technology Specialists
BOP - Board of Publications
BPI - Blind LGBT Pride International
BRL - Braille Revival League
CCLVI - Council of Citizens with Low Vision International
DKM - Durward K. McDaniel First-Timer
FIA - Friends-in-Art of ACB
GDUI - Guide Dog Users, Inc.
IRC - International Relations Committee
IVIE - Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs
KEC - Kids Explorers Club
LUA - Library Users of America
MCAC - Multicultural Affairs Committee
MHWC – Mental Health and Wellness Committee
NIB - National Industries for the Blind
NLS - National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled
RSVA - Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America
SASI - Sight and Sound Impaired Committee


Registration Information

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Registration is in the Daytona room.

Pre-registration packets can be picked up anytime Registration is open, but Thursday evening, July 4th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm and Friday and Saturday from 8:00 am to 11:00 am are reserved exclusively for pre-registration pickup only.

Onsite Attendee registration can be completed on Friday from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, on Saturday from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm or whenever registration is open for the remainder of the convention. This will help to better manage the lines during the first days of the convention.

Hours are:
Thursday, July 4: 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm: (pre-reg pick-up only)
Friday, July 5: 8:00 am to 11:00 am (pre-reg pick-up only) and 11:00 am to 7:00 pm for pre-reg pick-up and onsite registrations
Saturday, July 6: 8:00 am to 11:00 am (pre-reg pick-up only) and 11:00 am to 6:00 pm for pre-reg pick-up and onsite registrations.
Sunday, July 7th and Monday, July 8th: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tuesday, July 9th and Wednesday, July 10th: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Thursday, July 11: 8:00 am to 12:00 pm

When you register, you will receive your convention ID badge, program, and a swag bag filled with information and surprises. You must register to purchase tickets to events and to be eligible to win great door prizes. Always wear your badge because it admits you to the exhibit area and helps hotel personnel and volunteers to provide better service.

If you are pre-registered, your packet will be waiting for you. You may not pick up a packet for someone else. If you have any questions about your registration or need to purchase more tickets, go to Registration in Daytona.

A one-day pass is available for $10 with no program and $15 with a program. This pass is color-coded by day and is good only for the day on which it is purchased. With this pass, you may attend the exhibit hall, other programs and purchase other tickets for that day only. If you wish to attend additional days at the convention, you must pay the full administrative fee.

Refunds: ACB will make no refunds for convention administrative and registration fees, sponsorship donations or tickets that you just don't want. Refunds are not made for events that you miss for any reason other than extreme illness (see below); but not for events that you simply do not enjoy.

Refunds will be issued only for meals, events, and tours if:
An individual has pre-registered and requests the refund in writing to the American Council of the Blind, 6200 Shingle Creek Parkway, Suite 155, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430, or calls (612) 332- 3242, on or before June 19th, 2024; and the individual does not attend any part of the convention.

In case of an illness during the convention requiring you to return home or to be hospitalized, refunds will be issued only for the meals, events, and tours taking place after your absence begins. If the guarantee has already been given for a meal function or a tour, no refund for that function will be given. Refunds for tour tickets are only made under certain conditions. See tour instructions for more information.

Lost tickets: ACB will not replace tickets that are lost during the convention. All ticket packets are checked before they are distributed at the convention and tickets that are lost or misplaced must be purchased again.

Reselling tickets: Only tour tickets will be accepted for resale. In general, meal functions and social events at the hotel do not sell out. You may wish to explore other methods of selling luncheon, banquet, and other such tickets.

ACB is not responsible for notifying you if an event or tour that you purchased has already sold out. If an event is sold out, your name will automatically be put on a waiting list if there are cancellations, or in case additional tickets become available.


Communication Center Services

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The Marcia Nigro Dresser Communication Center is in Board Room Four. It is open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Friday, July 5 through Wednesday, July 10. This is where you can place ads in the paper, make braille or print copies or volunteer to help produce the newspaper.

Convention Newspaper

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This year's newspaper is the "The Sunshine Gazette" and is published each day, Friday through Wednesday, in braille and large print; pick up a copy at the Information Desk. The paper is also available on the ACB convention email list.

ACB Students (ACBS) will deliver the newspaper to your hotel room door. For a $10 donation your paper will be waiting for you each morning when you wake up. After you sign up for newspaper delivery, you need to activate your service by giving your room number and your newspaper format preference at the Information Desk.


Ads and Announcements

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Ads and other items for publication must be in the Communication Center by 2:00 pm each day. The BOP allows ads to run for up to three days to give important convention announcements more space. Ads must be no longer than 75 words. BOP editorial policy prohibits the production or distribution of campaign materials by the Communication Center.

Cost of advertising in the newspaper is:
1. Individuals, ACB affiliates and blind representatives of MLM companies - $20/day or $50 for 3 days.
2. Exhibitors - $40/day or $110 for 3 days.
3. All others - $50/day or $140 for 3 days.
4. Victor Reader Stream Access:
You pay for advertising at Registration; show your receipt at the Communication Center when submitting your ad.


Brailling and Photocopying

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Photocopying is available at the Communication Center for 10 cents/page. Brailling services are available as follows:

1. Individuals, ACB affiliates, and blind representatives of MLM companies: 10 cents/page

2. Small businesses and small nonprofits: 20 cents/page

3. All others: 35 cents/page

If your committee or affiliate needs something in braille or large print, bring files early in the day so we can fit your job between other tasks. A test copy will be printed to let you know the number of pages per copy. Be sure to label your computer card or thumb drive and tell us how many of each format you need and by what time. Please make payment at registration.

The Communication Center is a working room, so while the convention is a great place to meet and greet, loud conversations make it difficult to hear the speech synthesizers on the computers. Help us help you get the information you need.


Digital Information & Internet

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If you have registered for the convention, you will receive Zoom invitations for all sessions. You can join via computer or phone.

Probably the easiest way to access the Zoom links is to login to your account at For screen readers, go to the top of page, arrow down to the navigation region where you will find various links, one of which is labelled “Zoom links.” That link will take you to a page where you select the date of the session(s) you are looking for. You will then access a listing in chronological order of all sessions for that day. For each session there are two buttons. If you are listening with your computer, choose the button labelled “Zoom.” If you are listening on your phone, choose the button labelled “phone.” You don’t need to know any access links or passcodes.

Much of the conference will be streamed on ACB Media using multiple streams. All general sessions, and some of our afternoon and evening programming will be live streamed on ACB Media.

Other sessions will be recorded and replayed on ACB Media. Sessions will be available as podcasts after the convention and archived for later listening on ACB Media.

Ways to Connect to ACB Media Programming

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This year's newspaper is the "The Sunshine Gazette" and is published each day, Friday through Wednesday, in braille and large print; pick up a copy at the Information Desk. The paper is also available on the ACB convention email list.

ACB Students (ACBS) will deliver the newspaper to your hotel room door. For a $10 donation your paper will be waiting for you each morning when you wake up. After you sign up for newspaper delivery, you need to activate your service by giving your room number and your newspaper format preference at the Information Desk.


Zoom Commands

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All general sessions and most workshops/seminars will be offered to convention attendees using the Zoom webinar. It is different from the usual Zoom program in that you will not be able to turn on your camera and will not have an unmute button unless you are given permission by the Zoom host to unmute. 

You may need to input your email and name to join from a PC or Mac. ACB does not receive this information, and it is only used by Zoom to make sure you are not a robot. 

When you enter the session, you will receive an announcement that the call is being recorded but you will not need to take any action.

In Webinar use these commands to raise your hand and to unmute, both of which are toggles:
- On the PC - raise hand: alt-Y; Mute and unmute: alt-A when the prompt is given
- On the Mac - Raise hand: option-Y; Mute and unmute: command-shift-A
- From the app - Raise hand: on the main screen; Mute and unmute: from the main screen when the prompt is given
- From a phone keypad - Raise hand: star (*) 9; Mute and unmute: star (*) 6

Some affiliate business meetings, smaller or informal workshops and some virtual social events will be offered to convention attendees using the standard Zoom platform.

When entering a Zoom room: You will need to locate the “got it” button to accept that the call is being recorded before you will be allowed to unmute.
- From the PC: Tab to the “got it” button and enter (use F6 until it appears if not available on the main screen)
- From the Mac: Once the meeting opens and you hear the call is being recorded, hit enter and it will activate the “got it” button.
- From the app: Swipe to OK to accept the call is being recorded.
- From the Mac: Once the meeting opens and you hear the call is being recorded, hit enter and it will activate the “got it” button.
- From the app: Swipe to OK to accept the call is being recorded.
- From a phone keypad: No action is needed.

In a regular Zoom room use these commands to raise your hand and unmute, both of which are toggles:
- From a PC - raise hand: alt-Y, mute and unmute: alt-A.
- From the Mac - Raise hand: option-Y, mute and unmute: command-shift-A.
- From the app - Raise hand: under “more” in the lower right corner, mute and unmute: in lower left corner.
- From a phone keypad - Raise hand: star (*) 9, mute and unmute: star (*) 6.
Please note: All events are recorded.


ACB Photography/Videography

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The official ACB photographer for the 2024 conference and convention will be taking pictures and video in the exhibit hall, on selected tours, and at many social events. The photographer will visit committee and affiliate meetings, workshops, general sessions, and the banquet.

It is understood that all activities and programs scheduled at the 2024 conference and convention are subject to be photographed or videoed. Photos and video are the property of ACB and are for ACB's use.


Medical Information

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For medical emergencies, dial 911. Stay calm and speak distinctly. Give your name, exact location, and a description of the emergency.

Medical Facilities:

Baptist Medical Center - 1.3 Miles
800 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 202-2000

Wolfson Children’s Hospital - Main Campus - 1.3 Miles
800 Prudential Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 202-8000

UF Health Jacksonville - 2.3 Miles
655 W. 8th St., Jacksonville, 32209
(904) 244-0411

St. Vincent’s - 3.1 Miles
1 Shircliff Way, Jacksonville, FL 32204
(904) 308-7300



Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

President: Jeff Thom
Registration: $10

Sunday, July 3, CHI 213
12:15 pm - 2:15 pm: AAVL Lunch
Program begins at 1:00 pm: Unraveling the Medicare Tangle

Lori Scharff, ACB’s Medicare expert, will give you the information you need to better understand the maze that is the Medicare program. Eligibility, benefits, gaps, and special plans are just a few of the areas that she will cover.

Monday, July 4, CHI 215
4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Unraveling Advocacy for Vision Rehabilitation Services
Explore innovative advocacy efforts wherein states can obtain funding under the Medicaid "Older Individuals who are Blind" program. This program provides an array of vision rehabilitation services; however, funding is extremely limited. Learn how to utilize the Older Individuals who are Blind and Medicaid programs.

Co-sponsored by AAVL and the Rehabilitation Issues Task Force

Tuesday, July 5, CHI 213
2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Choosing Where to Live as You Age: Downsizing Part 1: How can we know when the time is right? Our panel will offer expert guidance on making important decisions on where we might live as we grow older.

Presenters: Carrie A.B. Hoarty, MD, Physician, Assistant Professor, General Internal Medicine, Omaha, NE; Mary Ann Eusebio, Information & Assistance Division Director, Eastern Nebraska Office on Aging, Omaha, NE.

Co-sponsored by AAVL and ACB Women

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Choosing Where to Live as You Age: Downsizing Part 2: How to Choose What's Right for Us. A conversation with a panel of ACB members who have made a variety of choices about where to live as they grow older.

Presenters: Kate Chamberlin, freelance writer and retired elementary school teacher, Walworth, NY; Jean Mann, retired New York State employee, Albany, NY; Linda Yacks, widow, mother, and grandmother, Harrison, AR

Co-sponsored by AAVL and ACB Women

7:30 pm – 10:30 pm: Dance of the Ages, $15, HH Grand Ballroom
Music for all ages will be provided by our DJ. Whether you like waltzes, line dances, or something in between, it will happen. We have also prepared an area for conversation while listening at a lower volume. Light snacks and a cash bar will be available. And plenty of door prizes.

Co-sponsored by AAVL, ACB Next Generation, and CCLVI

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available.
Call or text: 988

You’ll be able to speak with a trained crisis counselor any time of day or night.


Guide Dog User Information

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Message from Praline

Greetings and wags! I’m Praline, guide dog for ACB President Deb Cook Lewis, with important information for dogs and their people.

Guide dog relief areas, built and maintained by Scoop Masters, are located near hotel exits. ACB volunteers or hotel staff can help you locate the areas.

The convention can be very stressful for many of us, so consider relieving us more often than usual. And of course, please pick up after your dog; trash receptacles are located near relief areas.

If an accident does happen, immediately call Scoop Masters at (661) 714-0049. Stay there to alert others until help arrives. People don’t like stepping in and tracking that stuff throughout the hotel, even though I kind of think it’s cool. But then, I’m a dog!

If you need a human break, go visit the Bow Wow Lounge, where there will be toys and lots of space to run around. It is in Acosta, and open Saturday through Wednesday from 9:00 am to 8:00 pm. It is sponsored by WayAround. Please let me go outside for a break before we go to the Bow Wow Lounge to play.

Have a wonderful convention! I’ll see you all out at the relieving area, I’m sure.


Veterinary Care

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San Marco Animal Hospital - 1.7 Miles
1546 San Marco Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32207
(904) 516-9767

Forever Vets Animal Hospital - 1.9 Miles
580 College St., Jacksonville, FL 32204
(904) 204-2191

Riverside Animal Hospital - 3.3 Miles
2641 Park St., Jacksonville, FL 32204
(904) 388-3494


Religious Activities

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Friday, July 5
6:00 pm: Jewish service: Rabbi Mark Wieder, Jacksonville FL; Onsite; City Terrace 5

Saturday, July 6
4:00 pm: Interdenominational Church Service: Rev. Peter Heidi, Baraboo, WI; Onsite; City Terrace 5

Sunday, July 7
10:00 am – 11:00 am: Catholic Mass: Father Richard Perko (retired); Onsite; Matthews

Convention Standing Rules

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Adopted by the ACB Board of Directors, April 2024

The Standing Rules for debate and voting at the ACB Conference and Convention are updated yearly and are designed to promote the fairest process for debate and the most efficient use of members' time during the General Sessions. Great effort is expended to publish the Election materials of candidates, proposed Resolutions, and proposed Amendments to the ACB Constitution and Bylaws well in advance of the General Sessions at which they will be acted upon. Zoom sessions are scheduled for answering questions and discussion of items up for voting during the convention sessions. Notice to members of the dates, times, and approximate content for each Zoom meeting are broadcasted via various media.  These sessions are a great place to have your questions answered and suggest amended language for the item under discussion. In the interest of an informed electorate and an efficient use of all of our time at the Convention, it is strongly encouraged that members familiarize themselves with the issues under discussion, either by attending or listening to the recordings of the discussion sessions.

A. At the outset of debate on any issue before the convention, there shall be a period not to exceed ten (10) minutes devoted exclusively to questions and other points of clarification about the issue being debated. Speakers shall be limited to one minute, with no more than five speakers recognized, and a speaker shall be limited to asking about their point of clarification and shall not discuss the merits of the issue.
B. Debate on the merits of the issue shall begin at the conclusion of the ten-minute period for points of clarification. When the initial debate period begins, in the case of a resolution, the maker of that resolution shall be given an opportunity to address the assembly on the merits of the resolution.
C. Each debatable issue before the convention shall be limited to approximately twenty (20) minutes with a two-minute time limit per speaker, alternating between supporting speakers, including the maker of the resolution if they speak pursuant to subsection (b), and opposing speakers, unless a majority of the members agree to extend debate for an additional period of time. A member who does not seek recognition for purposes of debate at the beginning of a debate period shall not be eligible for debate during that debate period. The chair shall, during any debate period, immediately close debate when an equal number of speakers have debated each side, and no additional speakers have sought the floor.
D. Speakers shall not be recognized for purposes of seeking points of clarification during a debate period. Each member is respectfully urged to speak directly to the issue before the assembly and avoid unnecessary and time-consuming dialogue. No member will be recognized a second time to debate until all who wish to debate have been recognized.
E. Motions to close debate will not be recognized by the chair during the first debate period. After the first debate period, properly moved motions such as “I call for the question” or “I move the previous question” will be handled by the chair and voted on by the assembly.
F. At the beginning of the first 20-minute debate period, the chair shall define for the body what constitutes a point of order (or other parliamentary inquiry) and shall signify how a member can be recognized for the purpose of making a point of order (or other parliamentary inquiry). Any time in which a point of order is being considered shall not be deducted from the debate period.

A. Except as provided in subsection (b), an amendment to a resolution or constitution or bylaw amendment may not be offered on the floor unless: 1. In the case of a resolution, the language for the proposed amendment has been provided to the chair of the Resolutions Committee prior to the opening of the session in which that resolution is scheduled to be debated, and 2. In the case of an amendment to a constitution or bylaw amendment, the language for the proposed amendment has been provided to the chair of the Constitution and Bylaws Committee prior to the opening of the session in which that constitution or bylaw amendment is scheduled to be debated.
B. Notwithstanding subsection (A), if, in the opinion of the convention chair, the amendment being proposed is non-substantive or clarifying in nature, the amendment may be proposed and adopted by unanimous consent.
C. Voting on an amendment to a proposed Resolution or Constitution or Bylaw Amendment shall occur by standing vote only. It shall not, therefore, be in order to seek a record vote on such an amendment.

3. The parliamentarian will act as timekeeper.

4. Recognition to speak will be given to those members who properly address the chair either using the “raise hand” feature of the Zoom internet meeting client program or while standing at a microphone in the convention hall and giving their names and affiliation.

5. Nominating and seconding speeches shall be limited to five minutes per candidate with the speaking time allocated according to the candidate's wishes. A person nominated for an office more than once shall be limited to one minute.

6. When no candidate for office receives a majority vote, the election shall be between the top two candidates. Affiliate votes will be reported in whole or half numbers. In all uncontested elections as verified after three calls for additional nominations, the chair may declare the candidate elected by acclamation. “Write-in” candidacies are not permitted.

A. Once a voice vote has been taken on a resolution, in accordance with Section C of Article III of the American Council of the Blind Constitution, and the chair has announced the result of that vote, the chair shall ask whether anyone voting in the minority objects to the vote, except that, if less than twenty-five (25) members have voted in the minority, the chair may immediately determine that no record vote is required. If at least twenty-five (25) members voting in the minority using the “raise hand” feature of the Zoom internet meeting client program or, if in the convention hall, by standing or using raised hands, object to the result, then a record vote on the resolution shall be required.
B. After debate has ceased on a resolution and it is subsequently determined that a record vote is required, no further amendments may be proposed.


General Session Agenda

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Sunday, July 7

7:00 pm: Call to Order – Deb Cook Lewis, ACB President, Clarkston, WA

Moment of reflection
Presentation of Colors: Naval Station Mayport Color Guard
National Anthem – Brian O'Connell, National Sergeant-at-Arms, Blinded Veterans Association, Greenville, SC
Welcome to Convention – Sheila Young, Immediate past president, ACB of Florida, Orlando, FL; Mikey Wiseman, President, Florida Council of the Blind, Miami, FL

7:30 pm: ACB President's Report – Deb Cook Lewis, Clarkston, WA
Executive Director's Report – Scott Thornhill, Alexandria, VA

8:00 pm: Sponsor Presentation: Diamond Sponsor; Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder (Non-24)

8:15 pm: Life Member Presentations – Deb Cook Lewis, Clarkston, WA; Nancy Marks Becker, ACB Chief Financial Officer, Brooklyn Center, MN

8:45 pm: ACB First Timers – Kenneth Semien Sr., Chair; Durward K. McDaniel, First Timers Committee, Beaumont, TX

8:55 pm: JPMorgan Chase Leadership Fellows – Scott Thornhill, Alexandria, VA

9:15 pm: Nominating Committee Report – Brian Charlson, Watertown, MA

9:20 pm: Roll Call of Affiliates – Denise Colley, ACB Secretary, Richmond, TX

9:50 pm: ACB Elections


Monday, July 8

9:00 am – 10:15 am: Session 1 - All Things Legislative

It is always a roller coaster ride when it comes to the world of federal legislation, and this year is no exception. Join ACB advocacy staff as they whirl us through the topsy-turvy landscape of federal legislation in 2024 as it relates to blindness and low vision. In addition, be ready to share any accomplishments that your affiliate has had this year in working on state legislation.

Facilitator: Jeff Thom, ACB Advocacy Steering Committee Chair, Sacramento, CA; Claire Stanley, ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Alexandria, VA; Swatha Nandhakumar, ACB Advocacy and Outreach Specialist, Alexandria, VA.

9:00 am – 10:15 am: Session 2 - Bridging the Generational Gaps in Advocacy

Intergenerational collaboration can lead to more inclusive and sustainable solutions by incorporating diverse perspectives and experiences. Join us as a generation-inclusive panel talks about their involvement with ACB, today's cultural/political climate, and how advocacy efforts might be adapted to incorporate these changes.

During this session, Next Gen leader Amanda Selm and long-time ACB member Peter Altschul will engage in live conversations with ACB members who come from diverse backgrounds to gain a better understanding of their advocacy-related experiences and perspectives.

10:30 am – 11:45 am: Session 1 - Current Case Law on Issues Impacting People with Vision Loss

Join a panel of disability rights attorneys as they discuss an array of issues from current case law that directly impact the lives of people who are blind or have low vision. Be ready with questions about legal topics that relate specifically to people with vision loss.

Facilitator: Jeff Thom, ACB Advocacy Steering Committee Chair, Sacramento, CA; Claire Stanley, ACB Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Alexandria, VA; Swatha Nandhakumar, ACB Advocacy and Outreach Specialist, Alexandria, VA.

10:30 am – 11:45 am: Session 2 - Motivating State Agencies to Improve Their Business Enterprise Programs

This panel will focus on how to ensure state agencies administering the Randolph-Sheppard vending facility program work to ensure that blind vendors will be awarded military dining facility sites and keep their programs moving forward. The panel will discuss how state agency staff can be more entrepreneurial in their efforts to get new vending facility locations and help blind vendors to be more entrepreneurial as well. The panel will also discuss what steps can be taken for elected committees of blind vendors and state agencies to work together for the best interests of the program and the vendors within it.


Tuesday, July 9

8:30 am: Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance - JPMorgan Chase Leadership Fellows

8:40 am: ACB Business
ACB Sponsor Recognitions - Corporate Sponsors

8:50 am: Affiliate Roll Call
Presiding officer - David Trott, First Vice President, Talladega, AL

9:20 am: International Guest – Kenneth Suratt, Executive Officer, Trinidad and Tobago Blind Welfare Association, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad

9:40 am: Scholarship Presentations

10:40 am: News from the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS) - Jason Yasner, Deputy Director, Washington, DC

11:00 am: Talking Book Narrator – Mare Trevathan, Books to Life, Denver, CO

11:20 am: Nominations and Candidate Speeches – ACB Nominations and elections

11:55 am: Door Prizes and Announcements


Wednesday, July 10

8:30 am: Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance – Visually Impaired Veterans of America
Singing of America the Beautiful - Lucy Arguijo, St. Augustine, FL.

8:35 am: ACB Business
ACB Sponsor Recognitions - Corporate Sponsors

8:40 am: Sponsorship Presentation - Diamond Sponsor Vispero - Ryan Jones, Vice President of Software and Product Management

8:55 am: ACB Angels Presentations:
Kenny Johnson: Pearl City, HI
Robert Hill: Tulsa, OK
Oral Miller: Washington, DC

9:10 am: Affiliate Roll Call for Elections
Presiding Officer: Ray Campbell, Second Vice President, Springfield IL

9:35 am: The Latest News from American Foundation for the Blind - Eric Bridges, President & CEO, Arlington, VA

9:50 am: Sponsorship Presentation – Diamond Sponsor

10:05 am: Break

10:20 am: ADP Awards

11:05 am: FCC Programs and Rules of Interest to the Blind Community
Will Schell, Deputy Chief, Disability Rights Office, Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau, Federal Communications Commission, Washington DC; Timothy Wynn, Telecommunications Accessibility Specialist, Miami, FL 

11:35 am: Candidate Speeches, Nominations for Board of Directors      

11:55 am: Door Prizes and Announcements


Thursday, July 11

8:30 am: Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance - Durward K. McDaniel First-Timers

8:35 am: ACB Business 
ACB Sponsor recognition, corporate and individual sponsors.

8:45 am: Sponsorship Presentation – Diamond Sponsor

9:00 am: ACB Angels Presentations
Rhonda Nelson: Seatac, WA
Gary Austin: Branson, MS
Barbara Appleby: Maplewood, MN
Douglas Slotten: Chevy Chase, MD

9:15 am: Affiliate Roll Call

9:35 am: Diamond Presentation
Presiding officer: Michael Garrett, Treasurer, Missouri City, TX

9:50 am: ACB Highlight Video

10:00 am: Break

10:15 am: Election if Needed

10:45 am: Big News from the PEAC

You may think the Pedestrian Environment Access Committee (PEAC) deals only with pedestrian safety, but our reach goes beyond that to include the general built environment. Consideration is given to accessibility both inside and outside buildings, encompassing such things as stairs and signage. We are pleased to bring you news about an ACB board member who was recently appointed to the International Building Codes Committee. We will show you why this is a huge win for ACB, particularly its affiliates CCLVI and AAVL, and for the low vision and blind community as a whole.

Presenters: Becky Davidson, Chair – Pedestrian Environment Access Committee, Greensboro, NC; Claire Stanley, Director of Advocacy and Government Affairs, Alexandria, VA; Koni Sims, ACB Board member, Sioux Falls, SD

11:05 am: Extending Our Outreach – Widening our membership circle with intention. Presenters: Cindy Hollis, Flat Rock, MI; Pam Shaw Jenkintown, PA; and an ACB Next Generation representative

11:25 am: Learn About the Fully Accessible Kiosks at Your Local Social Security Office.

7:00 pm: ACB Banquet
Banquet Emcee: Sheila Young, Immediate Past President, Florida Council of the Blind, Orlando, FL

Moment of Reflection

7:45 pm: Presentation of BOP Awards: Ned E. Freeman Excellence in Writing, Vernon Henley Media, and Hollis Liggett Braille Free Press Awards

8:00 pm: Presentation of ACB Awards: Koni Sims, Awards Committee Co-chair, Sioux Falls, SD; Carrie Muth, Awards Committee Co-chair, Coos Bay, OR

8:15 pm: Keynote Speaker - Judge David S. Tatel, Author of “Vision: A Memoir of Blindness and Justice”

One of America’s most accomplished public servants and legal thinkers who spent years denying and working around his blindness, before finally embracing it as an essential part of his identity.

Judge David Tatel served on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit from 1994 to earlier this year. After graduating from the University of Michigan and the University of Chicago Law School, he served as the founding director of the Chicago Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law and then director of the National Lawyers Committee. He headed the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare during the Carter administration and then founded and led the education practice at Hogan Lovells, where he is now Senior Counsel. Judge Tatel is a member of the American Philosophical Society and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In the past, he co-chaired the National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Science, Technology and Law, and chaired the boards of The Spencer Foundation, and The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Judge Tatel and his wife, Edie, live in Virginia and Washington, D.C. They have four children, eight grandchildren, and one great-grandchild.

8:55 pm: ACB Braille Forum Raffle Drawing – Michael Garrett, ACB Treasurer, Missouri City, TX; and Nancy Marks-Becker, ACB CFO, Brooklyn Center, MN


Special-Interest Affiliate Meetings

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American Association of Blind Teachers

AABT President: April Martin
Convention Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Affiliate Donation: $10 ($12)

Thursday, June 27

5:00 pm- 6:15 pm: AABT Business Meeting (members only); Virtual

Saturday, July 6

8:00 am - 9:30 am: The Flight to Freedom ($40)
Stories about the Southbound Underground Railway that Led to St. Augustine; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Discover the Flight to Freedom story of men, women and children who risked their lives to secure freedom for themselves and their families as they traveled the “southbound underground railway” to St. Augustine in Spanish Florida. Hear the story of the first legally sanctioned free African settlement in what would become the United States. Colonial Fort Mose is brought to life with hands-on artifacts depicting textiles, foods, tools, and toys that Freedom Seekers would have utilized in 1738.

DD Stein, Social Studies Teacher, Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind, St. Augustine, FL

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Network Yourself for Success; Onsite; City Terrace 4

In conjunction with our June 27th P.R.E.P. for Successful Networking program, we are pleased to host an in-person networking event where you can practice what you’ve P.R.E.P.’d. Come mingle with members of the ACB Employment Committee, ACB Government Employees, American Association of Blind Teachers, American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys, Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs, and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America among others and join us for an evening of creating new connections. All are welcome, whether you attended the virtual event or not.

Facilitator: Melanie Sinohui, ACB Next Generation Convention Committee Co-Chair, Phoenix, AZ

Co-sponsored by ACB Next Generation (ACBNG), American Association of Blind Teachers (AABT), American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys (AAVIA), Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs (IVIE), and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA)

Monday, July 8

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Brick by Brick: Learning Through Lego! Onsite; City Terrace 12
Legos aren’t just a toy. They can teach blind people to be better rock climbers, how to write music, and how to read in braille. Not only that, but blind people can now build Lego sets on their own using text-based instructions from Bricks for The Blind. Join Matthew Shifrin, founder of Bricks for the Blind, and explore how Lego can help you to be a better teacher and learn more about the world around you. And there’ll be free Lego sets!

Presenter: Matthew Shifrin, Founder, Bricks for the Blind, Boston, MA

Co-sponsored by AABT, ACBF and FIA

Tuesday, July 9

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Meet the Talking Book Narrator; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Co-sponsored by AABT, BRL and LUA

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Update from NLS Director; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Co-sponsored by LUA, BRL and AABT

American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys

President: Chris Prentice
Affiliate Donation: $35

Saturday, July 6

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Network Yourself for Success; Onsite; City Terrace 4

In conjunction with our June 27th P.R.E.P. for Successful Networking program, we are pleased to host an in-person networking event where you can practice what you’ve P.R.E.P.’d. Come mingle with members of the ACB Employment Committee, ACB Government Employees, American Association of Blind Teachers, American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys, Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs, and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, among others, and join us for an evening of creating new connections. All are welcome, whether you attended the virtual event or not.

Facilitator: Melanie Sinohui, ACB Next Generation Convention Committee Co-Chair, Phoenix, AZ

Co-sponsored by ACB Next Generation (ACBNG), American Association of Blind Teachers (AABT), American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys (AAVIA), Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs (IVIE), and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA).

Sunday, July 7

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Journey of a Blind Pakistani Lawyer; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Learn what it's like to live and work in Pakistan through one man's recent journey to become an attorney. Learn about the role of culture and family, challenges, and successes, and more.

Presenter: Syed Waqas Ali Shah, Peshawar, P.K.K., Pakistan

Co-sponsored by AAVIA and IRC

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: The Supreme Court's Term in Review; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Find out from St. Mary's University Law School professor about the significant decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court in its 2023-24 term and its work generally.

Tuesday, July 9

12:15 pm – 1:00 pm: AAVIA Luncheon; Onsite; City Terrace 4

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Diagram of a Capital Murder Prosecution; Onsite; City Terrace 4

Learn from an assistant district attorney about the nuts and bolts of preparing for a capital murder trial.

Presenter: Chris Prentice, Levelland, TX; Paige Miller, Tucson, AZ

4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Guiding the Next Generation; Onsite; City Terrace 4

Hear how seasoned attorneys can help guide the next generation of attorneys.

Presenter: Angelina Hollingsworth; Roseberg, OR

Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss

President: Doug Powell
Program chair: Danette Dixon
Affiliate donation: $10

Friday, June 28

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Match Wits with Next Gen and the Boomers; Virtual

AAVL and Next Gen members are facing off. Trivia questions will cross generations as we try to stump each other’s knowledge of the eras. Come join the fun – even if you aren't a member of either group yet. Smirks to laughter are mandatory! Some will be pretty easy, and some will break your brain.

Sunday, July 7

12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: AAVL Lunch; Hybrid; City Terrace 7 ($38)

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: Planning Your Final Arrangements; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

What is an advance medical directive? How can you get prepared and have those hard discussions with family and friends? Have you adequately planned for the disposition of your estate and for your own wishes? We will discuss these and other important issues involved in making final arrangements.

Presenters: Chris Prentice, Assistant District Attorney, Levelland, TX; Nita Walker, Funeral Director, Jacksonville, FL

ACB Diabetics in Action

President: Larry Gassman
Program Chair: Larry Gassman 
Affiliate Donation: $25 (donation amount includes hand-outs and all donors will be entered into a raffle drawing)

Saturday, July 6

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: ACBDA Mixer; Onsite; Hart ($25) Your ticket will include one free drink.

Tuesday, July 9

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: What’s Late and Great in the Diabetes Management Space for 2024! Virtual

Discussion of the new standards of care for diabetes for 2024. This session will focus on updates in diabetes care and management. We will highlight new drugs to market and delve into navigating the ongoing shortages of GLP1 medications. Updates will be provided on continuous glucose monitor technology, including the newly approved Stelo Glucose Biosensor system by Dexcom, available OTC, without a prescription. Insulin pumps and automated insulin delivery system advances will also be presented. There will be ample time for open discussion and questions and answers.

Presenters: Diana Isaacs, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP, BC-ADM, CDCES, FADCES, FCCP, Cleveland, OH; Natalie J. Bellini, University Hospitals/Case Western Reserve University, DNP, FNP-BC, BC-ADM, Cleveland, OH; Beth Zeleznikar, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, PharmD, BCACP, Cleveland, OH

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Diabetes and Advocacy: American Diabetes Association and Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Legislative Priorities for 2024; Virtual

Lisa Murdock, ADA’s Chief Advocacy Officer, and Lynn Starr, JDRF’s Chief Global Advocacy Officer, will share their respective organizations legislative priorities for 2024, inclusive of what is being done to make durable medical equipment (DME) fully accessible. Join ACB Diabetics in Action for what promises to be a stimulating conversation about advocating for the rights of individuals living with diabetes and vision loss!

Presenters: Lisa Murdock, Chief Advocacy Officer, American Diabetes Association, Folsom, CA; Lynn Starr, Chief Global Advocacy Officer, JDRF, Washington, DC

4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Sugar and Spice Isn’t Always Nice; Virtual

This year we feature both type 1 and 2 diabetics plus a spouse who discusses supporting someone who is diabetic.

Presenters: Donna Taylor, Portland, OR; Theresa Breeden, Fredericksburg, VA; Bill Schrawder, Sacramento, CA; Randy Knapp, Rockville, MD

American Council of Blind Families

President: Carla Ruschival
Affiliate Donation: $10
Register for ACB Families and be eligible to win door prizes. Lots of fun and lots of winners!

Saturday, June 29

5:00 pm – 6:15 pm: ACB Families Goes to Camp; Virtual

It's summertime - time to sit around the virtual campfire and eat hot dogs and s'mores. Whether you're a kid or a kid at heart, camp is a special experience. Stories, songs, games - a convention tradition for the entire family.

Sunday, July 7

8:00 am - 9:30 am: ACBF Breakfast - Storm Chasers on the Net; Hybrid; City Terrace 7; $28 ($30)

From high school to full-time Internet radio - how The Radio Storm - a free-form home-based radio station - came to be.

Presenters: Michael and Angela McCarty, Kentucky School for the Blind Alumni and life members of the Kentucky Council of the Blind, Louisville, KY

Monday, July 8

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: Brick by Brick: Learning Through Lego! Onsite; City Terrace 12

Legos aren’t just a toy. They can teach blind people to be better rock-climbers, how to write music, and how to read in braille. Not only that, but blind people can now build Lego sets on their own using text-based instructions from Bricks for The Blind. Join Matthew Shifrin, founder of Bricks for The Blind, and explore how Lego can help you to be a better teacher and learn more about the world around you. And there’ll be free Lego sets!

Presenter: Matthew Shifrin, Founder, Bricks for The Blind, Boston, MA

Co-sponsored by AABT, ACBF and FIA

Tuesday, July 9

7:15 pm - 10:30 pm: Bingo - It's a Families Tradition; Onsite; Clearwater $8 ($10)

Braille cards, large print cards, and lots of great prizes! Bring yourself, bring a friend, bring the kids - fun for all ages.

American Council of Blind Lions

President: Ray Campbell
Affiliate Donation: $10
Donate to ACB Lions to be eligible to win our special door prizes. Winners will be drawn following the close of the ACB Conference and Convention.

Thursday, June 27

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Lessons in Leadership; Virtual

Participating in a Lions Club or other organization can be very rewarding, but successful leadership demands time, dedication, and hard work. Our first panelist, Arkansas native Rev. David Moose, has been a Lion for almost 56 years and has sponsored over 80 new Lions. He has been a member of 11 clubs and President of five. He has attended 21 International Conventions, 13 USA/Canada Forums, and too many district and state conventions to remember. His service has included all local club offices, District Governor (twice in Arkansas, once in Kentucky); Council Chair; and Chair of Multiple District committees.

Our second panelist is Darren Van Duyn, currently the Global Leadership Team leader for the state of Illinois. He has served in a multitude of capacities since joining the Lions in 2009, including Club President, Zone Chair, First and Second Vice District Governor, and District Governor. He has attended several USA/Canada Forums and was a facilitator at the 2020 and 2024 Forums.

Saturday, July 6

12:15 pm - 2:15 pm: ACBL Lions Luncheon: Teaching Children About Blindness; Onsite; City Terrace 9; $42 ($45)

Meet Lions from the Knights of the Blind in Washington State as they explain how they teach third graders about blindness through activities and use of the book "Grandpa's White Cane." Active Lions, former Lions, and anyone interested in learning more about becoming a Lion welcome.

ACB Next Generation

President: Amanda Selm
Program Chair: Hindley Williams
Affiliate Donation: $10
By contributing to ACBNG you will automatically be entered into a drawing for prizes.

Thursday, June 27

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: P.R.E.P. for Successful Networking; Virtual

Come join Chris Peterson, Swatha Nandhakumar, and Dianna Leonard as they help us ready ourselves for any networking event. They’ll guide us through an interactive P.R.E.P. session to learn how to plan, research, navigate an event, and pursue leads. Then join us at our in-person event on July 6th to practice what you’ve P.R.E.P.’d, where various affiliate and ACB committee members will be in attendance to network with.

Facilitator: Carrie Muth, ICAP Vocational Rehabilitation Career Coach, Coos Bay, OR

Panelists: Chris Peterson, Founder and CEO, Penny Forward, Richfield, MN; Swatha Nandhakumar, ACB Advocacy and Outreach Specialist, Alexandria, VA; Dianna Leonard, Marketing and Outreach Professional, Virginia Beach, VA

Saturday, June 29

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: Exploring New Worlds through Sensory Games; Virtual

Whether you like audio or video games, this program is for you! Come learn how people with blindness and visual impairment create and play these accessible games: Brock the Investigator, The Last of Us, and Knight Manager. Join us for game demonstrations and lively discussion about present and future audio/video games.

Facilitator: Gregg Wandsneider, Game Master, Waukesha, WI

Panelists: Emily Nelson, Secretary, American Council of Blind Students, Fishers, IN; Lindsey LaVere, Director, American Council of the Blind Next Generation, North Street, MI; Aaron Espinoza, Chair, American Council of the Blind Next Generation Advocacy Committee, Bakersfield, CA

5:00 pm – 6:15 pm: Convention Pep Rally with ACB Next Generation and ACB Students; Virtual

Who’s got spirit? We do! Let’s get fired up for the 2024 ACB Conference and Convention. Join ACB Next Generation and ACB Students for our annual Convention Pep Rally, where we’ll party where the sun shines bright. Coach Kenneth makes a repeat appearance along with his special guests, Leslie Spoone and Koni Sims, who will get us up and groovin’. Enjoy meeting new friends, and learn about all our convention events. Bring your favorite snacks and get ready to cheer, 2024 will be a great year!

Facilitators: Melanie Sinohui, ACB Next Generation Convention Committee Co-Chair, Phoenix, AZ; Cassie Trosper, ACB Next Generation Convention Committee Co-Chair, North Bend, OR

Panelists: Amanda Selm, ACB Next Generation President, Louisville, KY; Kenneth Semien Sr., ACB Next Generation and ACB Students Board Liaison, Beaumont, TX; Malia Thibado, ACB Students 2nd Vice President, Pell City, AL; Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL; Koni Sims, ACB Board Member, Sioux Falls, SD

Friday, July 5

8:00 pm – 11:00 pm: Friday Night Bash Onsite; City Terrace 9

ACBS and ACB Next Gen collectively welcome you all back to the ACB Convention with our annual Friday Night Bash! Catch up with old friends and meet new ones at this social event. Let's start this convention with a bang!

Saturday, July 6

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Burning the Candle at Both Ends; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Do you feel like you’re stretched too thin? Are things falling through the cracks and you don’t know where to turn? Join us as we learn from the experiences of Greg Lindberg, Koni Sims, and John McCann how they manage and balance their personal and professional responsibilities.

Facilitator: Cassie Trosper, President, Visually Impaired Veterans of America, North Bend, OR Panelists: Greg Lindberg, Senior Copywriter, Full Sail University, Maitland, FL; Koni Sims, ACB Board Member, Sioux Falls, SD; John A. McCann, Chair, ACB Constitution and Bylaws Committee, Tucson, AZ

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Network Yourself for Success; Onsite; City Terrace 4

In conjunction with our June 27th P.R.E.P. for Successful Networking program, we are pleased to host an in-person networking event where you can practice what you’ve P.R.E.P.’d. Come mingle with members of the ACB Employment Committee, ACB Government Employees, American Association of Blind Teachers, American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys, Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs, and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, among others, and join us for an evening of creating new connections. All are welcome, whether you attended the virtual event or not.

Facilitator: Melanie Sinohui, ACB Next Generation Convention Committee Co-Chair, Phoenix, AZ

Co-sponsored by ACB Next Generation (ACBNG), American Association of Blind Teachers (AABT), American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys (AAVIA), Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs (IVIE), and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA).

Sunday, July 7

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Discover, Connect, Thrive: Building Brighter Tomorrows; Onsite; City Terrace 4

Juggling essential tasks such as managing finances, whipping up quick meals, and fostering social connections can feel like an uphill battle. Accessible tools and strategies can make these challenges manageable and seamless. Don't let these roadblocks define your path; learn how to define your own path. Join Hindley Williams, Edward Shaham, and Kolby Garrison, who will offer tools and strategies to help you build and execute a future in which you can thrive. This is your chance to step out of the shadows of uncertainty and into a life where financial independence, health, and community are within your grasp.

Facilitator: Hindley Williams, Program Analyst, United States Department of Health and Human Services, Parkville, MD

Panelists: Edward Shaham, Accountant and Supply Chain Manager, West Hartford, CT; Kolby Garrison, ACB Development Officer, Greensboro, NC

9:00 pm - 10:15 pm: Prose and Poetry 

Co-sponsored by FIA and ACB Next Generation

Monday, July 8

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Discovering Emotional Intelligence: How to Develop It, Hone It, and Practice It; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Emotional intelligence is the capacity to be aware of and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. This session is a discussion about what emotional intelligence is, how we apply it, and how it influences our communication styles.

Facilitator: Terri-Lynn Higashi, Member, American Council of the Blind Next Generation Convention Committee, Ewa Beach, HI

Panelists: Pam Shaw, Member, Berl Colley Leadership Training Committee, Philadelphia, PA; Danielle Grenevitch McIntyre, Children Raised Around the Blind founder, Loganville, GA; Debbie Green, Vice Chair, ACB Mental Health and Wellness Committee, Elizabethtown, KY; Matt Selm, President, Kentucky Council of the Blind, Louisville, KY

ACB Radio Amateurs

President: Harvey Heagy
Program Chair: Marcia Moses
Affiliate donation: $5

Thursday, June 27

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm: For Everyone Interested in Amateur Radio; Virtual
Lucinda Moody, the Handiham Program Coordinator, will be speaking to us about the Handiham program and about ham radio in general.

When she last spoke in 2020, it was one of the most popular presentations we have ever had, so I hope it will be even bigger and better this year. She is an excellent speaker and very knowledgeable!

Presenter: Lucinda Moody, MSW, LGSW Handiham Program Coordinator, Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute, Golden Valley, MN

American Council of Blind Students

President: Kevin Cohen
Program Chair: Malia Thibado
Affiliate Donation: $15

Thursday, June 27

5:00 pm – 6:15 pm: ACB Students Business Meeting; Virtual

ACBS will conduct its annual business meeting, which includes constitutional amendments and executive board elections. Attendees will have the opportunity to glimpse the inner workings of a student-led organization.

Friday, June 28

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: The Interview and You: Virtual

Interviews are intimidating, whether for student organizations, internships, scholarships, or jobs. Fear not. ACBS is here to help with its workshop geared toward interview prep. Learn about the ins and outs of a successful interview, pre- and post- interview etiquette, and how to stand out and achieve your goals!

Presenter: Sara Freeman Smith, HR Recruiter, Houston, TX

Saturday, June 29

5:00 pm – 6:15 pm: Convention Pep Rally with ACB Next Generation and ACB Students; Virtual

Who’s got spirit? We do! Let’s get fired up for the 2024 ACB Conference and Convention. Join ACB Next Generation and ACB Students for our annual Convention Pep Rally, where we’ll party where the sun shines bright. Coach Kenneth makes a repeat appearance along with his special guests, Leslie Spoone and Koni Sims, who will get us up and groovin’. Enjoy meeting new friends, and learn about all our convention events. Bring your favorite snacks and get ready to cheer, 2024 will be a great year!

Facilitators: Melanie Sinohui, ACB Next Generation Convention Committee Co-Chair, Phoenix, AZ; Cassie Trosper, ACB Next Generation Convention Committee Co-Chair, North Bend, OR

Panelists: Amanda Selm, ACB Next Generation President, Louisville, KY; Kenneth Semien Sr., ACB Next Generation and ACB Students Board Liaison, Beaumont, TX; Malia Thibado, ACB Students 2nd Vice President, Pell City, AL; Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL; Koni Sims, ACB Board Member, Sioux Falls, SD

Friday, July 5

8:00 pm – 11:00 pm: Friday Night Bash; Onsite; City Terrace 9

ACBS and ACB Next Gen collectively welcome you all back to the ACB Convention with our annual Friday Night Bash! Catch up with old friends and meet new ones at this social event. Let's start this convention with a bang!

Monday, July 8

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Fashion Forward: How to Dress to Impress; Onsite; City Terrace 5

When an event is "business professional," how specifically should you dress? For students and young professionals, dialogue surrounding fashions and dress codes are confusing, even to those who are sighted. ACBS's event aims to strengthen confidence in personal fashion, inform about appropriate attire in different circumstances, and bring different tips and tricks from visually impaired and sighted fashionistas.

Presenters: Margarine Beaman, Austin TX; Emily "Myles" Nelson, ACBS Treasurer, Fishers, IN

Tuesday, July 9

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: Financial Literacy for Students; Onsite; City Terrace 5

Personal finance is essential to independent and prudent living. As a student, you are in one of the most transformative times of your life. ACBS will present a seminar that will help students gain confidence in a plethora of financial aspects, including taxes, monthly budgets, and available grants and scholarships.

Presenters: David Adams, AAVIA Treasurer, Philadelphia, PA; Kevin Cohen, ACBS President, Hewlett, NY

Blind Information Technology Specialists

President: Jeff Bishop
Program Chair: Brad Snyder
Affiliate Donation: $10

Thursday, June 27

11:00 am - 12:15 am: Using AI Ethically and Responsibly (part one of a three-part session on artificial intelligence); Virtual

The invention of artificial intelligence has been with us for decades but now it is becoming pivotal in the lives of those that utilize technology. Learn from a panel of technology experts, users, and enthusiasts about the current state of AI. We will focus on using this technology ethically and responsibly, but what does that even mean? We will answer the question if AI is a game changer for those with disabilities and what role does it play in the lives of professionals, students, and those of us that utilize this technology in our daily lives at home. Lastly, we discuss what role we all play in driving change in the areas of AI and accessibility to improve the world around us. Learn how AI will achieve greatness if driven appropriately by technology companies and users alike.

Facilitators: Jeff Bishop, IT Accessibility Consultant, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Peter Altschul, Common Ground Consultant, Coos Bay, OR; RaLynn McGuire, Lead Accessibility/UDL Specialist Lecturer – COEHD Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching, the University of Texas, San Antonio, TX; Joshua Hori, Accessible Technology Coordinator, Davis, CA; Michael Doise, Techopolis Online Solutions Software Developer, Austin, TX; Aaron Ramirez, Northern Arizona University IT Support Analyst for the ITS Service Desk & Technology Support, Flagstaff, AZ; German Fermin, Northern Arizona University IT Support Analyst for the ITS Service Desk & Technology Support, Flagstaff, AZ

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm: Productivity Apps on Your iOS Device: Helping You Work Smarter, Not Harder; Virtual

Your iOS device is a powerful computer that fits right in the palm of your hand, and it comes preloaded with a number of apps that can help you work smarter, not harder. In this session, iBug Today members Sandhya Rao and Brad Snyder show how you can master the power of your iOS device to increase your productivity and efficiency, and maybe have some fun at the same time.

Presenters: Sandhya Rao, Vice President, iBug Today, Houston, TX; Brad Snyder, iBug Today, Advanced Member, Dallas, TX

Friday, June 28

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: A Look at AI Platforms (part two of a three-part session on artificial intelligence); Virtual

In our second session we dive deep on what technology exists today that is both inclusive and accessible for everyone. What are the key aspects of each of the big players in the area of AI, and why might you use one over the other? We uncover the last trends in AI across all of the big players and platforms, including Microsoft, Google, Apple, Open AI, and many others. This interactive session will allow guests to ask questions of our panel of experts to allow you to determine which platform is best for your specific situation.

Facilitator: Jeff Bishop, IT Accessibility Consultant, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Peter Altschul, Common Ground Consultant, Coos Bay, OR; RaLynn McGuire, Lead Accessibility/UDL Specialist Lecturer – COEHD Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching, the University of Texas, San Antonio, TX; Joshua Hori, Accessible Technology Coordinator, Davis, CA; Michael Doise, Techopolis Online Solutions Software Developer, Austin, TX; Aaron Ramirez, Northern Arizona University, Student Employee for ITS Service Desk & Technology Support and Student Accessibility Analyst For Disability Resources, Flagstaff, AZ; German Fermin, Northern Arizona University, IT Support Analyst for the ITS Service Desk & Technology Support, Flagstaff, AZ; Michael Babcock, Founder of Payown Media and Podcast Host, Coos Bay, OR

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm: Implementation and Maintenance of Websites for Affiliates and Chapters; Virtual

ACB Affiliates and Chapters in 2024 need to have a website to reach current and potential members. In this session we’ll walk you through the necessary tools you need to build your home on the web. From domain names to web hosting and content management systems, you'll have a clear understanding of what is possible and how to take the first or next step to build your affiliates website even if you don't have a tech background.

Presenter: Michael Babcock, Founder of Payown Media and Podcast Host, Coos Bay, OR

Co-sponsored by BITS and the Leadership Committee.

Saturday, June 29

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: AI In the Workplace (this is part three of a three-part session on artificial intelligence); Virtual

Are you a JAWS user? This session is for you. Learn tips, tricks, and techniques to take advantage of AI across products and services. World-renowned technologist Brian Hartgen will join us where he will share many techniques to optimize your use of AI tools and services. If productivity, efficiency, and profound improvement in usability are what you crave, then learn from a truly creative individual as Brian shares his vision of where we are in the use of AI with assistive technology. It just not all about prompting with AI tools, it is also about collecting that data in ways that allows you to be most efficient in your daily work.

Presenters: Jeff Bishop, IT Accessibility Consultant, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ; Brian Hartgen, Hartgen Consultancy, UK

Cosponsored by BITS and the Employment Committee.

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: Get to Know Computers for the Blind; Virtual

Computers for the Blind is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit dedicated to bridging the digital divide for the blind and vision impaired community in the US, by providing affordable and accessible refurbished computers and training. Join BITS and Unmute Presents’ Marty Sobo, along with Computers for the Blind’s Brian Carver and Marci Duty, as they discuss what Computers for the Blind has to offer the blind and vision impaired community, and how you can take advantage of what this organization can do for you.

Presenters: Marty Sobo, Co-Founder of Unmute Presents, Podcaster, CA; Brian Carver, Computers for the Blind Manager - Customer Service, St. Petersburg, FL; Marci Duty, Computers for the Blind Customer Service Rep and JAWS Trainer, Dallas, TX

Wednesday, July 10

4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: BITS Reception; Onsite; St. John's

Join BITS Family and friends for a convention reception and mixer. Come see what all the excitement is about. We will have refreshments and snacks. There will be a raffle drawing for a Zoom H4E Audio Recording Bundle. This is a $400 value. (Must be present to win). Your ticket gets you a free drink from the cash bar and a raffle ticket. Additional raffle tickets may be purchased on site.

Braille Revival League

President: Denise Colley
Affiliate Donation: $10

Thursday, June 27

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: What is the Braille Challenge and How Does It Work? Virtual

Learn what The Braille Challenge is and how young people participate by beginning in their local school districts through international competition. Students from grades 1 through 12 compete in various categories at the final international competition in Los Angeles, CA.

Moderator: Denise Colley, Braille Revival League President, Richmond, TX

Presenters: Rachel Antoine, Director, National and Youth Program, Braille Institute, Los Angeles, CA; Madeleine Hernvez, Manager, Braille Institute, Los Angeles, CA; Danny Olvera, Operational Coordinator, Braille Institute, Los Angeles, CA; Jacky Garcia, Resource Specialist, Braille Institute, Los Angeles, CA.

Friday, June 28

11:00 am – 12:15 pm: Choosing a Braille Device Trainer; Virtual

This session explores how you can find a trainer in the area of interest. It offers a practical outline of steps you can take to see just how effective your trainer is likely to be. Come get all your questions answered.

Moderator: Denise Colley, Braille Revival League President, Richmond, TX

Presenters: Paul Edwards, Braille Revival League Immediate Past President, Jacksonville, FL; Mike indell, Product Specialist, Dream Vision, Minneapolis, MN

Tuesday, July 9

7:00 am - 8:15 am: Braille Revival League Breakfast; Hybrid; City Terrace 7 ($40)

Dr. Judith Dixon, Braille Revival League Second Vice President and President of the International Council on English Braille. Her session will explore current work being done by that group and some of the discussions that are taking place around UEB.

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Meet the Talking Book Narrator; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Co-sponsored by LUA, BRL and AABT

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Update from NLS Director; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Co-sponsored by LUA, BRL and AABT

Council of Citizens with Low Vision International

President: Patti Cox
Program Chair: Melanie Sinohui
Affiliate Donation: $10

Saturday, June 29

2:00 pm - 4:45 pm: CCLVI Annual Business Meeting; Virtual

Saturday, July 6

8:00 pm – Midnight: 45 Years of CCLVI Dance; Onsite; St. John's ($10)

Put on your bell bottoms and dancin' shoes and come boogie with CCLVI at our 45 Years of CCLVI Dance. Show off your style by dressing in your best 1970s outfit, channeling your inner John Travolta and compete in our costume contest. Themed drinks will keep the thirst away, so grab those platform shoes and dance the night away.

Sunday, July 7

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: This Old House; Onsite; City Terrace 7

Do you have a to-do list full of home repairs? Does your house need an upgrade? Come to CCLVI's This Old House program to get tips on how to fix the little things that won't hurt your wallet, but make you feel better about your home.

Panelist: David Cox, former certified electrician and all-around handyman, Louisville, KY; Ray Campbell, 2nd Vice President, American Council of the Blind and facilitator of Handy Around the House in the ACB Community, Springfield, IL; Samantha Hubbard, 2015 graduate of Youth Build, Louisville, KY.

Monday, July 8

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Looking How I'm Feeling; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Join us for a roundtable session where we share how we radiate confidence in everyday situations. We'll discuss techniques for shopping to find the products that help you best project your image, exploring your personal style, and navigating social outings. Together we will embrace looking how we feel as people with low vision.

Facilitator: Cassie Trosper, ACB Mental Health and Wellness Committee member, North Bend, OR

Wednesday, July 10

7:00 pm – 10:00 pm:CCLVI Game Night: Family Feud; Onsite; St. John's $5

CCLVI’s Game Night is back after many years. Get your teams of five ready for a great fun evening of Family Feud. In celebrating our 45 years, Mrs. Roper will be your host. So come and have a night of laughter and fun.

Friends-in-Art of ACB

President: Annie Chiappetta
Program Chair: Peter Altschul
Affiliate Donation: $20

Thursday, June 27

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: Audible Description and Dance; Virtual Techniques and Strategies for Expanding and Understanding of Types of Dance; Virtual

Co-sponsored by FIA and ADP

Friday, June 28

3:30 pm – 4:45 pm: Focus Your Muse with MuseScore; Virtual

Discover how MuseScore empowers individuals who are blind or have low vision to independently create music scores. Through live demonstrations, attendees will learn to navigate this free and open-source music notation application using keyboard shortcuts and receive guidance on creating digital and hard copy print and braille music scores.

Facilitator: Peter Altschul, FIA program chair, Coos Bay, OR

Presenter: Jason Castonguay, performer, composer, and tech geek, Manchester, CT

Saturday, June 29

3:30 pm – 4:45 pm: Writers Workshop: Book Banning: The Threat and Some Solutions; Virtual

This discussion will highlight the current instances and dangers of banning books and how it relates to the past. Panelists will share stories focusing on the detrimental effect upon blind and low-vision children and adults, as well as people with disabilities and other minority groups. Advocacy strategies and workarounds will be explored.

Facilitator: Ann Chiappetta, FIA President, Monroeville, PA

Panelists: Donna Halper, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, Emerson College, Boston, MA; Cheryl Cumings, Multi-Cultural Affairs Committee Chair, Seattle, WA; Leah Gardner, President of Blind Pride International, Miami Lakes, FL; Regina Brink, Assistant Director of Governmental Affairs, California Council of the Blind President, ACB Capital Chapter of CCB, Sacramento, CA

Monday, July 8

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: Brick by Brick: Learning Through Lego! Onsite; City Terrace 12

Legos aren’t just a toy. They can teach blind people to be better rock-climbers, how to write music, and how to read in braille. Not only that, but blind people can now build Lego sets on their own using text-based instructions from Bricks for The Blind. Join Matthew Shifrin, founder of Bricks for The Blind, and explore how Lego can help you to be a better teacher and learn more about the world around you. And there’ll be free Lego sets!

Presenter: Matthew Shifrin, Founder, Bricks for The Blind, Boston, MA

Co-sponsored by AABT, ACBF and FIA

9:00 pm - 11:00 pm: Prose and Poetry Reading; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Share some of your original work or just come listen. Family friendly, please.

Facilitator: Carla Hayes, McMurray, PA

Tuesday, July 9

6:30 pm – 7:45 pm: Drum Circle; Onsite; City Terrace 10 $20 ($25)

Relax while making a musically joyous racket. Space is limited to 15 participants.

8:00 pm – 9:15 pm: Drum Circle Onsite; City Terrace 10 $20 ($25)

Relax while making a musically joyous racket. Space is limited to 15 participants.

Guide Dog Users, Inc.

President: Sarah Calhoun
Program Chair: Maria Hansen
Affiliate Donation: $10
By making a donation to GDUI, you will automatically be entered into a door prize drawing.

Thursday, June 27

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Guide Dog School Update (Part 1); Virtual

Representatives from each school will give updates. (double session)

12:30 pm – 1:45 pm: GDUI: Guide Dog School Update (continued); Virtual

Saturday, June 29

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Guide Dog Schools Beyond Our Borders; Virtual

Find out about a couple of guide dog school training programs outside the U.S.

Co-sponsored by GDUI & IRC

12:30 pm – 1:45 pm: Meet Barbara Hinske - author of Guiding Emily; Virtual

GDUI’s Guest Speaker, Barbara Hinske, USA Today Bestselling Author, Phoenix, AZ. Barbara Hinske is the author of the Guiding Emily series. GDUI award winners will be announced, as well as the drawing winner of Garth, a plush black lab fitted out in a hand-made leather harness.

Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs

President: Ardis Bazyn
Program Chair: Carla Hayes
Affiliate Donation: $20 ($25)

Thursday, June 27

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: P.R.E.P. for Successful Networking; Virtual

Come join Chris Peterson, Swatha Nandhakumar, and Dianna Leonard as they help us ready ourselves for any networking event. They’ll guide us through an interactive P.R.E.P. session to learn how to plan, research, navigate an event, and pursue leads. Then join us at our in-person event on July 6th to practice what you’ve P.R.E.P.’d, where various affiliate and ACB committee members will be in attendance for networking.

Facilitator: Carrie Muth, ICAP Vocational Rehabilitation Career Coach, Coos Bay, OR

Panelists: Chris Peterson, Founder and CEO, Penny Forward, Richfield, MN; Swatha Nandhakumar, ACB Advocacy and Outreach Specialist, Alexandria, VA; Dianna Leonard, Marketing and Outreach Professional, Virginia Beach, VA.

Friday, June 28

5:00 pm – 6:15 pm: IVIE Business Meeting (members only); Virtual

Saturday, July 6

12:15 pm – 3:45 pm: RSVA/IVIE Awards Luncheon

12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: Luncheon; Onsite; City Terrace 7 ($50).

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: How a Visually Impaired Entrepreneur Created and Launched her New Business; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Motivational Speaker: Tricia Waechter, CEO, Blind Girl Designs. After losing her vision, she had to learn a new career. She’ll tell how a Visually Impaired Entrepreneur created and launched her new business.

Presenter: Tricia Waechter, CEO, Blind Girl Designs, Houston, TX

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Tech It Out!; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Learn iPhone and Android tips for entrepreneurs, hear about various apps and how to use them effectively.

Presenter: Adam Gaffney, Distributed Computer Systems Analyst and computer technician, Tallahassee, FL

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Network Yourself for Success; Onsite; City Terrace 4

In conjunction with our June 27th P.R.E.P. for Successful Networking program, we are pleased to host an in-person networking event where you can practice what you’ve P.R.E.P.’d. Come mingle with members of the ACB Employment Committee, ACB Government Employees, American Association of Blind Teachers, American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys, Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs, and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, among others, and join us for an evening of creating new connections. All are welcome, whether you attended the virtual event or not.

Facilitator: Melanie Sinohui, ACB Next Generation Convention Committee Co-Chair, Phoenix, AZ

Co-sponsored by ACB Next Generation (ACBNG), American Association of Blind Teachers (AABT), American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys (AAVIA), Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs (IVIE), and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA)

Wednesday, July 10

1:00 pm - 3:45 pm: IVIE Business Expo; Onsite; Hart

Blind and visually impaired business owners will showcase their products and services and answer your questions.

Library Users of America

President: Carla Ruschival
Program Chair: Brian Charlson
Affiliate Donation: $10 (By donating you will be eligible for a door prize drawing)

Thursday, June 27

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm: What Can Be Accomplished When We Work Together; Virtual

Talking Book Libraries can do much more than send out books and magazines. Come and hear how Floridians can access locally produced books and periodicals, videos, and more.

And how to work in collaboration with your local talking book library to enhance services. You will also hear how a “Friends of the Library” group in Florida has worked with their talking book library to support existing programming and to help finance fun and exciting new projects. How do they work together and what do they hope to achieve in the future?

3:30 pm – 4:45 pm: Why You Should Get a Public Library Card; Virtual

Some Talking Book library users are also proud card-carrying public library users. Come and learn how you might take advantage of your local public library to access services that could reduce your reliance on pay-to-play services to access books, music, videos and more. This session will include a short demonstration of the Libby online service offered by many public libraries around the country.

Friday, June 28

2:30 pm - 3:15 pm: You Get What You Pay For; Virtual

If you find yourself unwilling to wait for the next book in a series or needing access to a niche title, you will find this session on where to go if you are willing to pay for the privilege to be a game changer. Whether you pay by the title, by the month or through an annual membership fee, there are companies and organizations that can provide you with access beyond the free services you are already using.

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: Library Users of America Business Meeting; Virtual

As with every LUA convention, there will be a business meeting where the membership will elect board members, consider resolutions and here reports from LUA members who serve on library related committees. LUA is a membership organization and therefore, we rely on our members to set the direction of our advocacy and programming. We invite you to come and be a part of our business meeting.

Tuesday, July 9

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Q&A With Your Talking Book Narrator; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

As in years past, we will once again get to listen to and ask questions of a wonderful talking book narrator, Mare Trevathan, who records at both Books to Life and Talking Book Publishers Inc. She is a perennial favorite and is likely to read a bit from a couple of her long list of NLS titles. Come early because this is frequently standing room only.

Co-sponsored by LUA, BRL, and AABT

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: Q&A With the NLS Director; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Come and speak with the Director of the National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled, Jason Broughton. He will update us on changes at the National Library Service and answer our questions on what we can expect in the years to come.

Co-sponsored by LUA, BRL and AABT

Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA)

President: Scott Eggen
Convention Chair: Ardis Bazyn
Affiliate Donation: $25 ($30) (includes 2025 membership and $10 raffle tickets)

Thursday, June 27

5:00 pm – 6:15 pm: P.R.E.P. for Successful Networking; Virtual

Come join Chris Peterson, Swatha Nandhakumar, and Dianna Leonard as they help us ready ourselves for any networking event. They’ll guide us through an interactive P.R.E.P. session to learn how to plan, research, navigate an event, and pursue leads. Then join us at our in-person event on July 6th to practice what you’ve P.R.E.P.’d, where various affiliate and ACB committee members will be in attendance to network with.

Saturday, July 6

12:15 pm – 3:45 pm: RSVA/IVIE Awards Luncheon

12:15 pm - 1:00 pm: Luncheon; Onsite; City Terrace ($50)

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: How a Visually Impaired Entrepreneur Created and Launched her New Business; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Motivational Speaker: Tricia Waechter, CEO, Blind Girl Designs, Houston, TX. After losing her vision, she had to learn a new career. She’ll tell how a visually impaired entrepreneur created and launched her new business.

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Tech It Out! Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Learn iPhone and Android tips for entrepreneurs, hear about various apps and how to use them effectively. Presenter: Adam Gaffney, Distributed Computer Systems Analyst and computer technician, Tallahassee, FL

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Network Yourself for Success; Onsite; City Terrace 4

In conjunction with our June 27th P.R.E.P. for Successful Networking program, we are pleased to host an in-person networking event where you can practice what you’ve P.R.E.P.’d. Come mingle with members of the ACB Employment Committee, ACB Government Employees, American Association of Blind Teachers, American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys, Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs, and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America, among others, and join us for an evening of creating new connections. All are welcome, whether you attended the virtual event or not.

Facilitator: Melanie Sinohui, ACB Next Generation Convention Committee Co-Chair, Phoenix, AZ

Co-sponsored by ACB Next Generation (ACBNG), American Association of Blind Teachers (AABT), American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys (AAVIA), Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs (IVIE), and Randolph-Sheppard Vendors of America (RSVA)

Sunday, July 7

1 pm – 2:15 pm: Speed Networking: The Vendor Game; Onsite; City Terrace 4

In this session, career options will be explored including Randolph-Sheppard opportunities.

2:30 pm - 3:45 pm: All about the Florida BEP Program; Onsite; City Terrace 12

This session will highlight the Business Enterprise Program in Florida so participants will learn how they train vendors, the types of facilities they have in the program, and some statistics of relevance: gross sales, number of facilities, number of vendors, etc. They will also learn how blind persons can become a vendor in the state.

Presenters: Randall Crosby, CEO, Crosby’s Café, Inc., St. Augustine, FL; Darryl Brinton, CEO, DSB Foods, Inc., Jacksonville, FL

Monday, July 8

10:30 am – 11:45 am: Motivating State Agencies to Improve Their Business Enterprise Programs; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

This panel will focus on how to ensure state agencies administering the Randolph-Sheppard vending facility program work to ensure that blind vendors will be awarded military dining facility sites and keep their programs moving forward. The panel will discuss how state agency staff can be more entrepreneurial in their efforts to get new vending facility locations and help blind vendors to be more entrepreneurial, as well. The panel will also discuss what steps can be taken for elected committees of blind vendors and state agencies to work together for the best interests of the program and the vendors within it.

7:00 pm – 8:45 pm: 1st Act - Enjoy some laughs with RSVA® Comedian Onsite; St. John's $20 ($20)

9:00 pm – Midnight: 2nd Act - Show your talent with RSVA® Karaoke; Onsite; St. John's $15 ($20)

Visually Impaired Veterans of America

President: Cassie Trosper
Affiliate Donation: ($10)

Monday, July 8

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: Visually Impaired Veterans of America business meeting; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

ACB Committee Meetings

Back to table of contents


ACB Women Committee

Chair: Linda Porelle

Thursday, June 27

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Yoga with Leslie Spoone – Easy Chair Yoga; virtually

Come and enjoy some Easy Chair Yoga with Leslie Spoone. We will be doing some stretches and poses for the body after an exciting day of sessions. You will feel relaxed for the rest of the convention.

Facilitator: Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL

Friday, June 28

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Happy Hour Cardio; Virtually

Come and have some laughs while we do some cardio with Leslie Spoone. You can either dance around for your cardio or you can be on your equipment, such as the treadmill, elliptical or your bike. This class will leave you happy for the rest of the convention!

Facilitator: Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer, Orlando, FL

Saturday, June 29

5:00 pm - 6:15 pm: Sister Power Happy Hour; Virtual

Join ACB Women for another inspiring conversation featuring two wise women from our committee, Linda and Linda!

Facilitators: Linda Yacks, Retired Secretary, Rogers, AR; Linda Porelle, Retired Social worker and Life Coach, Westbrook, ME

Auction Committee

Chair: Leslie Spoone

Saturday, June 22

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm: ACB Summer Auction; Virtual

Come and enjoy the ACB Summer Auction where we will be featuring jewelry, homemade baked goodies, technology, vacations and handmade quilts and crafts. We will kick it off with an Appetizer Auction on Thursday, June 20 and Friday, June 21.

Audio Description Project Steering Committee

Co-Chairs: Kim Charlson and Carl Richardson

Thursday, June 27

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm: Writing Image Description for Graphic Novels and Other Highly Visual Content; Virtual

Staff from the National Library Service for the Blind & Print Disabled (NLS) Media Lab will discuss the evolution of their approach to writing image descriptions of graphic novels and picture books, presenting challenges they have faced and the best practices they have developed.

Moderator: Celeste Lawson, Head, Media Lab, National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (NLS), Washington, DC

Presenters: Michael Russotto, Narrator; Laura Giannarelli, Narrator; Joy Jones, Narrator; Marie Garnett, Narrator; Dawn Ursula, Narrator; and Ryan Dalusung, Narrator, NLS Media Lab

3:30 pm – 4:45 pm: Audio Description and Dance: Learn about Techniques and Strategies for Expanding Understanding of Types of Dance; Virtual

Panelists will share firsthand and research-based strategies and techniques for providing audio description for dance performances.

Moderator: Kim Charlson, Co-Chair, ACB Audio Description Project and Executive Director, Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library, Watertown, MA

Presenters: Krishna Washburn, Artistic Director, Dark Room Ballet, New York, NY; Esther Geiger, CMA (Certified Movement Analyst), WholeMovement; Dr. Joel Snyder, Audio Description Associates, Takoma Park, MD; Kerry Thompson, Executive Director, Silent Rhythms Inc., Malden, MA; and Celia Hughes, Executive Director, Art Spark Texas, Austin, TX

Co-sponsored by FIA and ADP

Friday, June 28

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Developments in Spanish Language Audio Description; Virtual

Panelists will discuss recent progress in the creation, availability, and distribution of audio description in Spanish in the US.

Moderator: Tabitha Kenlon, ACB Audio Description Project Coordinator, Philadelphia, PA

Presenters: Maria-Victoria Diaz, PhD, CEO and President, Dicapta, Orlando, FL; Conchita Hernandez Legorreta, PhD, Education Consultant, Washington, DC

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm: Streaming Services: You Might Be Surprised Which Ones Have Audio Description; Virtual

Come learn about film festivals, streaming services, and alternative video on demand services that provide audio description that you might not know exist.

Moderator: Carl Richardson, Co-Chair, ACB Audio Description Project and Massachusetts State

House ADA Coordinator, Brighton, MA

Presenters: Tubi, Pluto TV, ReelAbilities, and more

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm: Academic AD: Audio Description and Higher Education; Virtual

Panelists will discuss the importance of audio description in higher education and its advantages as a learning and teaching tool.

Moderator: Tabitha Kenlon, ACB Audio Description Coordinator, Philadelphia, PA

Presenters: Susan Glass, English Professor (retired), Freelance Writer, Poet, Saratoga, CA; Natasha Ishaq, Student Ambassador Lead, Teach Access, Inc., and Higher Education Accessibility Consultant, Princeton, NJ; RaLynn McGuire, Lecturer and Lead Accessibility/UDL Specialist, University of Texas, San Antonio, TX

5:00 pm – 6:15 pm: AD and AI — a match made in heaven? Or not? Maybe somewhere in between? Virtual

Join us for a comprehensive review of how the use of AI can impact the production of audio description— its voicing, its writing, and its editing.

Moderator: Joel Snyder, PhD, President, Audio Description Associates, LLC, Takoma Park, MD

Presenters: Brett Oppegaard, PhD, Professor, School of Communication and Information, College of Social Sciences, University of Hawaii at Mānoa, Manoa, HI; Joshua Miele, PhD, Adaptive Technology Researcher, MacArthur Fellow, Amazon Labs, Berkeley, CA; Tristan Snyder, Freelance Audio Editor, Minneapolis, MN

Saturday, June 29

11:00 am – 12:15 pm: Blind Film Critics, Audio Description, and More; Virtual

Learn how three professional film critics who happen to be blind use audio descriptions to do film reviews and criticism, what they think make for good or bad audio description, and more.

Moderator: Carl Richardson, Co-Chair, ACB Audio Description Project and Massachusetts State House ADA Coordinator, Brighton, MA

Presenters: John Stark, “Mac the Movie Guy,” (, Orlando, FL; Alexander Howard, “The Dark Room” Podcast (, Burbank, CA; Lee Pugsley, “The Dark Room” Podcast (, Orangelos, CA

Berl Colley Leadership Committee

Chair: Donna Brown

Friday, June 28

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm: Implementation and Maintenance of Websites for Affiliates and Chapters; Virtual

ACB affiliates and chapters in 2024 need to have a website to reach current and potential members. In this session we’ll walk you through the necessary tools you need to build your home on the web. From domain names to web hosting and content management systems, you'll have a clear understanding of what is possible and how to take the first or next step to build your affiliates website even if you don't have a tech background.

Presenter: Michael Babcock, Founder of Payown Media and Podcast Host, Coos Bay, OR Co-sponsored by BITS and the Leadership Committee.

Saturday, July 6

10:00 am – 11:15 pm: The Buffet Where Your Favorite Recipe for Leadership Success is Served; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Several ACB leaders will stir up necessary ingredients to spice up your meetings and affiliate activities. Come to the table with a hearty appetite for strategies to deal with ingredients that might not always mix well together. Audience participation will be plentiful during this session.

Facilitator: Donna Brown, Berl Colley Leadership chair, Romney, WV

Sunday, July 7

10:00 am – 11:15 pm: A Second Helping of Leadership Strategies; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

ACB leaders will stir up more activities to guide session participants in running productive meetings and planning activities to include all members.

Facilitator: Donna Brown, Berl Colley Leadership chair, Romney, WV

DKM First-Timers Committee

Chair: Kenneth Semien Sr.
Vice-Chair: Zelda Gebhard

Wednesday, July 10

5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: DKM First-Timers Reception; Onsite; Clearwater ($17) ($20)

Celebrate with the Class of 2024 DKM First-Timers as they embark on a leadership adventure and navigate 'Oceans of Possibilities' during their reception. Connect with past First-Timers and ACB leaders. Listen to stories about Durward K. McDaniel and compete for the most creative boat cruise outfit.

Employment Committee

Co-Chairs: Brooke Jostad and Peter Altschul

Thursday, June 27

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Disability and The Community College Workplace Pipeline; Virtual

Learn about how community college staff are partnering with VR and other community agencies to better prepare disabled students for academic and career success facilitated by a five-year federal grant.

Facilitator, Peter Altschul, Employment Committee Co-chair, Coos Bay, OR;

Presenters: Carrie Muth, ICAP/Vocational Rehabilitation Career Coach, Southwestern Oregon Community College, Coos Bay, OR; Barbara Neils, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, Oregon Vocational Rehabilitation Services, North Bend, OR

Friday, June 28

12:30 pm – 1:45 pm: Turning Stones into Gems; Virtual

Learn how to find direction in your life & career. ACB Employment Committee member and author Sarah Freeman Smith will discuss her personal story and tools on her career journey as HR/Recruiting leader and now speaker and disability advocate.

Facilitator: Cheryl Cumings, MCAC Chair and Employment Committee member, Seattle, WA

Presenter: Sara Freeman Smith, CEO, U R Gems Group, Author/Speaker and Disability Advocate; Houston, TX

Saturday, June 29

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: AI In the Workplace (part three of a three-part session on artificial intelligence); Virtual

Cosponsored by BITS and the Employment Committee.

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm: Managing Those Workplace Technology Hassles; Virtual

Discover strategies to address those vexing technology inaccessibility challenges from the application process through doing the work you are hired to do.

Facilitator: Peter Altschul

Panelists: Jeff Bishop, IT Accessibility Consultant and President of BITS, Tucson, AZ; Michael Babcock, founder of Payown Media, LLC, (541) 435-5568, [email protected], Coquille, OR; Brian Charlson, Access Technology Consultant, [email protected], Watertown, MA

Monday, July 8

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: Self-Advocacy at Work; Onsite; City Terrace 4

Through a mixture of presentation and guided role plays, learn how to better communicate your needs and abilities to frazzled HR staff, techies, and overworked, under supported bosses.

Facilitator: Melanie Sinohui, Senior Process Engineer, Wells Fargo, Phoenix, AZ

Panelists: Brooke Jostad, Employment Committee Co-Chair and Regional Clinical Director for Specialty Counseling, Loveland, CO; Carrie Muth, Coos Bay, OR; Peter Altschul, Coos Bay, OR; Cheryl Cumings, Seattle, WA

Get up and Get Moving

Co-Chair: Leslie Spoone and Koni Sims

Tuesday, July 9

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Get Up and Get Moving at The ACB Convention; Onsite; City Terrace 5

Come and share your healthy lifestyle story with the GUGM committee at our breakout session. Enjoy learning some exercises with Leslie Spoone and get relaxed with some of Koni Sims’ aromatherapy and massages. Also, come and hear from our committee about their exciting lifestyle changes. We look forward to seeing you at the convention to get pumped up and relaxed for the rest of the week.

Presenters: Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobics instructor, Orlando, FL; Koni Sims, retired medical massage practitioner (MMP), Sioux Falls, SD

International Relations Committee

Chair: Maria Kristic

Friday, June 28

11:00 am – 12:15 pm: Mission Accessibility in India; Virtual

Learn how a grassroots ecosystem founded by blind attorneys is increasing accessibility one Web site, app, and tourist monument at a time in a country with one of the highest populations of blind people in the world. Find out how Mission Accessibility is making change happen. Receive lessons and tips to apply in your own advocacy.

Presenter: Amar Jain, corporate attorney and Co-Founder, Mission Accessibility, Mumbai, India

Saturday, June 29

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Guide Dog Schools Beyond Our Borders; Virtual

Find out about a couple guide dog school training programs outside the U.S.

Co-sponsored by GDUI & IRC

Sunday, July 7

1:00 pm - 2:15 pm: Journey of a Blind Pakistani Lawyer; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

Learn what it's like to live and work in Pakistan through one man's recent journey to become an attorney. Learn about the role of culture and family, challenges, successes, and more.

Presenter: Syed Waqas Ali Shah, Peshawar, P.K4K., Pakistan

Co-sponsored by AAVIA and IRC

Monday, July 8

4:00 pm - 5:15 pm: Essential Oils Around the World; Onsite; City Terrace 5

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years around the world for aromatherapy, supporting health, and cleaning abilities. Learn how several oils are being both sourced from and used around the world, and, best of all, you will have the opportunity to experience their beautiful aromas and benefits for yourself!

Presenter: Nickie Coby, doTERRA Wellness Advocate, Roseville, MN

Tuesday, July 9

12:15 pm - 2:15 pm: Voices from Around the World Luncheon: Refugee Can Be; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Come hear the inspiring immigration and service journey of Chantale Zuzi, a recent ACB scholarship recipient. From refugee in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to accomplished young woman committed to serving others, learn how Chantale triumphed over adversity and found resilience, and how she is striving to empower refugee girls in East Africa to reach their full potential.

Presenter: Chantale Zuzi, Founder, Refugee Can Be, Wellesley, MA

5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: A Conversation with the Executive Officer, Trinidad and Tobago Blind Welfare Association; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Mr. Kenneth Suratt will speak at Tuesday morning’s General Session. Here is a great opportunity to hear from and talk with him directly in a smaller, more intimate setting. Come learn about the challenges and opportunities facing blind people in Trinidad and Tobago and lessons we can apply in the United States.

Presenter: Kenneth Suratt, Executive Officer, Trinidad and Tobago Blind Welfare Association, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad

Co-sponsored by IRC and MCAC

Membership Committee

Chair: Ardis Bazyn

Sunday, July 7

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Keys to the Convention; Onsite; City Terrace 12

This is a session for first-time convention attendees as well as for people who have not attended a convention recently.

Presentations will explain various sessions, business meetings and voting, as well as guide dog info, exhibit info, and some social events. Tips and hand-outs will be available in Braille and large print.

Facilitated by Ardis Bazyn, ACB Membership Committee Chair, Thornton, CO

Wednesday, July 10

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: ACB Membership Committee Seminar; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Theme: Positive Strategies for Membership

Facilitator: Ardis Bazyn, ACB Membership Committee Chair, Thornton, CO

Panel 1: What Techniques Affiliates Have used to Improve and Grow affiliate membership

Speakers: Carla Ruschival, President, ACB Families and Library Users of America, Louisville, KY; Doug Powell, President, Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss, Falls Church, VA; Jeff Bishop, Accessibility Specialist, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Panel 2: How to Have Successful Meetings Which Make Everyone Feel Valued

Speakers: Julie Brannon, Immediate Past President, Washington Council of the Blind, Puyallup, WA; Doug Powell, President, Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss, Falls Church, VA; Jeff Bishop, Accessibility Specialist, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ

Mental Health and Wellness Committee

Chair: Pam Shaw

Saturday, June 29

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Understanding Trauma; Virtual

In this workshop, you will learn what trauma really is and how it can impact your life. Discover strategies for healing from experiences as well as coping strategies.

Presenter: Lynda Johnson, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, San Mateo, CA

12:30 pm – 1:45 pm: From Trauma to Triumph; Virtual

Many people have experienced trauma of various types. Yet they have been able to go on to live full lives. Join us as three ACB members share their personal stories of how they have moved from trauma to triumph.

Presenters: Jason Miller, Director of Training, Paschall Access Solutions, Philadelphia, PA; Ebony Thompson, Student, Wake Technical Community College, Raleigh, NC; Cassie Trosper, Private First Class, U.S. Army Veteran, North Bend, OR

Saturday, July 6

4:00 pm: Friends of Bill W; Onsite; Mainstreet 1

Tuesday, July 9

5:30 pm – 6:45 pm: Mental Health Everyday; Hybrid; City Terrace 9

There's the occasional Mental Health Day. But if you really want to experience what it's like to live in Mental Health and well-being, come to this event. There, you will learn some new strategies that promote mental health on a daily basis.

Presenter: Pam Shaw, Chair, Mental Health & Wellness Committee, Philadelphia, PA

Wednesday, July 10

4:00 pm: Friends of Bill W; Onsite; Mainstreet 1

Multicultural Affairs Committee

Chair: Cheryl Cumings

Thursday, June 27

11:00 am - 12:15 pm: Judaism 101; Virtual

Rabbi Andrew Goodman, the COO of JBI (Jewish Braille Institute) will present an introduction to Judaism workshop, focusing on exploring some basic tenets of Judaism and its yearly calendar of holidays. Questions will be welcomed.

Tuesday, July 9

5:30 pm – 6:45 pm: A Conversation with the Executive Officer, Trinidad and Tobago Blind Welfare Association; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Mr. Kenneth Suratt will speak at Tuesday morning’s General Session. Here is a great opportunity to hear from and talk with him directly in a smaller, more intimate setting. Come learn about the challenges and opportunities facing blind people in Trinidad and Tobago and lessons we can apply in the United States.

Presenter: Kenneth Suratt, Executive Officer, Trinidad and Tobago Blind Welfare Association, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Co-sponsored by IRC and MCAC

Wednesday, July 10

12:15 pm – 1:00 pm: MCAC Luncheon; Onsite; City Terrace 7; $45 ($50)

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: Nothing About Us Without Us, An African-American Perspective on the History of Jacksonville (MCAC luncheon continued); Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Jacksonville, Florida, has a rich and diverse history. The experience of African-Americans in Jacksonville was unique, home of the renowned poet James Weldon Johnson and his brother, John Rosamund Johnson, who together wrote the Black National Anthem (Lift Every Voice and Sing), and home of one of the few free Black communities established under Spanish rule and maintained until its relocation to Oklahoma. Come and learn about the stories and events you may never have heard before. The Multi-Cultural Affairs Committee invites you to join us on this journey.

Presenter: Yolanda Y. Copeland, Jacksonville, FL

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: To Advocate and Educate, The History of Activism in Jacksonville; Hybrid; City Terrace 7

Continue with us on our odyssey through the history of Jacksonville. Come interact with a panel of diverse voices shaping the community of Jacksonville today, “the new, bold city of the south.” Presenters: Jose Morales, Center for Independent Living, Jacksonville, FL; Susan Peters, Founder, Possibilities Plus, Jacksonville, FL

Thursday, July 11

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Afternoon Mixer - You Can Dance! Onsite; Clearwater $20.00

Maybe you’ve been told people who are blind or have low vision cannot dance. Come learn some easy steps, get moving and celebrate diversity with us in a safe space where everyone is a star! The Multi-Cultural Affairs Committee brings you an afternoon dance party to meet each other, have some fun, and burn a few calories along the way!

Presenters: Regina Maria Brink, Sacramento, CA; Cachet Wells, Jacksonville, FL; Lucy Arguijo, St. Augustine, FL

Rehab Issues Task Force Committee

Co-Chairs: Christine Hunsinger and Doug Powell

Friday, June 28

12:30 pm – 1:45 pm: Get More Chances to Score a Job Using the Workforce Office; Virtual

The Rehab Issues Task Force will hold a panel on how some states have been successful at giving people with vision loss access to the programs and resources offered in the Workforce offices and therefore allowing for additional avenues to employment as well as the standard vocational rehabilitation office or blind service office.

You may find that these services fit your needs.

Scholarship Committee

Co-Chairs: Denise Colley and Patty Slaby

Friday, July 5

6:15 pm – 8:00 pm: Scholarship Winners’ Dinner (by invitation only); Onsite; City Terrace 9

Tuesday, July 9

5:30 pm – 6:45 pm: ACB Scholarship Winners reception; Onsite; Matthews

Sight and Sound Impaired Committee

Chair: Carl Richardson

Thursday, June 27

3:30 pm – 4:45 pm: SASI - Supporting Family Members with Dual Sensory Loss; Virtual

A panel discussion will take place regarding ways adult children, partners, and others support us as individuals with dual sensory loss.

Moderator: Lori Scharff, MSW, WIP-C, VRT, Waynesboro, VA

Panelists: Ray Campbell, Senior Accessibility Analyst, United Airlines, Springfield, IL; Danielle DJ McIntyre, Children Raised Around the Blind founder, Loganville, GA; Megan Sullivan, Ph.D., Brighton, MA

Saturday, June 29

3:30 pm – 4:45 pm: SASI Social; Virtual

The title says it all, this is strictly a social where individuals with a dual sensory loss of vision and hearing join together to meet each other, learn from each other, and gather inspiration on how to live our lives to the fullest.

Walk Committee

Chair: Donna Brown

Sunday, July 7

5:15 pm - 6:45 pm: ACB Walk: Get Up and Get Moving! Walking Everywhere!

Lace up your shoes, grab your water bottle, and be ready to be energized. Join the ACB Walk committee as we gather to raise money for ACB and its affiliates, get some exercise by traversing the halls of the convention hotel and the convention center.

6:15 pm: Walkers should meet in Clearwater to kick off the opening general session

Other Meetings and Programs

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Advocacy Issues

Saturday, July 6

8:00 am - 9:30 am: Johnson and Johnson Breakfast ($20) Onsite; City Terrace 4

Johnson and Johnson invite you to join them for breakfast and a panel discussion about various blindness journeys; especially differing generational perspectives.

Tuesday, July 9

7:00 am – 8:15 am: NIB Breakfast; Onsite; Clearwater ($18)

Speaker: Ms. Soraya Correa, currently NIB President and CEO Elect.

Wednesday, July 10

7:00 am – 8:15 am: AFB Breakfast; Onsite; Clearwater ($18)

Join the American Foundation for the Blind at its annual breakfast, where guests will learn what's on the horizon for AFB and have an opportunity to meet with President & CEO Eric Bridges.

Guide Dogs

Sunday, July 7

7:30 am - 8:45 am: Guide Dogs for the Blind (GDB) Breakfast; Onsite; City Terrace 4

GDB grads connect with friends and staff; those considering the guide dog lifestyle are welcome. If you’d like to join GDB for breakfast, please email Jane at [email protected]

Monday, July 8

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: How Leader Dogs for the Blind Can Assist You in Achieving Independent Mobility Goals; Onsite; Hart

Calling all Leader Dog graduates and anyone interested in discovering more about our life-changing services! Join us and meet our new president and CEO, Melissa Weisse, and our dedicated team.

Discover how Leader Dog can assist you in achieving your independent mobility goals with our free services. Whether you’re curious about orientation and mobility training or eager to learn about our guide dog programs, we’re here to help!

Enjoy light refreshments as you mingle with fellow attendees and explore the opportunities that await you at Leader Dogs for the Blind. Don’t miss out on this chance to connect, learn, and be inspired!

We can’t wait to meet you!


Thursday, June 27

11:00 am – 12:15 pm: Amazon Devices Accessibility Overview; Virtual

Amazon obsesses about customer delight, and that includes customers with disabilities. In this session, Amazon accessibility experts will discuss the latest accessibility features for Fire TV, Fire tablet, Echo Show, Kindle, smart glasses and more. We will also review the suite of award-winning Fire OS accessibility features that have been delighting Amazon’s customers with disabilities for years.

Speaker: Peter Korn, Director of Accessibility, Amazon Devices & Services

12:30 pm – 1:45 pm: Audio Description at Prime Video; Virtual

Over the last 24 months, Prime Video has been working with customers and advocacy groups to make our content more accessible by improving the availability and quality of audio descriptions. We continue progressing towards our north star of making high-quality Audio Descriptions as commonly available as Captioning. In this session, we will present our learnings on this journey and the evolving mental models on quality across scripting, mixing and voicing of Audio Descriptions.

Speakers: Christopher Nooney, Principal Product Manager, Technology, Prime Video; Dr. Josh Miele, Principal Accessibility Researcher, Amazon Devices & Services

Sunday, July 7

9:00 am – 5:00 pm: Drop by the JAWS AI Suite and Get hands-on training with some of our newest AI powered features including Picture Smart AI and Face in View and bring your JAWS questions. You will also have an exclusive opportunity to try out and give us feedback on a preview of our newest upcoming feature! Whether you are new to JAWS, a seasoned user, or not yet a user, come by and hang out with us as we enjoy ACB together. Onsite; Mainstreet 1

9:00 am – 10:15 am: Find Your Voice and Catch the Vision - LVI America Session; Onsite; City Terrace 10

Join LVI America and Experience the independence that the Voice reading machine and Vision video magnifier offers an individual with low vision. Products will be available for attendees to use and try the various options to determine the best fit for their overall needs.

Presenter: Kimberly Cline, Director of Sales North America

Space is limited to 20 attendees, so reserve your spot by emailing [email protected].

10:00 am – 11:15 am: Selvas BLV (formerly HIMS, Inc.) Onsite; City Terrace 5

Join Selvas BLV for a discussion and demonstration of the latest addition to the Selvas BLV Braille product family called Braille eMotion. We will do a product overview and demonstration, help define the place within the market for this powerful new braille device, and discuss how it is narrowing the gap between what is considered a notetaker and what is considered a Braille display. As usual, there will be ample opportunity for questions and interaction.

Presenter: Earle Harrison, National Account Manager, Selvas BLV, Austin, TX

11:00 am – 12:15 pm: You’ve Got Mail - LVI America Session; Onsite; City Terrace 10

Explore various solutions that individuals with vision loss can use to read their mail with easy-to-use assistive technologies. Determine the best fit depending on if you are reading recipes, letters, bills, advertisements, menus, and more.

Presenter: Cheryl Saucier, President of Mountain View Low Vision Services, Inc.

Space is limited to 20 attendees, so reserve your spot by emailing [email protected].

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm: The Exciting World of Portability - LVI America Session; Onsite; City Terrace 10

Discover unique productivity tools that provide portable solutions for end users on the go. These non-conventional devices designed around using your iPad and/or Surface Pro Tablet offer an all-in-one solution that uses unique Apps to provide adaptations for ease of use for individuals with low vision. Hands-on opportunities will be provided.

Presenter: Kimberly Cline

Space is limited to 20 attendees, so reserve your spot by emailing [email protected].

2:30 pm – 3:45 pm: Navigating the Future: Unveiling AI-Powered Innovations in JAWS; Onsite; City Terrace 5

Join Vispero’s Ryan Jones to discuss what has been going on with JAWS and ZoomText over the past year and how AI is helping us break down barriers. You don’t want to miss learning about Picture Smart AI, Face in View, and what we are doing next! Let’s join together and explore our future.

3:00 pm – 4:15 pm: Searching for the Holy Braille - LVI America Session; Onsite; City Terrace 10 Hear from a lifelong braille user, Mike Tindall, about what is new in the braille device world and learn if we are any closer to finding “The Holy Braille” …the one braille device that accomplishes everything! Learn about the powerful new features and options on various braille devices to determine the best fit for your overall needs. Hands-on opportunities will be provided.

Presenters: Mike Tindall, Assistive Technology and Braille Trainer with Dream Vision Group; Cheryl Saucier, President of Mountain View Low Vision Services, Inc.

Space is limited to 20 attendees, so reserve your spot by emailing [email protected].

Monday, July 8

11:00 am – 5:00 pm: Drop by the JAWS AI Suite and Get hands-on training with some of our newest AI powered features including Picture Smart AI and Face in View and bring your JAWS questions. You will also have an exclusive opportunity to try out and give us feedback on a preview of our newest upcoming feature! Whether you are new to JAWS, a seasoned user, or not yet a user, come by and hang out with us as we enjoy ACB together. Onsite; Mainstreet 1

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: How do we put the AI in Aira? Onsite; City Terrace 4

At this year’s CSUN conference we debuted Access AI, Aira’s entry into image description via artificial intelligence. Our approach to AI involves matching its capabilities with those of people. Join us to learn how that happens. From our community beta testers to visual interpreter image verification, we’re working to give you the most versatile AI app, with a professional and secure human connection.

5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: A Braille Display with Speech - Intelligence You Can Feel and Hear; Onsite; City Terrace 12

At HumanWare, braille is at the core of our blindness products. In this session, we will provide an overview of our intelligent Brailliant BI 20/40X braille displays, as well as take a look into the multi-line future of braille with the Monarch. The Brailliant line of products are versatile in what they allow a user to do. From writing notes and creating braille files, to reading books and listening to DAISY audio, these machines are packed with features that everyone can enjoy. Looking ahead to the future, we will explore braille in a multi-line environment with the Monarch. This revolutionary device allows a user to read 10 lines of braille, and view tactile graphics on the same surface. Join us to learn all about braille in the present, and where we will go in the multi-line future.

Tuesday, July 9

5:30 pm - 6:45 pm: Need an Audio Assistant - We Have a Product for That; Onsite; City Terrace 12

From VictorReader Stream 3, StellarTrek, and Odyssey Reader learn about uses for these three HumanWare products. Accessing information in a variety of ways is essential to staying informed and entertained. HumanWare has created a number of audio assistant products to accomplish all these tasks. From the very popular VictorReader Stream 3, to the StellarTrek and Odyssey Reader, we have a product to suit each situation. The VictorReader Stream 3 is a pocket-sized device with built-in access to various book libraries, TuneIn Radio, podcasts, other supported audio formats, and access to local files. This device can go wherever you do. Speaking of going places, the StellarTrek is a stand-alone GPS device that allows you to create routes, add your own landmarks along the way, browse for points of interest in real time or virtually, and remain centered in the crosswalk (Pedestrian Crossing Detection), as you safely maneuver through the streets. Finally, the Odyssey Reader (a product the size of a small coffeepot) allows you to scan and read printed materials at the press of a button. Want to know more? Simply inquire of the onboard AI integration to provide additional information about the scanned document. Come join us to learn about all our audio assistant products.


Tuesday, July 9

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Get to Know UZURV – The Adaptive TNC; Onsite; Main Street 1

There’s more than one Transportation Network Company (TNC) whose name begins with a U. Learn how UZURV is helping transit agencies, paratransit providers, and entire communities reimagine paratransit from the ground up. Attendees will be able to explore our newly released mobile app, as we share UZURV’s approach to high-quality, door-to-door, non-shared paratransit.

Come and learn what we mean when we say, “UZURV - The Adaptive TNC.”

Space is limited to twelve attendees per session. To reserve a spot, email [email protected].

5:30 pm – 6:45 pm: Get to Know UZURV – The Adaptive TNC; Onsite; Main Street 1

There’s more than one Transportation Network Company (TNC) whose name begins with a U. Learn how UZURV is helping transit agencies, paratransit providers, and entire communities reimagine paratransit from the ground up. Attendees will be able to explore our newly released mobile app, as we share UZURV’s approach to high-quality, door-to-door, non-shared paratransit.

Come and learn what we mean when we say, “UZURV - The Adaptive TNC.”

Space is limited to twelve attendees per session. To reserve a spot, email [email protected].

Education and Family Fun

Monday, July 8

4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: Brick by Brick - Learning Through Lego; Onsite; City Terrace 12

Have you ever wanted to build a Lego set, but couldn’t because the instructions were all pictures? Bricks for the Blind creates free text-based instructions to help you build Lego sets on your own! Come to our session to learn about us and get building! We’ll also be giving away free Lego sets, so come build with us! Find out more at

Space is limited! Reserve a spot by emailing Matt at [email protected].

5:30 pm – 6:45 pm: Brick by Brick - Learning Through Lego; Onsite; City Terrace 12

Have you ever wanted to build a Lego set, but couldn’t because the instructions were all pictures? Bricks For the Blind creates free text-based instructions to help you build Lego sets on your own! Come to our session to learn about us and get building! We’ll also be giving away free Lego sets, so come build with us! Find out more at

Space is limited! Reserve a spot by emailing Matt at [email protected]

Financial information

Monday, July 8

5:30 pm – 6:45 pm: Unlock the Power of Financial Freedom with Penny Forward; Onsite; City Terrace 4

This is an essential workshop for anyone eager to master the art of financial management while navigating government benefits and employment challenges. In this interactive session, you will learn how your income and expenses impact your Supplemental Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance benefits. We will also show you the critical importance of keeping meticulous financial records. Discover how this simple practice can be your best defense against Social Security overpayments, saving you from unnecessary stress and financial setbacks. We'll guide you through the practical steps to manage these situations with confidence. Explore the benefits of an ABLE account, a remarkable financial tool that allows you to save up to $100,000 without jeopardizing your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits. Learn how to set up and manage an ABLE account to maximize your savings and maintain your benefits. Discover how Penny Forward can be your partner in navigating these financial pathways. With our self-paced online courses, group workshops, and one on one financial counseling, you'll gain not only knowledge but also practical solutions to apply immediately to your financial life. Note: this session is limited to 25 participants, so to reserve your place, send an email to [email protected].

More Convention Entertainment

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You will be ready for a break and a little fun after all those workshops, seminars, and business meetings. Below are some activities and events that take place at the hotel. For more fun ideas, see Convention Tours. Check the agendas of the many affiliates and groups for more mixers, luncheons, and parties.

Friday, July 5

8:00 pm - 11:00 pm: Welcome to Jacksonville; Onsite; Clearwater $15 ($20)

The Sunshine State eagerly awaits your anticipated arrival as we prepare to greet you with smiling faces and sandy beaches. Kicking our convention off with a blast as we hit it out of the park, in true Florida style, with a welcome party to remember that includes Sports Trivia & Karaoke. Hands down, we've leveled the playing field so that we can all participate. Once you've registered for the welcome party, the ball is in your court to represent your favorite team. Florida invites you to party with us because it's gonna be "All About Sports"

Saturday, July 6

12:15 pm – 2:15 pm: Sports Fanatics Luncheon; Onsite; Clearwater

It’s back by popular demand! Come share your favorite sports stories. Enjoy some scrumptious ballpark food. Reminisce with other sports enthusiasts remembering the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat! Meet a sports legend in person and cheer on your favorite team. Stay tuned for a future announcement on the name of our sports legend for 2024. It’s time to play ball in Jacksonville!

Saturday, July 6 through Wednesday, July 10

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm: Community Hospitality; Onsite; Matthews

Here’s your opportunity to meet up with those you’ve only met virtually or to see friends you haven’t been with for a few years or more.
Drop in for a few minutes or the entire time. You’re sure to find some midday convention cheer here.

Saturday, July 6

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm: ACB Community Meet and Greet; Onsite; Clearwater $15 ($20)

This is a meet and greet you won't want to miss. You've heard each other on ACB Media, in Zoom or in Clubhouse; now you can visit with these friends in person over a drink, handshake, or hug. And yes, join in even if you've never taken part in community events previously. All are welcome!

Sunday, July 7

5:15 pm – 6:45 pm: Tailgate Party; Onsite; Clearwater $28 ($35)

Join the Get Up and Get Moving and the Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk committees for some fun, prizes, tasty snacks and a cash bar.  The tailgate party starts before the Brenda Dillon Walk and will remain open during the walk and for a time after the walk concludes.
This will be a great time to socialize with members of Get Up and Get Moving and Brenda Dillon Walk organizers and friends.

Tuesday, July 9

7:00 PM: FB’s Documentary Film “Possibilities” Grand Ballroom; Onsite; Grand Ballroom

Join leaders from the American Foundation for the Blind (AFB) for a special screening of the award-winning documentary film “Possibilities.” The film, which has been making its way through the festival circuit, celebrates the impact of Helen Keller as told through contemporary voices of people who are blind, deafblind, and low vision. It’s a moving portrayal of what our world is like a hundred years after Keller joined the American Foundation for the Blind.

Wednesday, July 10

7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: Oppenheimer 2024 Academy Award Winning Film; Onsite; Grand Ballroom $7 ($10)

Experience the breathtaking global phenomenon that has captivated audiences around the world. Written for the screen and directed by Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer thrusts audiences into the mind of physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy), whose landmark work on the Manhattan Project created the first atomic bomb. An unprecedented cinematic event, Oppenheimer features an all-star cast that includes Emily Blunt, Oscar® winner Matt Damon, Oscar® nominee Robert Downey Jr., Oscar® nominee Florence Pugh, Josh Hartnett, and Oscar® winners Casey Affleck, Rami Malek and Kenneth Branagh.

Thursday, July 11

9:30 pm – 11:30 pm: Bon Voyage Party; Onsite; Grand Ballroom $10 ($15)

With the setting of the sun and the closing of the last session, we reflect on the days and moments well spent with each of you at this year's convention. Bidding you safe travels back to your home destination until we meet again. As we bend the corner to another great occasion and set sail to embark on the next journey, join us for a "Bon Voyage Party" that is sure to have you cruising along for some well-needed fun, hugs and laughter to carry throughout your trip's return.


2024 Tours

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Important tour information: Please read the following information completely. It will answer many of your tour-related questions and will help you have a more enjoyable tour experience.

  1. All tour buses will load and drop off at the hotel entrance by the gift shop, which is located at the side entrance to the hotel.
  2. Bus departure times for each tour are listed in this program. Please be at the bus departure area and ready to board the bus 15 minutes prior to the listed departure times. Arrival times back to the hotel are approximate.
  3. The first two rows of seats on both sides of the bus are reserved for the tour coordinators, volunteers and people with mobility difficulties. If you sit in those seats, you will be asked to move.
  4. All buses are fully ADA-equipped. If you have mobility difficulties or use a wheelchair that requires the lift to access the bus, you MUST check the appropriate boxes on the pre-registration form in order for us to plan the necessary accommodations. If you can transfer from a wheelchair into a bus seat, your chair will be placed under the bus for the duration of the ride.
  5. Indoor facilities are air-conditioned unless indicated, but many tours include significant outdoor time. Dress appropriately and bring sunscreen, insect repellent, hat, and a water bottle for your comfort and safety.
  6. Space is limited on all tours. ACB reserves the right to cancel a tour should sales fall below required minimums.
  7. All return times are approximate. If you have dietary scheduling concerns, bring a light snack in case we are unavoidably delayed. We ask that you board the bus quickly and safely to avoid delays. We plan 15 minutes to load and unload the bus. Please do not schedule back-to-back events based upon the return time of the tour, as we cannot plan for traffic and road condition delays.
  8. A limited number of volunteers will accompany each tour. While they will help as much as possible, ACB volunteers are not personal guides or personal care attendants. If you need individual help, plan to attend the tour with a friend who can provide the assistance you need. If you use a wheelchair, you must have someone on the tour with you to push your wheelchair!
  9. Most tour destinations are ADA-accessible. Some tours that are NOT ADA-accessible may include long walks, steps and steep grades. Some tours may involve strenuous activities. If you have a medical condition that may limit your involvement or participation, please let us know ahead of time and use common sense when making your selections.
  10. The tour leader will have a list of all paid attendees and the waiting list for each tour. The leader will be stationed at the door of the bus to record your attendance. Please do not board the bus until the tour leader has completed this task.
  11. If registration for a tour exceeds its capacity, a waiting list is created based on the date and time your order was placed. If you are on a waiting list, you will be asked to stand in a designated area to wait for your name to be called. If you are not present when your name is called, the next person on the waiting list will be called to fill that seat. You may not give your place on the waiting list to another person.
  12. If you arrive late and your name has already been called from the waiting list, your ability to secure a seat will be entirely dependent on the number of vacant seats remaining on the bus. No one who has answered the call from the waiting list will be asked to give up their seat.
  13. If there is no waiting list, or if the waiting list has been satisfied, any remaining vacant seats will be sold to walk-up traffic. Such vacant seats will be sold for cash only. To purchase, you must have a valid name badge, a day pass for the current day or other proof of registration.
  14. If you have paid for and are issued a tour ticket and do not appear at the designated time and place, no refund will be made. If you are on a waiting list and are not able to get on the bus, the tour leader will report this to the registration office and you will be able to secure a refund the next day after the tour.

Should you not be present at the convention the day after the tour, or if the convention has ended, please call the Minneapolis office by July 31st to arrange for a refund via check or credit card.

Friday, July 5

8:30 am – 1:00 pm: Sea Serpent Airboat Tour ($105)

Experience a thrilling ride on the Airboat Adventure Tour on a 15-passenger high performance airboat. The Airboat Adventure Tour allows our patrons an opportunity to experience the Old Florida flora and fauna of the freshwater (non-tidal) creeks that Northeast Florida has to offer.

Your airboat adventure includes a thrilling ride through parts of Trout Creek, Six Mile Creek, and Palmo Cove which are tributaries of the historical St Johns River. Our captain will provide detailed information and descriptions and tell stories through music and word and let us know about any wildlife that we pass by.

There will be time for you to visit the gift shop or grab a snack!

The boat is loud, and it will be hot. This tour is not suitable for guide dogs. You will be on the water for 90 minutes; bring sunscreen and bug repellent.

Food is not provided on this tour.

2:30 pm – 6:30 pm: Food tour ($123)

Our bus will drop us in town square and we will take a short walk to each of four locations: Seafood Island Bar and Grill, for a half portion of New Orleans Style shrimp and grits and mini margaritas, Taverna for a half portion of homemade pasta with basil cream sauce, Maple Street Biscuit Company for a fried chicken biscuit, and Peterbrooke Chocolatiers for homemade gelato and samples of fine chocolate.

Saturday, July 6

8:15 am – 1:00 pm: iFLY Indoor Skydiving ($89)

No airplane required! Put on a flight suit, helmet and goggles. After an introductory class fall face-down into a padded tunnel of wind! The wind will propel you up and you will be "flying" around the tunnel. You will have two "flights" with the second flight you could be flying 15 feet above the ground! No parachute, just the wind keeping you aloft! If you have any shoulder injuries this tour is not for you!

Closed shoes are required, and of course you cannot bring your dog in the tunnel!

This tour will have a lot of waiting time but is well worth it for any adrenaline junkie!

Food is not provided on this tour.

9:30 am – 11:30 am: City Bus Tour I - Jacksonville City Experience Driving Tour ($30) ($35)

Experience the history and culture of the largest city in the continental United States! Your costumed tour guide is a professional storyteller, historian and award-winning writer. He has designed a tour to entertain all your senses with things to touch, smell and taste while we visit sites around the city and historic neighborhoods. For example, at one site you will hear the amazing success story of Peterbrooke Chocolate while tasting their famous chocolate covered popcorn (bring $10 in cash to optionally buy a bag). Your guide creates an interactive tour atmosphere which is fun for everyone.

9:00 am – 1:45 pm: Fort Caroline ($30) ($35)

Florida has many stories of conquest, but Fort Caroline might just be the bloodiest.

Originally established in the 1500’s for European settlers in America, Fort Caroline became the site of several massacres and military executions over the years. Several times it was burned down; and rebuilt.

Included in this tour is a walk on very narrow pathways, with roots and rocks. This is not a tour for someone who has difficulty walking, and not wheelchair accessible.

Food is not provided on this tour.

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: City Bus Tour II – Jacksonville City Experience Driving Tour ($30) ($35)

Experience the history and culture of the largest city in the continental United States! Your costumed tour guide is a professional storyteller, historian and award-winning writer. He has designed a tour to entertain all your senses with things to touch, smell and taste while we visit sites around the city and historic neighborhoods. For example, at one site you will hear the amazing success story of Peterbrooke Chocolate while tasting their famous chocolate covered popcorn (bring $10 in cash to optionally buy a bag). Your guide creates an interactive tour atmosphere which is fun for everyone.

4:30 pm – 7:30 pm: Jacksonville Beach Pier ($20) ($25)

A perfect place to walk; no streets or bicycles, just a quarter-mile (one way) walk on the pier overlooking the ocean.

Take a leisurely stroll, power walk or run.

Snacks are available for purchase.

Sunday, July 7

7:00 am – 10:45 am: K1 Speed ($75.00)

Here is your chance to drive a go-kart on an indoor track! You must be able to follow verbal instructions (right, left, brake, gas), because you will be doing the driving!

You will be given a helmet, which might make it a little harder for you to hear. Closed-toe shoes are required. The vehicles are quite small, so you need to squat to get into the go-kart. Your legs must straddle the center controls, and you must be able to use your feet to operate the pedals.

There is no room in the go-kart for your guide dog.

With the individual attention this tour requires, there will be long wait times.

Food is not provided on this tour.

8:00 am – 10:00 am: City Bus Tour III - Jacksonville City Experience Driving Tour ($30) ($35)

Experience the history and culture of the largest city in the continental United States! Your costumed tour guide is a professional storyteller, historian and award-winning writer. He has designed a tour to entertain all your senses with things to touch, smell and taste while we visit sites around the city and historic neighborhoods. For example, at one site you will hear the amazing success story of Peterbrooke Chocolate while tasting their famous chocolate covered popcorn (bring $10 in cash to optionally buy a bag). Your guide creates an interactive tour atmosphere which is fun for everyone.

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm: City Bus Tour IV - Jacksonville City Experience Driving Tour ($30) ($35)

Experience the history and culture of the largest city in the continental United States! Your costumed tour guide is a professional storyteller, historian and award-winning writer. He has designed a tour to entertain all your senses with things to touch, smell and taste while we visit sites around the city and historic neighborhoods. For example, at one site you will hear the amazing success story of Peterbrooke Chocolate while tasting their famous chocolate covered popcorn (bring $10 in cash to optionally buy a bag). Your guide creates an interactive tour atmosphere which is fun for everyone.

Monday, July 8

12:00 pm – 3:30 pm: The Museum of Southern History ($35) ($40)

One of Jacksonville's premier historical institutions is the Museum of Southern History.
Though it is located in Florida, its subject matter includes everything below the Mason-Dixon line, and it will educate and entertain in equal measure.

In addition to numerous exhibits and classic items from the antebellum south, this tour will include food pairings from many southern states.

4:00 pm – 8:30 pm: Beach Party ($55) ($57)

Sand, surf sun and sustenance! What a way to spend a Florida summer evening. We’ll have beachside pavilions for food and relaxing and then it is just a few steps to the sand and down to the water which in July should be quite warm. There are lifeguards on duty but remember the ocean can be unpredictable so wading versus swimming is advised. Our evening will begin with hamburgers, hot dogs, BBQ chicken, baked beans, Mac and Cheese, Coleslaw and peach cobbler.

Tuesday, July 9

12:15 pm – 5:00 pm: Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind ($35) ($40)

Visit this 80-acre campus that has educated over 1,000 Deaf/HH & Blind/VI Children. Note: You must go through security and have either a valid license, a non-driver id or passport; no exceptions. You will be asked before boarding the bus if you have your ID; if you do not, you will not be able to go on this tour! Food is not provided on this tour.

12:15 pm – 4:30 pm: The Ritz Theatre and Museum ($34) ($39)

The Ritz Museum is located in the LaVille neighborhood of Jacksonville, which used to have such a thriving black community that it was known as “the Harlem of the South.” The museum is a mecca for African-American creatives.

It celebrates the legacies of many different authors, artists, musicians, poets and playwrights, and the theater is one of the oldest of its kind for black performers. If you want to know more about the history of Florida’s people of color, visit the Ritz Museum and experience the richness of art, music and soul.

Food is not provided on this tour.

5:45 pm – 8:45 pm: Distillery and Brewery Tour ($55) ($60)

We will visit Manifest Distillery & Spirits and Intuition Ale Works on this tour. Manifest Distillery states: We are very proud of our unique product offering. Our core product line-up consists of our non-GMO Potato Vodka and Florida Citrus Vodka, organic gin, organic barreled gin, organic rye whiskey and 100% Rye Whiskey. All of our distillation equipment is American-made, and the grains that go into each of our spirits are sourced from a co-op of North American farms. Lots to see and taste! Intuition Ale Works: from IPA to golden ale, learn about beer production and try samples. Food is not provided on this tour.

Wednesday, July 10

12:15 pm – 3:00 pm: Sweet Pete's Candy Tour I ($45) ($50)

With colorful pastel decorations and a sleek, black-and-white checkered floor, Sweet Pete's Candy is basically a real-life version of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. It dazzles the eye as soon as you walk in, and once you taste its confections, it'll dazzle your taste buds as well. There are a lot of things to see at Sweet Pete's Candy. Not only does it have jars, bars, bags, shelves and gigantic baskets of chocolates and gummies. There is also an ice cream parlor where you can enjoy frozen desserts, and a gift shop offers memorabilia for your trip. Mr. Wonka is alive, and he's working in Sweet Pete's Candy.

While half the group does the tour, the other half will enjoy lunch at the restaurant. You will be asked to provide your favorite candy bar ingredients from a list, and you will receive a candy bar customized just for you!

1:00 pm – 3:30 pm: USS Orleck ($32) ($37)

Visit this destroyer commissioned in 1945. Learn its history and tour the ship and see how sailors worked, ate, and slept. There are steep stairways, narrow passages and thresholds that are shin high; the ship is not wheelchair accessible. It is a fascinating tour!

Food is not provided on this tour.

2:30 pm – 5:15 pm: Sweet Pete's Candy Tour II ($45) ($50)

With colorful pastel decorations and a sleek, black-and-white checkered floor, Sweet Pete's Candy is basically a real-life version of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. It dazzles the eye as soon as you walk in, and once you taste its confections, it'll dazzle your taste buds as well. There are a lot of things to see at Sweet Pete's Candy. Not only does it have jars, bars, bags, shelves and gigantic baskets of chocolates and gummies. There is also an ice cream parlor where you can enjoy frozen desserts, and a gift shop offers memorabilia for your trip. Mr. Wonka is alive, and he's working in Sweet Pete's Candy.

While half the group does the tour, the other half will enjoy lunch at the restaurant. You will be asked to provide your favorite candy bar ingredients from a list, and you will receive a candy bar customized just for you!

4:00 pm – 6:45 pm: Soul Food Bistro ($53) ($58)

Taste and experience Jacksonville’s history of and love for food.

Friday, July 12

6:00 am – 6:30 pm: Kennedy Space Center ($325) ($340)

This is the birthplace of America's space program, and the only place on Earth where man has launched into space to set foot on the moon! Experience the past, present and future of the Kennedy Space Center on this tour excursion. Guests will see the evolution of NASA, the space program’s past and future come alive thanks to the insight of a few experts. Go behind the gates of NASA at the Kennedy Space Center.

Guests will see the Apollo/Saturn V Center where the Spirit and historic scope of the Apollo moon landing missions are authentically recaptured in this enormous 100,000-square foot facility. Guests experience a dramatic and moving multi-sensory presentation of the Apollo 8 launch, then an actual 363-foot, 6.2 million pound Saturn V rocket is revealed. Next guests will explore Space Shuttle Atlantis®. This unique attraction is a work of art. Upon entering the venue, guests will be immersed in the human side of space exploration and awed as the theatre doors dramatically open to reveal shuttle Atlantis. Standing nose-to-nose with this splendid vehicle, guests will be able to view her elevated at a 43.21° angle – a view only astronauts had previously seen. Following the tour attendees will make their way to enjoy a lunch program featuring a veteran NASA astronaut. In this program, guests will view an inspirational video while enjoying lunch followed by a dynamic presentation by the astronaut, Q&A and photos. After lunch there will be time to ride a space simulator and visit the gift shop! This is sure to be an out-of-this-world event!

Consider bringing breakfast or snacks to eat on the bus!

ACB Fundraisers

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You can show your support for ACB in several ways:

Convention Sponsorships

Stop by registration in Daytona and become an individual or corporate ACB Convention Sponsor. Individual sponsorships are bronze ($25), silver ($50), gold ($100), platinum ($250), and titanium ($500). Sponsors are recognized both in general session and in the newspaper.

Corporate sponsorships, including pearl, coral, onyx, ruby, emerald, and diamond, are also available.

For information on becoming an individual or corporate sponsor, contact our Minneapolis office at (612) 332-3242.

Saturday, June 22, 6:00 pm

ACB Summer Auction

Come and enjoy the ACB Summer Auction, where we will be featuring jewelry, homemade baked goodies, technology, vacations, and handmade quilts and crafts. We will kick off the auction with our Appetizer Auction on Thursday, June 20 from 11:00 am through Friday, June 21 at 11:00 am, and Friday, June 21 11:00 am through Saturday, June 22 at 11:00 am.

Saturday, July 6, 5:15 pm

ACB Walk: Stepping Out with the American Council of the Blind

Stepping Out with the American Council of the Blind Help kick off the ACB general sessions by joining ACB members and friends during the live Virtual Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk. Lace up your shoes, grab your water bottle, and be a part of one of the kickoff events in the ACB Health and Wellness campaign.

ACB Braille Forum Raffle

Win $5,000 in cold hard cash! Limited tickets available; $50 each. Buy one for yourself or your affiliate or find up to four friends and split the cost five ways. To purchase tickets, call (612) 332-3242.

MMS Program

Join the MMS Program. Raise funds for ACB and your affiliate all year long. Call 888-999-3190 or email [email protected] for more information. If you’re in Jacksonville, stop by the Marketplace on Tuesday or Wednesday, or go to Registration to sign up or increase your monthly donations.


2024 ACB Exhibitors

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Exhibit Hall Schedule:

Sunday, July 7: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
    6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Exhibitor Reception
Monday, July 8: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday, July 9: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday, July 10: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm


ACB Angels – Booth 27
ACB Mini Mall – Booth 24
Aira – Booth 59
American Braille Flag Project – Booth 22
American Printing House for the Blind – Booth 31 – Booth 6
Blazie Technologies – Booth 74
Blind Girl Designs – Booth 5
Bosma Enterprises – Booth 65
Braille Bibles International – Booth 37
Bureau of Engraving and Printing – Booth 14
Christian Record Services – Booth 76
Computers for the Blind – Booth 23
Digital FOV – Booth 15
Dogs, Inc. – Booth 60
DOT, Inc. – Booth 62
Dream Vision Group – Booth 61
Envision – Booth 54
En-Vision America – Booth 11
Eschenbach Optik of America – Booth 70
eSight By Gentex – Booth 7
Florida Vision Technology – Booth 8
Genentech Limited – Booth 68
Glidance – Booth 71
GoodMaps – Booth 16
Guide Dog Foundation – Booth 47
Guide Dogs for the Blind – Booth 50
Guide Dogs of America – Booth 38
Guide Dogs of the Desert – Booth 56
Guiding Eyes for the Blind – Booth 53
HumanWare – Booth 9
iBUG Today – Booth 44
Insightful Visionaries – Booth 66
Irie-AT – Booth 20
IRS – Booth 34
JW.ORG – Booth 79
Leader Dogs for the Blind – Booth 77
LVI America – Booth 52
Maggie Vision – Booth 21
National Braille Press – Booth 45
National Industries for the Blind – Booth 78
National Library Service – Booth 13
Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake Disorder (Non-24) – Booth 28
ONECOM – Booth 55
Orbit Research – Booth 48
OrCam – Booth 40
Palmer Vision – Booth 17
Patriot Vision Industries – Booth 35
Penny Forward – Booth 43
Polara Enterprises – Booth 1
Q&G Premium Products – Booth 72
RealThing ai – Booth 49
Selvas – Booth 58
Social Security Administration – Booth 12
Solar Groove Solutions – Booth 33
Spectrum – Booth 39
Tactile Engineering – Booth 73
The Seeing Eye – Booth 64
US1 Supply – Booth 75
Visually Impaired Veterans of America – Booth 26
ViewPlus Technologies – Booth 67
Vispero – Booth 2
Wayaround – Booth 4
WeWalk Limited – Booth 30
Wisdom 4 the Blind – Booth 42
Zyrlo – Booth 57



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Braille Revival League
Bricks for the Blind
Eco Trinkets
EZ 2 See Products
Janeen Lea
Luxury Solutions
The Peach Chapter of the Georgia Council of the Blind
Wilma Chestnut


ACB Officers and Board of Directors

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Deb Cook Lewis, President, Clarkston, WA
David Trott, First Vice President, Talladega, AL
Ray Campbell, Second Vice President, Springfield, IL
Denise Colley, Secretary, Richmond, TX
Michael Garrett, Treasurer, Missouri City, TX
Kim Charlson, Immediate Past President, Watertown, MA


Chris Bell, Pittsboro, NC
Donna Brown, Romney, WV
Gabriel Lopez Kafati, Miami Lakes, FL
Cecily Laney Nipper, Covington, GA
Terry Pacheco, Silver Spring, MD
Doug Powell, Falls Church, VA
Rachel Schroeder, Springfield, IL
Kenneth Semien Sr., Beaumont, TX
Koni Sims, Sioux Falls, SD
Jeff Thom, Sacramento, CA

ACB Board of Publications

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Penny Reeder, Chair, Montgomery Village, MD
Jeff Bishop, Tucson, AZ
Cheryl Cumings, Seattle, WA
Zelda Gebhard, Edgeley, ND
Cachet Wells, Jacksonville, FL

ACB Enterprises & Services

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Michael Garrett, Chair, Missouri City, TX
Jeff Thom, Vice Chair, Sacramento, CA
David Trott, Secretary/Treasurer, Talladega, AL
Kim Charlson, Watertown, MA
George Holliday, Philadelphia, PA
Terry Pacheco, Silver Spring, MD

ACB Staff and Consultants

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Scott Thornhill – Executive Director
Nancy Marks-Becker – CFO
Jo Lynn Bailey-Page – Associate Director of Development
Natalie Couch – Membership Services Admin. Assistant
Nancy Feela – Administrative Assistant
Kolby Garrison – Development Officer
Kaitlyn Herrera – Administrative Assistant
Cindy Hollis – Manager of Membership Engagement
Tabitha Kenlon – Audio Description Project Coordinator
Anita Kyro – Accounting Generalist
Sharon Lovering - Editor
Rick Morin – Media and IT Manager
Sayuree Naik – HR/Payroll Specialist
Swatha Nandhakumar – Advocacy & Outreach Specialist
Hannah Park – Administrative Assistant
Chris Sawyer – Thrift Store General Manager
Dan Spoone – Program Coordinator
Claire Stanley – Director of Advocacy & Govt. Affairs


Fred Brack – Audio Description Project Webmaster
Larry Gassman – ACB Media Coordinator
Timothy Wynn – Audio Description Television Listings Coordinator
Mike Johnson – Communications


2024 Convention Committees

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Convention Coordinating Committee

Janet Dickelman, Chair, St. Paul, MN
Margarine Beaman, Austin, TX
Sally Benjamin, Tallahassee, FL
Cecily Laney Nipper, Covington, GA
Michael Smitherman, Jackson, MS
Rhonda Trott, Talladega, AL

Convention Program Committee

Deb Cook Lewis, Chair, WA
Jo Lynn Bailey-Page, CA
Ray Campbell, IL
Kim Charlson, MA
Janet Dickelman, MN, Convention Coordinator
Katie Frederick, OH
Rick Morin, MA
Sheila Young, FL
Staff Liaison: Dan Spoone, FL

Local Host Committee

Sheila Young, Orlando, FL
Mikey Wiseman, Hialeah, FL
Cassandra Jessie, Daytona Beach, FL
Kati Lear, Port Orange, FL
Cachet Wells, Jacksonville, FL
Barbara Brown, Jacksonville, FL
Gloria Simmons, Jacksonville, FL
Leslie Spoone, Orlando FL

Convention Program Committee

Janet Dickelman, Chair, St. Paul, MN
Margarine Beaman, Austin, TX
Sally Benjamin, Tallahassee, FL
Cecily Laney Nipper, Covington, GA
Michael Smitherman, Jackson, MS
Rhonda Trott, Talladega, AL

Local Host Committee

Sheila Young, Orlando, FL
Mikey Wiseman, Hialeah, FL
Cassandra Jessie, Daytona Beach, FL
Kati Lear, Port Orange, FL
Cachet Wells, Jacksonville, FL
Barbara Brown, Jacksonville, FL
Gloria Simmons, Jacksonville, FL
Leslie Spoone, Orlando FL