For Sale:
Basic-S braille embosser, rarely used, with the latest firmware upgrade. Comes with braille paper and a Duxbury program. USB compatible. Asking $13,050. Braille Lite 40 with the latest firmware upgrade. Comes with charger, disk drive, and a leather carrying case. Rarely used. Asking $12,050. Payment in two installments permitted. After item(s) are paid in full I will ship it/them free of charge. Call James Murphy on his cell phone at (917) 449-7580, at home, (212) 410-6085, or contact him via e-mail at
For Sale:
Talking calculator. Asking $200. Contact Rosemir at (714) 267-3399.
For Sale:
id mate 2 with all accessories. Asking $900 or best offer. Voice Note 5.1 with a Magellan GPS tracking system. Asking $500. Contact Robert Lewis at (410) 653-2498.
For Sale:
Fully licensed copy of JAWS 8.0 professional containing all documentation and CDs; asking $900. Contact Jennifer at (727) 501-1656 or e- mail at
For Sale:
Trekker; has all components, newly updated. Includes SD card for storing of maps. Asking $1,200 or best offer; cashier check or money order only. Contact Debby Phillips at (509) 684-1266 Pacific time, or e-mail
For Sale:
ColorMouse-RM; NTSC; low magnification; RCA connection; United States power cord. Read documents on your television, and display in black, white or full color. Purchased late 2006, used only 4 times. Works perfectly. Asking $234 with free priority shipping within United States. Contact Charisma at (801) 359-0436.
For Sale:
Pico Pocket video magnifier, 10 oz., 4 viewing modes: color, enhanced, positive, negative. 3X-11X magnification, built-in rechargeable battery, charger and carrying case. Used only one month. Asking $500. Contact Robert Anderson via e-mail,
For Sale:
Braille 'n Speak 640, may need new battery. Asking $50 plus shipping or best offer. Disk drive for Blazie products; like new, but needs new battery. Asking $50 or best offer plus shipping. Braille Blazer, prints on 8 «" x 11" paper and smaller labels. Like new. Asking $200 plus shipping or best offer. Contact Michelle at (814) 867-9778.
For Sale:
Six standard Perkins braille writers. All in excellent working condition. Asking $300 each. Braille Blazer embosser. Asking $250. Thermoform machine. Asking $100 plus shipping costs. All sold as is. Please contact Amy at (574) 848-7451 ext. 319 or e-mail her at
For Sale:
Braille 'n Speak 2000; bilingual, English and Turkish. Asking $500. Contact Mustafa Devrim via e-mail, or write to him at P.K. 96, Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkey.
For Sale:
Braille Note classic in excellent condition. Has Keysoft 6.1 and a GPS program which you would have to upgrade; the battery has plenty of charge left. If interested, contact Chuck Coleman via e-mail,, or call him at (330) 302-8037.
For Sale:
New and used cassette tapes, old-time radio stories on cassette, Bibles on cassette (dramatized and narrated), Old and New Testaments together in one volume or in separate volumes, new authorized recordings, reel-to-reel tapes of various lengths, reel-to-reel tape recorders, and an AM- FM radio cassette recorder. Call Joe Kelly at (903) 794-4852.
For Sale:
Perkins brailler, in good condition. Asking $250. Electric brailler, completely refurbished, $550. VoiceNote, never used, earlier software. Asking $900. Squirt notetaker with speech and qwerty keyboard, $125. PowerBraille with 65-cell display, recently serviced and cleaned. Navigator 40-cell braille display, $700. Reading Edge, $1,000. Thiel high- production braille printer (120 characters per second) with capacity for seven languages, $4,000. Buyer pays shipping. If you are interested in any of these items, contact Jill Gross at (215) 200-3757 or via e-mail,