by Vicky Prahin
The ACB Information Desk will have some added features this year, but it will as always provide you with information, as up to date and accurate as possible, about meeting locations and special activities. If you are an affiliate president or in charge of programs for your affiliate, remember to advise us when you have a change — a cancellation, a room change, something added that you want publicized.
We will have a group of information experts answering phone calls about virtual components to enable as much participation as possible for those who cannot join us in person. What’s available at the information desk? You can:
- Find hotel orientation information, menus, restaurant and business listings for the area, and hard copies of potential constitutional amendments.
- Sign up for newspaper delivery if you registered for it. Often people forget to tell us or assume that the folks in registration make note of that. If we don’t know at the info desk, the students don’t find out and you don’t get your paper.
- Reserve your banquet table. Be sure that the people you expect to sit with know about it before providing your list of six. We often have confusion because someone plans to sit with one group and already has a reserved seat at another table.
- Drop off door prizes, labeled in both braille and print.
- Report items you have lost or found.
We can download files to a thumb drive or SD card, but you must remember to bring that device with you; we do not provide them.
The Information Desk will open when registration opens on Thursday, June 29, and remain open throughout the convention until the afternoon of July 6. The desk is open from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
If you enjoy meeting people, being at the center of things, and can multi-task, consider volunteering to work at the 2023 info desk, contact me at [email protected] or (614) 949-7757 by June 15. Each person will receive a schedule before the convention. We need a team of willing helpers to make this year’s convention go as smoothly as possible in Schaumburg!