Resolutions 2022-04, 2022-10, 2022-11, 2022-22, and 2022-23 were withdrawn prior to being considered by the committee. Resolutions 2022-01 and 2022-20 were considered by the committee but were withdrawn prior to being presented to the convention because the actions they were calling for had already been put into place.
Resolution 2022-02 was considered by the convention, but it failed. Resolution 2022-03 was referred to the advocacy steering committee. Resolution 2022-05 was considered by the convention, but failed. Resolution 2022-21 was considered by the convention, but it failed, too.
Resolution 2022-06 directs ACB to work with the Braille Revival League to explore the best way to create a climate and an expectation that braille labels will be required on products produced and sold in the United States, and instructs the executive director to include information on the progress of implementing this resolution in his report to the 2023 convention in Schaumburg, Ill.
Resolution 2022-07 instructs that ACB work with the Braille Revival League and Library Users of America to ask the Board of Directors and Board of Publications to reinstate 12 hard-copy issues of “The ACB Braille Forum.” Should the boards decide that it is not feasible to resume producing 12 issues, they would have to provide the specific reasons to the membership.
Resolution 2022-08 directs ACB’s convention coordinator to seek to include the provision of cosmetics with braille and large print identification as a necessary component of any new contracts ACB enters into with convention hotels.
Resolution 2022-09 instructs NLS that, commencing with new releases, NLS produce all its audio materials with a textual equivalent, asks that NLS explore updating its existing audio material collection to include a text equivalent, and directs that ACB request annual updates on the addition of text equivalents to their digital audio collection.
Resolution 2022-12 direct ACB’s president and/or their designee to review resolutions which have been adopted, commencing with 2021; instructs ACB’s president and the resolutions chair to provide a status update for each resolution, and directs that a regular annual report on the status of each resolution be given to the membership.
Resolution 2022-13 directs ACB to call upon YouTube to publicly establish a date to roll out the audio description feature to all users, and instructs YouTube to work with ACB Students and the Audio Description Project in order to reach out to content creators to assist them in the creation of high-quality audio description content.
Resolution 2022-14 directs ACB to strongly encourage and work to promote theater companies’ use of live audio description as the only effective means of communicating the visual elements to the blind theatergoer.
Resolution 2022-15 instructs ACB to begin a dialogue with Amazon to determine the best solutions to ensure that Amazon’s Disability Customer Support Line staff will provide accurate product descriptions for people who are blind or have low vision.
Resolution 2022-16 directs ACB to seek systemic change in order to achieve more permanent settlement in disability rights cases, and that, as a first step, ACB, through its advocacy steering committee, seek to collaborate with other entities dedicated to civil rights to identify, evaluate, and implement legal strategies and other means and mechanisms for promoting long-term, positive structural change through civil rights settlements and consent decrees.
Resolution 2022-17 instructs ACB to request the Aging and Vision Loss National Coalition to conduct a study aimed at developing empirical data that will document both the problem and its potential solutions clearly, and directs both groups to undertake appropriate educational and advocacy efforts to ensure placements in institutionalized settings can be avoid to the maximum extent possible for individuals who are blind or have low vision.
Resolution 2022-18 directs ACB’s Advocacy Services Steering Committee to develop an approach that will allow outreach to some of these Medicare managed care organizations, including Medicare Advantage plans, to determine whether our interest in durable medical equipment for people with low vision and vision services can be forwarded by working with this kind of Medicare hybrid entity. Also instructs ACB’s Advocacy Services Committee to explore what legal remedies exist for the unconscionable intransigence of CMS and other elements of Medicare who have remained stubbornly unwilling to entertain blindness-specific programs even as pilot projects, and directs the committee to provide a progress report at the 2023 leadership conference.
Resolution 2022-19 directs ACB to join with other partner organizations to demand that the United States Department of Education (USDOE) issue updated and considerably more comprehensive education policy guidance by the end of the year 2024.
Resolution 2022-24 directs ACB, along with the Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss, the Braille Revival League, Council of Citizens with Low Vision International, and Library Users of America, to strongly urge that the production of the hard-copy large print version of Talking Book Topics be reinstated, and requests that NLS enter into a dialogue with ACB and its special-interest affiliates to resolve this issue.
Resolution 2022-25 directs ACB to strongly urge the U.S. Senate to pass the Collins-Shaheen bill, the Insulin Act, and urges its affiliates and members to contact their senators to advocate for the passage of this bill.
Resolution 2022-26 directs ACB to encourage all live theater providers to enable theatergoers who are blind or have low vision to receive live audio description for all live performances, except when an undue burden can be demonstrated.
Resolution 2022-27 charges the ACB board and the advocacy steering committee with planning for this organization’s housing advocacy, and urges ACB’s state and local affiliates to become involved in advocating in the area of housing.
Resolution 2022-28 expresses appreciation to the staff of the CHI Health Center and the Omaha Hilton for their hard work and Midwest hospitality.
Resolution 2022-29 expresses ACB’s heartfelt congratulations and thanks to this year’s Convention Host Committee and the women and men of the American Council of the Blind of Nebraska for their enthusiastic welcome, the untold hours of planning and hard work, and the tremendous privilege of bringing our national conference and convention to the Cornhusker state.
Resolution 2022-30 sincerely thanks each and every individual volunteer who so selflessly and graciously gave of their time and energy to make this first convention back in person such a success.
Resolution 2022-31 expresses ACB’s sincere gratitude and extreme appreciation for everyone who put in long hours and assisted to make this first hybrid convention possible, including but not limited to the convention planning team and the ACB Media staff.