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Here and There

by Sue Lichtenfels

The announcement of products and services in this column is not an endorsement by the American Council of the Blind, its staff, or elected officials. Products and services are listed free of charge for the benefit of our readers. "The Braille Forum" cannot be held responsible for the reliability of products and services mentioned.

To submit items for this column, send a message to [email protected], or call ACB at 1-800-424-8666 and leave a message in mailbox 26. Please remember that postal regulations prohibit us from including advertisements, and that we need information two months ahead of actual publication dates.

Job Talk

Looking for a job or wanting to make a career change? If you are attending this year's annual ACB convention in Minnesota, be sure to bring your resume and attend the National Industries for the Blind (NIB) employment seminar! Explore a broad range of employment opportunities and get an update on NIB's Business Leaders program. If you are unable to attend, but are interested in employment opportunities, e-mail your resume to [email protected] or call Kathy Gallagher at (703) 310-0343.

Alumni Gathering

Attention former students of the Governor Morehead School: Your presence is requested at the alumni gathering August 10-12 in Raleigh, N.C., for a weekend of fun. Regardless of whether you graduated from the school, you are considered part of the alumni group, and your old classmates and friends are looking for you. For more information on the reunion, please send your name, the name you were known by as a student, your current address, phone number and e-mail address (if you have one) to Joyce Kemp, 3009 Whiting Ave., Charlotte, NC 28205.

Kimbrough New at Blindskills

B. T. Kimbrough will become executive director of Blindskills, Inc. on June 4, 2007. Blindskills publishes Dialogue, an international bimonthly news magazine for people who are experiencing vision loss or are blind, and their friends and families. The magazine, now published in braille, large print, cassette, and e-mail editions, reviews low vision aids and devices, provides tips and techniques for coping with vision loss, reports personal experiences of people living successfully with visual impairment at home, in school, on the job and in the community, interviews professionals working in the field of blindness and low vision, and is designed to inform, instruct and entertain. To get a subscription, call 1-800-860-4224.

NCAA Braille Football Schedule

The 2007 NCAA braille college football schedule will be available again this year with 119 division 1-A and some requested division 1-AA teams. Included will be the results of the 2006-2007 bowls, the AP top 25 final polls, the 2007-2008 bowl schedule and much more. The schedule costs $10. Make your check payable to Allen H. Gillis and send it to him at 302 Schaeffel Road, Cullman, AL 35055. Call (256) 734-4047 or e-mail [email protected].

Survey For Parents

Parents of children who are blind or have low vision in K-12 public and residential schools in the United States are invited to participate in a study on why they chose the type of educational placement for their child. This survey was sent out last month, but had to be cancelled because of computer glitches. The study organizers sincerely apologize and encourage parents to complete a new survey. Parents who do not have access to a computer may phone Dr. Paul Ajuwon at (417) 836-5397 to request a braille or print copy of the survey. For the online interactive survey, visit To download a Word version, go to

New Telecoping Cane

California Canes has developed a new telescoping cane. The cane comes in sizes from 42" to 62" and is made from the same carbon fiber material as their standard canes. The powder coating reflects light and glows in the dark for added visibility at night and in inclement weather. The cane has been adapted to fit all tips. All you need to do is pull, lightly twist and go. To place an order, call 1-866-332-4883.

Braille Travel Files has transcribed numerous travel-related publications for individuals who are visually impaired. The web site contains braille-ready files (BRF). Information is taken from guidebooks such as Lonely Planet and Fodor's, brochures, Tourism Authority web sites, and newspaper travel sections. Blind users must register on the web site in order to download materials for free. Files available include Tibet, Peru, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Belize, Kenya, Tasmania, Greece, Italy, the city of Rome, Thailand, and an introduction to the World Heritage program. For further information, e-mail [email protected].

Seeking Teacher

Bob Groff Jr., of 487 PC Circle, Quitman, AR 72131, is seeking someone to teach him Windows 2000 Professional. Contact him by phone, (501) 589-2886, for more information.