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December 12, 2012 Teleconference Meeting of the ACB Board of Directors

President Pomerantz called the meeting to order  at 5:35 PM Pacific Standard time; the following Board members were present:  Mitch Pomerantz, Kim Charlson, Brenda Dillon, Marlaina Lieberg, Carla Ruschival, Chris Gray, Ray Campbell, Berl Colley, Sara Conrad, Janet Dickelman, Michael Garrett, George Holliday, John McCann, Allan Peterson, Dan Spoone,and Jeff Thom. Paul Edwards represented the BOP; staff present were Melanie Brunson and Lane Waters.

Pomerantz reviewed the meeting agenda Campbell moved acceptance, McCann seconded and that motion carried.

Charlson moved that the September 15, 2012 minutes be adopted with corrections to the Treasurer’s Report which would reflect only bottom line figures; Lieberg seconded, and that motion carried.

President’s report:  Mitch Pomerantz

Pomerantz asked if the Board had any questions not covered on the agenda.  Gray expressed that he has questions regarding the thrift store project which have yet to be addressed, and wondered when those questions might be addressed.  Garret indicated that the information needed should be provided within executive session; Pomerantz assured Gray that these questions would be handled within executive session.  McCann asked for an update regarding Donor Perfect; Waters indicated things are moving along and that testing and evaluation should begin next week. A test site will be rolled out next week.

McCann moved that the board move to executive session to discuss sensitive personnel matters; Campbell seconded and that motion carried.

Gray moved that the Board return to open session; Ruschival seconded and that motion carried.

Pomerantz reported that there was no action taken in Executive Session.  He further reported that the Board discussed the resignation of Steven Obremski

Holiday Auction:  The Holiday Auction raised over $4,100.  Ruschival reported that calls came in constantly.  Liebergwill draft a thank you letter to clear channel for allowing us to use their facilities.

Budget, Carla Rushival

The following motions were made during discussion of the revenue side of the budget:
Gray moved to reduce the $125,000  line item for legacies and bequests to $80,000; that motion died for lack of a second...

"Edwards moved that $1000 be reinstated to cover our membership in the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, (LCRC); McCann seconded and that motion carried.  McCann indicated his willingness to represent ACB at LCRC functions."

Campbell moved that the budget be amended to add $100 to the line item regarding individual contributions to ACB Radio; Garrett seconded, and that motion carried. The Board discussed the “donate to ACB Radio” button on the ACB Radio Website; after the first of the year, some Board members will test the button by making small contributions.

Campbell moved that the ACB Radio Affiliate Donation line be amended to $300; Edwards seconded and that motion carried.

Lieberg moved that the line item for the 2013 holiday auction be increased  to $4,000; Campbell seconded; McCann offered a friendly amendment to raise the amount in this line item to $3,500, and the motion carried.

Edwards moved that the proceeds of the 2013 Holiday Auction be designated for ACB Radio; Lieberg seconded, and the motion carried.

Charlson moved to increase the ACBES projected revenue from $0 to $5,000; Lieberg seconded Gray stated that he believed the motion to be out of order; he stated that for the record, he called for the resignation of the ACBES Board and requested that ACB reconstitute an ACBES Board that believes they can make this business move forward.  Pomerantz ruled Gray’s motion to be out of order.  Pomerantz ruled the original motion to be out of order, since the Board of ACBES passed a resolution with a $0 projection for 2013.  Edwards moved that the ACBES board hold a meeting for the purpose of reconsideration of its projection of $0 for the 2013 budget  with a recommendation of at least a projection of $5,000, Charlson seconded and that motion was defeated.

Gray moved that the membership of ACBEs require the Board of ACBEs to hold an extraordinary membership meeting of ACBES within the next 45 days to provide information and to begin to create plans to create a situation to rejuvenate ACBES for ACB’s 2013 fiscal year and beyond, such meeting to be held in executive session, Edwards seconded; during discussion, Gray stated that he would remove his requirement that the current ACBES Board be reconstituted, but stated that he was not happy that his requests for input have been ignored by that Board. The motion carried.

Total revenue for 2012: $696,102; projected revenue for 2013:  $871,059

Edwards moved adoption of the revenue side of the budget; Campbell seconded; Gray objected to the motion on two counts:, the first being that the ACBES membership meeting has not yet been held, and the second being that some projections are too high.  Pomerantz reminded the Board that the budget can be amended as we review the expense side; Colley reminded the Board that the Budget Committee meets quarterly and at that time, the Committee can consider amendments to the budget.  The motion carried with Gray voting no.

At 9:00  PM Pacific time, the meeting recessed until Monday December 17 at 7 PM Eastern, 4 PM Pacific. 

December 17, 2012

President Pomerantz reconvened the meeting at 4:05 PM Pacific standard time.  Board members present were Mitch Pomerantz, Kim Charlson, Brenda Dillon, Marlaina Lieberg, Carla Ruschival, Chris Gray, Ray Campbell, Berl Colley, Sarah Conrad, Michael Garrett, George Holliday, John McCann, Allan Peterson, Dan Spoone,and Jeff Thom. Paul Edwards represented the BOP; staff present were Melanie Brunson and Lane Waters. 

Pomerantz reported that he and Garrett have met with a possible candidate for the Advisory Board by the name of Robert Stuchiner. He is a blind individual who works with top level investors. 

Lieberg moved and Campbell seconded that the Board return to Executive Session at 4:10 PM. 

At 5:10 PM, Gray moved that the Board return to open session; Lieberg seconded and the motion carried.

Pomerantz reported that in Executive session, 2 motions were passed.  The first is to invite Laurie Mehta to participate in a specially called teleconference board meeting to update us on matters regarding GDUI.  The second is to draft, on behalf of the ACB Board, a message to the Leadership list and ACB-l regarding the Board’s current involvement regarding the situation affecting GDUI.

Budget, Carla Ruschival and Lane Waters.
During discussion of the expense side of the budget, the following motions were made:
Campbell moved and Petersen seconded that the other occupancy expenses line be adjusted to $4,864 and that motion carried.

Campbell moved and Petersen seconded that the building security line be raised to $521.00 and that motion carried.

Edwards moved that the In Kind Board Expense line be asterisked with a note at the end of the budget providing an explanation that the figure in this line item is reflected on the income side and specifically references board reimbursement not collected by board members. Conrad seconded and that motion carried.

Edwards moved that $1000 be reinstated to cover our membership in the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights; McCann seconded and that motion carried.  McCann offered to represent ACB at these meetings.  

Dickelman joined the call at this point.

While discussing the Board of Publications budget, Edwards shared a proposal that the ACB Braille Forum be sent out 6 times per year with an increased size of 56 pages, and that in alternate months, an electronic publication which would have no size limits, would be published. Spoone moved to approve this proposal; McCann seconded, and that motion carried.

Campbell moved to allocate $500 on the expense side of the DKM Committee, and that motion carried.

Ruschival moved that International Relations Committee expenses be reduced to $500, and that motion carried.

Colley moved to add $500 to the voting task force; McCann seconded and that motion carried.

Total Expense: $1,171,383
Total Net surplus deficit:  -$167,724

Edwards moved and Campbell seconded that the expense side of the budget be adopted and that motion carried.

Edwards moved the adoption of the 2013 budget in aggregate; McCann seconded and that motion carried with one no vote.

At 8:00 PM Pacific Standard time, Lieberg moved adjournment; with many seconds, that motion carried.

Marlaina Lieberg

Submitted:  February 1, 2013

Approved:  02-22-2013

This webpage was last updated on March 4, 2013.