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High Tech Swap Shop

For Sale:
PAC Mate 20-cell braille display. In good condition; about 7 years old. Asking $450 or best offer. Trekker Breeze GPS, older version with most up-to-date firmware that can be had. About 5 years old; in good condition. If you have the power adapter for the original Victor Reader Stream, it will work with the Trekker. Asking $350. Contact Shawn Cox at [email protected], or phone (585) 919-4177.
For Sale:
Braille ‘n Speak 640 in soft leather carrying case with an assortment of chargers, cables, and reference materials in braille and on cassette. Asking $70 or best offer. Contact Jamie Davis before 10 p.m. Eastern at (513) 532-9471, or [email protected].
For Sale:
One large-cell brailler. Asking $450. Contact Barb or Joe at (410) 668-1143.
For Sale:
Two Perkins braillers. One comes with a hard case, one with a soft case. Best offers. Contact Cyndie at (413) 684-3089.