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The official ACB photographer for the 2014 conference and convention will be taking pictures in the exhibit hall, on selected tours, and at many social events.  He will visit committee and affiliate meetings and workshops, general sessions, and the banquet.

It is understood that all activities and programs scheduled at the 2014 conference and convention are subject to be photographed.  Photos are the property of ACB, and are for ACB's use.

Be sure your committee, affiliate or other group event is photographed.  Contact the ACB/National Industries for the…

Entries in this program give day, time, and location for each event.  Descriptions, presenters, and ticket prices are shown when applicable.  If a group is holding all of its events in the same room on a given day, that room name appears on the line beside the day and date.  If a group is holding more than one event on a given day, and those events are in different rooms, the location for the first event is shown beside the day and date.  Subsequent rooms are shown beside the events.

ACB - American Council of the Blind
AABT - American Association of Blind Teachers
AAVL - Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss
AAVIA - American Association of Visually Impaired Attorneys
ACBDA - ACB Diabetics in Action
ACBF - ACB Families
ACBGE - ACB Government Employees
ACBHSP - ACB Human Service Professionals
ACBL - ACB Lions
ACBRA - ACB Radio Amateurs
ACBS - ACB Students
ADP - Audio Description Project
AFB - American Foundation for the Blind
APH - American Printing House for the Blind
BITS - Blind Information Technology Specialists…

Dear Conventioneers:

I want to welcome everyone to the 53rd annual conference and convention of the American Council of the Blind here in exciting Las Vegas, Nevada.  I am looking forward to presiding over my first convention as president of ACB, and to talking with so many members and guests from across the country and, in fact, from around the world.

The theme of the 2014 convention is "ACB: The Real Deal."  This is a great theme for this year's convention because we are in the city that knows about dealing cards and ACB can proudly claim some “real deal”…

Below are the links to the available formats for downloading.

The text to all the ads is in the MS Word .doc format; the color ads are in the .pdf format.

Table of contents in both formats have active links to the sections.

2014 Conference and Convention Program large print MS Word format .doc

2014 Conference and Convention Program large print PDF format .pdf

Many, many thanks to our 2014 corporate sponsors.  Their continued generous support of the American Council of the Blind and our conference and convention is sincerely appreciated.

Look for the 2014 corporate sponsors on, in the conference and convention program and newspaper, on ACB Radio, on the convention T-shirt, and throughout the week.  Be sure to thank them personally for their generous support.

Double Diamond Sponsor:

  • Vanda Pharmaceuticals – Crown Jewel Sponsor

Emerald Sponsors:

  • Google – Google Day…

ACB: The Real Deal
colorful photo of the Riviera hotel
53rd Annual National Conference & Convention
American Council of the Blind
Special-Interest Affiliates
Riviera Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada
July 10 - 19, 2014
Kim Charlson, President


Hosted by Nevada Council of the Blind
Rick Kuhlmey, President
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


APH's first individually-sold…

Please support ACB and help us honor the memory of our long-time friend and supporter, Brenda Dillon at the 2014 ACB Brenda Dillon Memorial Walk. The event will be held July 13, 2014 from 7:00-9:00 a.m. at the Miracle Mile Shops in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Since its inception in 2009, the ACB Walk has become a signature fundraising event held during the organization's annual Conference and Convention. Funds raised as part of this event enable ACB to continue providing vital services to help blind and visually impaired Americans participate fully in all aspects of society. Whether you…

I.  Official Conference Program Advertising
Tell the world about your products and services by placing your ad in the official 2014 conference and convention program.  150-plus print pages packed with information and conference details; published in Braille, large print, and electronic formats.  Also downloadable from the ACB website by June 30, 2014, and archived permanently on the website following the close of the conference.

Color Pages - Full-page program ads and covers are available in color on a first-come, first-…

American Council of the Blind
53rd Annual Conference and Convention
Riviera Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV
July 11 - 19, 2014
ACB - The Real Deal

2014 Exhibit Hall

General Information and Booth Options

  • Are you a company that sells adaptive equipment for the blind or visually impaired?
  • Are you an agency or entity with resources or information of particular interest to ACB members?
  • Do you represent a…