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Advertising Information and Opportunities

I.  Official Conference Program Advertising
Tell the world about your products and services by placing your ad in the official 2014 conference and convention program.  150-plus print pages packed with information and conference details; published in Braille, large print, and electronic formats.  Also downloadable from the ACB website by June 30, 2014, and archived permanently on the website following the close of the conference.

Color Pages - Full-page program ads and covers are available in color on a first-come, first-serve basis.  Choose the color option and make your ad stand out from the competition!

Hero Pages - Share the accomplishments of special people in your company, local chapter, or state or special-interest ACB affiliate by participating in the ACB Heroes section of the 2014 conference and convention program.  Hero’s pages enjoy special placement in the program; pages can include a photograph of your special person and details about his or her accomplishments.  What a wonderful way to recognize that special person!

Recognition Pages - New this year! A smaller version of the hero page, a recognition page is the perfect place to recognize that special member of your affiliate, local scholarship winner or anyone you feel deserves special acknowledgment. Recognition pages must be in 18-point type and cannot exceed one page.

Business Card - New this year for $75.00, an inexpensive way to provide contact information for your business at a glance!  Share your business name, e-mail address, phone number and website.

Large print programs are spiral-bound, black ink on white, 8.5" by 11" pages. Our expanded table of contents will list all program advertisers and hero and recognition pages so that readers can quickly locate your information.

Please use at least 18-point font when designing your ad.  While smaller fonts allow you to put more words on a page, many visually-impaired readers cannot read print that is less than 18-point in size.

ACB does not provide ad design services, but we stand ready to advise you as to the readability of your ad.

Submit program ads electronically by May 15, 2014.  Email to [email protected] in .pdf, .jpeg, or any MS Office format; include the words "Program Ad" in the subject line.

Pricing:  There's an advertising solution to fit every budget.  ACB convention exhibitors receive a $50 discount on the following program advertisements, with the exception of the half- and quarter-page ads ($25 discount).

Inside front cover, front title pages, calendar tab and inside back cover: color, $800; black and white, $500
Outside back cover: color, $900; black and white, $550
Full-page Ad: color, $550; black and white, $300
Half-page ad: black and white only, $200
Quarter-page ad: black and white only, $150
Hero page: color, $500
Recognition page: black and white, $300
Business card ad: $75

See the ad rate sheet for complete details.

II.  ACB Radio Features and Advertising
The world tunes in to listen to the conference and convention on ACB Radio.  General sessions, the ACB banquet and the Candidates' Forum are broadcast on ACB Radio Mainstream.
ACB Interactive, ACB World News and Information, and ACB Live Event channels will carry broadcasts of selected workshops and other afternoon and evening events.  Listeners will be able to tune in to programs on technology, education, transportation, careers and employment, membership development, fundraising etc.
New this year - ACB radio on the phone! Listeners can now access ACB radio via telephone. Listen to any ACB radio broadcast on a cell phone or landline. Call 231-460-1047.
ACB Radio listenership explodes. The telephone option greatly increases ACB radio listenership and your visibility as an advertiser.
Special packages including features and promotional spots are now available.  Options including general sessions and the ACB Banquet are archived and keep working for you after the conference.
Send us your pre-recorded spot, or ask us to produce one for you.  Select from the following packages:
Starlight Package — $1,000

  • Live broadcast of opening keynote session (Sunday), FIA Performing Arts Showcase (Tuesday), Candidates Forum (Thursday), and ACB Banquet (Friday)
  • Maximum exposure on our most popular conference broadcasts
  • Your 30-second pre-recorded promotional spot aired prior to and following all events; also repeated during breaks or intermission if permitted by broadcast format
  • Repeated around the clock
  • Opening session and banquet archived
  • Includes production of commercial spot

Sunrise Package - $750

  • 21 hours of live broadcasting from the morning general sessions, Monday through Thursday
  • Aired on Mainstream, ACB Radio's flagship channel
  • Repeated around the clock after general session ends
  • Archived; stays on the ACB website for years to come
  • Your 30 second pre-recorded ad, played prior to and following each broadcast, and during the morning break
  • Includes production of ad

Spotlight Package - $600

  • Ten-minute pre-recorded feature with your company representative
  • Discuss your products and services; you determine the content
  • Feature aired on any 3 afternoon broadcasts of your choice (limited availability; first-come, first-serve)
  • Repeated and archived based on broadcast where feature is aired
  • Includes production of feature

Glimmer Package - $300

  • Air your 10-minute feature on any single broadcast event (general session, afternoon workshop, evening program; limited availability; first-come, first-serve)
  • Discuss your products and services; you determine the content
  • Repeated and archived based on broadcast where feature is aired
  • Includes production of feature

Flicker Package - $200

  • Air your pre-recorded 30-second ad on the session, workshop or program event of your choice
  • Played prior to each broadcast; also aired during break or intermission if permitted by event schedule
  • Repeated and archived based on broadcast where feature is aired
  • Includes production of ad

III.  Official Daily Newspaper Advertising
Drive traffic to your exhibit booth, increase attendance at your conference session or event, or promote your products even if you can't be in Las Vegas.
The conference newspaper is published daily, July 12 through 17, 2014.  Available in Braille, large print, and electronic format each morning from the Information Desk.  Also posted to the major ACB email lists for distribution to folks back home.
Newspaper ads are black and white only; no color.  Ads run a maximum of 3 days; 75-word limit per ad.
Special discounts and advance ad rates for individuals, affiliates, and blind MLM representatives.  Sorry, no ads accepted for individual or affiliate food sales on hotel property.
Choose our Press Time package for best ad value.

  • 3 days advertising, reserved prior to conference:  individuals, ACB affiliates and blind representatives of MLM companies, $40; exhibitors - $100; all others - $125; or
  • 3 days advertising, on-site:  individuals, ACB affiliates and blind representatives of MLM companies, $50; exhibitors - $110; all others - $140

Submit ads electronically by July 1, 2014.  Email to [email protected], in .pdf, .jpeg, or any MS Office format; include the words "Newspaper Ad" in the subject line.

IV.  Registration Bag Inserts
Introduce yourself to every attendee by placing product information and branded items in our registration bags.  We will prepare 1,200 bags, and an item with your name can be in every one of them.  You might consider ink pens, sample-size lotions, lapel pins, signature guides, discount or contest coupons, large print or Braille brochures, packaged snacks etc.
Exhibitor Special:  We will place one item FREE for every premium booth reserved by exhibitors.  All other exhibitors receive a $50 discount off the regular $250 rate.
One item stuffed FREE for any corporate sponsor; two FREE inserts for sponsors at the ONYX level or above.
The cost for placing inserts in registration bags is $250 for the first item per 1,200 bags, $75 for each additional item.  This rate applies to all individuals or companies not eligible for one of the above discounts.  Price does not include printing or other production of items.
ACB must approve items to be inserted in bags.  Submit samples by June 15, 2014.

Registration inserts must be received in Las Vegas by Tuesday, July 8, 2014.  Materials received after July 1 will NOT be included in the bags.  Shipping address for registration inserts will be provided by June 10, 2014.
Have questions?  Need More Information?
Email Margarine Beaman at [email protected], or call her at (512) 921-1625.