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by Carla Ruschival

Fifty years ago, in 1961, 29 people met in a hotel in Kansas City, Mo., and the American Council of the Blind was born. Thanks to the dedication and hard work of people like Durward McDaniel and countless others, and despite the efforts of those who hoped ACB would succumb to a quick and untimely death, the fledgling organization spread its wings and became the proud leader and beacon of democracy we know today.

ACB celebrates its 50th anniversary July 8-16 in Reno, Nev. The 2011 ACB conference and convention is overflowing with informative programs,…

by Carla Ruschival

Come to Reno, Nev., and celebrate gold at the 50th annual conference and convention of the American Council of the Blind.

Our fantastic week of programs, exhibits, tours, and fun gets under way on Friday, July 8. Choose a narrated cruise on a paddlewheeler of Lake Tahoe's Emerald Bay with its crystal blue waters and towering peaks. As Mark Twain said in 1862 upon seeing Lake Tahoe for the first time, "It must surely be the fairest picture the whole world affords." Or visit the Fallon Naval Air Station (yes, it's in the middle of the desert) for a hands-…

by Carla Ruschival

We're making plans. Excitement is building. The 2011 conference and convention of the American Council of the Blind is happening in Reno, Nevada, July 8-16. Plan now to be there to celebrate ACB's 50th birthday -- our golden past, our diamond future.

It is the end of January as I write this article. Already the national office and I are receiving lots of conference-related calls. Read on for answers to the most frequently asked questions from individuals, agencies and others.

** PROGRAM: Speakers and presenters at general sessions and break-out…

by Carla Ruschival

ACB's golden anniversary conference and convention will be one of the best ever. Make plans now to be in Reno July 8 to 16 for all the special activities, information, exhibits, fun and friends.

The fun-filled John Ascuaga Nugget Resort Hotel Casino is home to ACB for convention week. General session and exhibits will be on the second floor, and special-interest group meetings, workshops and social events will be on 2 and 3. After a busy day in exhibits and meetings, you and your friends may want to dine in one of the hotel's many restaurants, have fun…

by Carla Ruschival

It's mid-November as I write this article, and serious planning is already under way for ACB's golden anniversary at the 50th annual conference and convention in Reno, Nev.

Some members of the national convention committee just spent a hectic few days in Reno. We visited potential tour sites, talked with transportation contractors, and met with hotel catering, audio/visual and accounting personnel. We began conversations with the airport, discussed accessibility issues with conference venues, and got to know members of the local host committee. We began…

by Carla Ruschival

It's already November, and ACB is getting closer and closer to going gold. The 2011 ACB conference and convention is set for July 8-16 in Reno, Nev., and you will want to be there to help us celebrate ACB's 50th anniversary.

The conference hotel is the fabulous John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel Resort Casino. It features two 29-story towers with over 1,500 rooms, eight restaurants, six bars, pool, fitness center, and of course a casino.

This month's featured restaurant in the hotel is the Noodle Hut. Enjoy quick and tasty Asian specialities like won ton…

by Carla Ruschival

The 2010 ACB conference and convention was nothing short of terrific! Every convention has its special qualities and unique characteristics, and we all returned home from Phoenix with a whole new set of great ACB memories.

I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank the staff of the Phoenix Downtown Sheraton Hotel for its outstanding work on this conference. Whether it was early morning or late at night, the staff was always there, with a smile, working to make this a fabulous conference week. The ACB Cafe was outstanding, and the cash-and-carry…

ACB Full Steam Ahead!
American Council of the Blind 
51st Annual Conference and Convention
July 6 - 14, 2012

ACB 2012 Convention Calendar

Do you want to keep track of the events happening at the 51st anual convention of the American Council of the Blind?

If the answer is yes then the link below will take you to the ACB 2012 calendar and allow you to either view it in Microsoft outlook or the calendar on any I device such as an IPad or IPhone.

Click here to import the calendar

If your state or special interest affiliate would like your event listed on our Calendar of Events page, send the information to: [email protected]

Fall 2017 Conventions

Sept. 14-17: 
ACB of Texas state convention at the Doubletree by Hilton Dallas. Room rates are $95 per night plus tax. Reservations can be made by calling the hotel at 1-800-222-8733. The deadline to make reservations and receive the group rate is August 30th. Be sure to mention that you are with ACB when you make your reservations.
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