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Tuesday, July 12

5:45pm California - Bonanza A

Wednesday, July 13

3:30pm GDUI - So Pac C-D

4:15pm Mid-south - So Pac A-B

5:45pm Midwest - Carson

Thursday, July 14

7:00am New York Breakfast (open to all) - $22 - So Pac A

7:00am Washington State Breakfast (WCB members only) - So Pac B

5:45pm New England, Florida and Maryland - So Pac E

5:45pm Missouri - So Pac D

Show your support for ACB in one or more of these ways:

* CONVENTION SPONSORSHIPS - Stop by the ACB/Vanda Pharmaceuticals Registration Desk and become an individual or corporate ACB Convention Sponsor. Individual sponsorships are bronze ($25), silver ($50), gold ($100), platinum ($250), and titanium ($500); sponsors receive special ribbons to wear on their convention badges, and are recognized both in general session and in the newspaper.

For information on corporate sponsorships, including pearl, coral, topaz, onyx, opal, ruby, emerald and diamond, contact Margarine Beaman…

Sponsored by Verizon

Stop by the ACB/Verizon Convention Café to grab a quick cup of coffee, pastry, sandwich, salad or snack as you rush from one meeting to another or as you head out on a tour. Meet at the Café to visit with friends or just rest a while between activities. The Café is on the second floor in Pavillion A; hours and specials will be announced in the newspaper.

The Communication Center is in the Pyramid Room on the lower level and is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fri., July 8 through Wed., July 13. This is where you can place ads in the paper, make braille or print copies, or volunteer to help produce the newspaper.

CONVENTION NEWSPAPER: This year's newspaper is "The Silver City Star," sponsored by Adobe. It is published each day, Sat. through Thurs., in braille and large print; pick up a copy at the ACB/NIB Information Desk. The paper is also available on the acbconvention email list and via download at the Information Desk before 10:…

Sponsored by Vanda Pharmaceuticals


The ACB/Vanda Pharmaceuticals Registration Desk is located in Pavillion B on the second floor. Registration hours are:

Thursday, July 7 (pre-reg. pick-up only): 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Friday to Sunday, July 8 to 10 - 8:00am to 7:00pm
Monday, July 11 - 8:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesday to Thursday, July 12 to 14 - 8:00am to 3:00pm
Friday, July 15 - 8:00am to 2:00pm

When you register, you receive your convention ID badge, program, and goody bag filled with information and surprises. You must…

The twin-towered 29-story John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel Resort Casino is a family-owned hotel filled with friendly staff, lots of restaurants, comfortable meeting and sleeping rooms, indoor swimming pool and fitness center, and other amenities.

Hotel information such as lists of telephone numbers, hotel description, and room service menus will be available from the ACB/NIB Information Desk in braille, large print and electronic formats.

To get you started, here is an outline of the public areas:

First floor - Orozko's Restaurant, Starbuck's, Rotisserie Buffet, Rosie's…

Guide dog relief areas are built and maintained by Scoop Masters, and are located near hotel exits. Relief areas are open from noon on Thursday, July 7 until noon on Sunday, July 17. ACB volunteers and hotel staff will be happy to assist you to locate the areas.
It is your responsibility to relieve your dog at regular intervals. You are expected to pick up after your dog; trash receptacles are located near relief areas for your convenience.

Should an indoor accident occur, please report it to the front desk. Do not just walk away from or ignore an accident. If an accident…

ACB Radio - ACB Radio livestreams from all general sessions on the Mainstream channel; sessions are replayed around the clock. ACB Radio Mainstream at the convention sponsored by Humanware.

ACB Radio broadcasts from the Exhibit Hall on ACB Interactive. The FIA Performing Arts Showcase, BOP Candidates' Forum, and ACB Banquet are also livestreamed.

Email list - The acbconvention email list keeps you up-to-date on all the news. Even if you aren't at convention, you can receive the "Silver City Star" and all the other information. To subscribe, go to the ACB website at …

For medical emergencies, dial 0 on a hotel phone or 911 on any other phone. Stay calm and speak distinctly. Give your name, exact location and a description of the emergency.

Renown Urgent Care, 910 Vista Blvd., Sparks; 775-982-5000; 9:00am - 8:00pm Monday - Friday. 9:00am to 6:00pm, Saturday; $130 payment required if no insurance.

Renown Regional Medical Center Hospital, 1155 Mill St., Reno; 775-982-4100.

The official ACB photographer for the 2011 conference and convention will be taking pictures in the exhibit hall, on selected tours, and at many social events. He will visit committee and affiliate meetings and workshops, general sessions, and the banquet.

It is understood that all activities and programs scheduled at the 2011 conference and convention are subject to be photographed. Photos are the property of ACB, and are for ACB's use.

Be sure your committee, affiliate or other group event is photographed. Contact the ACB/NIB Information Desk to request that the…