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Registration Q&A

Sponsored by Vanda Pharmaceuticals


The ACB/Vanda Pharmaceuticals Registration Desk is located in Pavillion B on the second floor. Registration hours are:

Thursday, July 7 (pre-reg. pick-up only): 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Friday to Sunday, July 8 to 10 - 8:00am to 7:00pm
Monday, July 11 - 8:00am to 4:00pm
Tuesday to Thursday, July 12 to 14 - 8:00am to 3:00pm
Friday, July 15 - 8:00am to 2:00pm

When you register, you receive your convention ID badge, program, and goody bag filled with information and surprises. You must register to purchase tickets to events, and be eligible to win great door prizes. Wear your badge at all times; it admits you to the exhibit area, lets you vote (if you are an ACB member), and helps hotel personnel and volunteers provide better service.

If you are pre-registered, your packet will be waiting for you. You may not pick up a packet for someone else. If you have any questions about your registration or need to purchase additional tickets, go to the Registration Desk.

A one-day pass is available for $5.00; $10.00 with program. This pass is color-coded by day, and is good for only the day on which it is purchased. With this pass you may attend exhibits and other programs and purchase tickets for that day only. If you wish to attend additional days at the convention, you must pay the full administrative fee.

No administrative fee will be charged for a voter certification badge.

REFUNDS: ACB will make NO refunds for convention administrative and registration fees, sponsorship donations, or tickets that you just don't want. Refunds are not made for events that you miss for any reason other than extreme illness (see below), or for events that you simply do not enjoy.

Refunds will be issued ONLY for meals, events, and tours provided that:

1. An individual has pre-registered AND requests the refund in writing to the American Council of the Blind, 6300 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Suite 195, Brooklyn Center, MN 55430, or calls (612) 332-3242, ON OR BEFORE June 30, 2011; AND

2. The individual DOES NOT ATTEND any part of the convention.
In case of illness during the convention which requires you to return home or to be hospitalized, refunds will be issued only for the meals, events, and tours which take place AFTER your absence begins. If the guarantee has already been given for a meal function or a tour, no refund for that function will be given.

LOST TICKETS: ACB will NOT replace tickets that are lost during the convention. All ticket packets are checked before they are distributed at the convention, and tickets that are lost or misplaced must be purchased again.

RESELLING TICKETS: Tickets will be accepted for resale at registration ONLY if the event is sold out, and will be resold on a first-come, first-serve basis. In general, meal functions and social events at the hotel DO NOT sell out; you may wish to explore other methods of selling luncheon, banquet and other such tickets.

EVENTS SOLD OUT: If you are trying to purchase a ticket for an event or tour that is sold out, check in person at the Registration Desk for tickets returned for resale. If a tour or event was sold out before your pre-registration was processed, a refund will be included with your pre-registration packet. ACB is not responsible for notifying you if you have paid for a ticket through pre-registration for an event or tour that is already sold out. Your name will be put on a waiting list in the event of cancellations, or in case additional tickets become available.