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2020 ACB Convention Registration

Join us for our 2020 Virtual Conference and Convention, taking place from Friday, July 3 to Friday, July 10! ACB has decided to open registration a day earlier than initially posted. Registration will open on Thursday July 2 from noon to 5:00pm Eastern (9am-2pm PDT). Registration will remain open from Friday, July 3rd through Thursday, July 9th from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm EDT. To register please have your credit card available for the $25 registration payment and call (612) 332-3242. This is the only way for you to register, you cannot register online.

After you register, this is how you will receive the Zoom links to access the various sessions to be held at the ACB Virtual Convention:

  • To receive Zoom Links you have to be registered for the convention and have paid the administrative fee. Originally, you would have only received the zoom links for the sessions you signed up for when you registered. ACB leadership later decided that zoom links for all sessions would be provided to all who registered and paid the administrative fee. So you will be able to join a zoom meeting for a session, whether or not you actually selected that session when you registered.
  • Each evening you will receive an email from ACB providing session information and zoom links for the next day. The email address used will be the address you gave us when you registered for the convention.
  • Session and Zoom link information will also be available online at (anticipated start date of July 1, 2020). A tab/link labeled “Zoom Links” will be placed near the top of the home page. Selecting that link will take you to a login page, where you will need to provide your convention login and password.  Upon logging in , a link to each day of the convention will appear. Select the date you want and all the sessions for that day along with the zoom links for each session will be listed.
  • If you have forgotten your convention login and password, you can use the “forgot login/password” link on the login page, you can call the convention virtual information desk at 612-470-1947 (open 9:00 AM EDT to 7:30 PM EDT; 7/3/20 to 7/10/20), or you can call the Minneapolis office at 612-332-3242 (open 9:00 AM EDT to 5:00PM EDT; 7/3/20 through 7/10/20).

If you have not registered for convention but would like to listen to our sessions, we be adding the full schedule of convention programming for ACB Radio on the ACB Convention website. There are several ways to join ACB on our virtual journey without having to register, visit to learn more. 

For general convention questions, call our convention information desk at 612-470-1947 (open 9:00 AM EDT to 5:00PM EDT; 7/3/20 through 7/10/20), or email them at [email protected].