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Zelda Gebhard - Candidate for 2021 ACB Board of Publications


1.  Hi, my name is Zelda Gebhard. I live in rural North Dakota. I am seeking a position on the ACB Board of Publications. It was my interest in communications that led me to run for director on the ACB Board of Publications (BOP). I was elected in 2019 and continue to serve and represent the low vision perspective on a board where all other members are totally blind.

I believe both my formal education and work experience have prepared me to perform my responsibilities on the BOP overseeing communication and policies.  I attended Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD and earned my degree in Business Administration. My career started as a Medical Transcriptionist in a local hospital. That evolved into being on the administrative team as Director of Outpatient Services. My duties included managing the clinic, doing the professional credentialing, overseeing the specialty outreach clinics, supervising the medical records department, and conducting the marketing program for our healthcare network.

At age 34, I was diagnosed with Stargardt's, a genetic retinal disease.  My vision gradually decreased over the following six years until my diagnosis of legal blindness 24 years ago.  After my initial diagnosis, I continued to work with the use of low vision aids like handheld magnifiers and a CCTV. When I was unable to safely drive the 15-mile commute to my job, I gave it up and we moved from South Dakota to North Dakota. For two years I worked from my home as a contracted medical transcriptionist. I am currently working part-time for an independent insurance agent.  I enjoy my job because it gives me an opportunity to be around people and continue learning new things.  


2.  My vision loss has presented me with many opportunities. I served two terms on the governor-appointed, advisory committee for Vocational Rehabilitation, the ND State Rehabilitation Council.

I have been a member of the North Dakota Association of the Blind (NDAB), a state affiliate of ACB, for 18 years.  I was the newsletter editor for five years, served two terms as Vice President and Membership Chair and am currently in my fifth year as President.  This is my eleventh year of being a Legislative Liaison for NDAB. This position has provided me with the opportunity to present blindness issues and to advocate on the state and national levels.  

I joined the Council of Citizens with Low Vision International (CCLVI), a special interest affiliate of ACB, in 2015, was elected as a director on the board in 2016 and currently serve as the First Vice President and Chair of the Membership Committee.  It has been my privilege to serve on the Convention Planning, Public Relations and Youth Outreach and Support Committees.

In ACB, I have been serving on both the ACB Auction Committee and the Durward K. McDaniel Fund Committee since 2014.

Elected to the BOP in 2019.  As a former editor, I know that being an affiliate editor can be a lonely job. In many cases they do the hard work of getting information to their membership without much support. Therefore, I brought up the idea of creating a list for ACB Affiliate Editors and the rest of the BOP agreed.  This newly created list is a place where editors can go to communicate with others doing a similar job. They can share ideas, struggles and successes. In addition to that, we will be hosting quarterly Editor Gatherings via Zoom where topics of mutual interest will be shared.    


3.  ACB is a strong organization with many dedicated and hardworking members.  However, unfortunately often the knowledge and experience are not effectively shared when someone new fills a position.  I feel there is a need to create intentional succession plans to promote seamless transition from person to person.

I believe we should develop a formal mentoring program so individuals would have an opportunity to work alongside each other and share written guidelines as well.