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Youth Activity Center

Registration: $10, $15
Daily YAC Tickets: $10, $15
Sponsored by Regal Entertainment Group

Kids 6 to 17 can enjoy a great week of tours and activities in the YAC. Pick up a schedule at the YAC in the Washoe Room, and see the rules below. Purchase tickets at the Registration Desk.

The YAC opens on Monday morning in the Washoe room. Parents need to sign permission slips and review YAC rules before kids can participate in YAC activities.

The YAC opens each morning, Monday through Friday, at 8:15; activities begin at 8:30. A light breakfast, snacks and lunch are included in the registration and ticket fees.

Kids should bring a backpack for carrying personal belongings, a water bottle, sunscreen and cap. Kids must wear their convention registration badges when the group visits local attractions. They should also bring an old shirt to wear for crafts and other messy activities, and don't forget swimsuits.

Each child must complete a registration form and pay the ACB convention administrative fee. YAC registration is also required before children can participate in any YAC event.

IMPORTANT: Parents MUST accompany children to the YAC the first time to sign permission slips, waivers, etc. Children may not participate in any YAC activities or events if forms are not completed and signed. A parent or guardian who is attending the convention must be reachable at all times via a working cell phone number.

The YAC closes at 5:00 each afternoon; children must be picked up by then each day.
Necessary medications MUST be supplied each day. Parents will be required to remove children who exhibit uncontrollable or highly inappropriate behaviors.