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Would You Like to Be a First-Timer?

by Catherine Skivers

The members of the Durward K. McDaniel First-Timers Committee are looking forward to hearing from ACB members who would like to attend the convention to be held in Minneapolis, Minn. this year. Although many of us knew Durward, we have had so many new members who never had the opportunity to know him personally that we thought we should explain why the first- timers program carries his name. Durward was one of the founders of ACB, and one of his main concerns always was increasing membership in ACB. So when it was determined that a committee should be formed to select an ACB member from west of the Mississippi and one from east of the Mississippi to attend our annual convention, it was decided that this program would carry Durward's name.

Even if you have applied before, please don't hesitate to do so again. The good thing about what our committee does is that we have a chance to hear about so many of our members who are doing so many great things in their chapters or affiliates. The hard thing for us to do is in making the selection of those who will attend because, unfortunately, we can't bring as many as we would like.

All you need to do is address a letter to the DKM First-Timers Committee and send it to 1155 15th St. NW, Suite 1004, Washington, DC 20005. You should tell us a bit about yourself; your name, address, phone number, age, and how you feel attending a national convention would be of value to you and the ACB affiliation you have. We also want a letter from the president of your affiliate. If for some reason you are a member at large and not in a position to know the president of your affiliate, send along a letter from someone who knows about your interest in ACB. The final date for receiving these requests is April 15, 2007. Don't be shy; we are looking forward to hearing from you.

At each national convention we introduce those being brought to the convention and help them to take part in the many activities that can be found there. We have a special event to raise funds for our special fund and we hope when you make your reservations that you will plan to be with us. The chair of our committee is Carol Ewing, and she has us busy planning a fun event for that occasion. It is a great time to make new friends and visit with friends you have known for a long time. You will be hearing more about all this in future issues of the Forum.