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Weekly Community Event Schedule

All times listed are in Eastern.

Sunday, March 9


9 am: ACB Presents The Daily Schedule

Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the daily schedule; and sharing time.

11 am: The Breakfast Bunch

Join Tom and the gang for an hour of free-flowing conversation.

1 pm: Sunday Edition The 5 Year Celebration

Join the Sunday Edition anniversary celebration! Reflect on five years of advocacy, tech innovations, powerful conversations, and community impact. Special guests, exciting surprises, and even a mystery involving alligators! We will be giving away prizes from OKO, Aira, Blind Girl Designs, a few gift cards and other exciting prizes.

Email Sunday Edition

1 pm: Your Thoughts, with Claire Stanley, This Year's Imperatives

Want to learn more about the imperatives being put forth at this year’s leadership conference? Join Claire Stanley, Chair of Advocacy and Governmental affairs, as she talks about the importance of these imperatives, what they mean, and their effects on the blindness community.

2 pm: Crochet Baby Dress

In this class we will start a baby dress that could be made in several sizes just by changing the hook size.

Sponsored by ACB Crafters, making crafting accessible

Email ACB Crafters

3 pm: Ask the Pastor

Ask Pastor Bill your questions about the Bible or the Christian life. A teaching will be followed by your questions. Prayer requests can then be shared if desired. This event is open to anyone regardless of their denomination.

contact the facilitator

4 pm: Bases Loaded! - Baseball Memories

In this inaugural call, come and share your personal baseball experiences, first games attended, and unforgettable moments.

4 pm: St Lucy's Guide

We will be discussing disability in Greco-Roman antiquity.

Email St. Lucy's Guide

5 pm: Let's Encourage Each Other With Scripture

Encourage with the word, scripture, and maybe a prayer.

6 pm: Braille Room

Join fellow braille learners and enthusiasts to study the code; practice skills; and troubleshoot problems in break out rooms.

Note: This event is using breakouts. Everyone must identify themselves to participate.

Subscribe to Braille Together email group

Email Braille Together

7 pm: Sunday Night Shellin'

Join Diane and Cindy for a chat about the BlindShell accessible cell phone which has tactile buttons and is menu driven.  The conversation is open to all whether you have a BlindShell or just want to learn more about the features of this accessible phone.  We always save time for questions and a little fun.

9 pm: ACB Radio Amateurs March Call

If you are an active ham radio operator or interested, join ACB radio Amateurs for their monthly meeting.

9 pm: IVIE "Entrepreneur Exchange" "What affects your business most?"

This "Entrepreneur Exchange" will focus on what affects your business most. What are your biggest challenges and how do you adapt?

Sponsored by Independent Visually Impaired Entrepreneurs

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Monday, March 10


9 am: ACB Presents The Daily Schedule

Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the daily schedule; and sharing time.

10 am: A Message of Love

Join DJ for a word of motivation, inspiration, edification, and encouragement for the soul.

11 am: Manic Monday

Join Judy with your favorite morning beverage to get ready for the week ahead.

11 am: Scriptural Rosary

Pray the Stations of the Cross with Mary Haupt and her prayer partners.

Subscribe to our email list

2 pm: JC's Community Corner – Emailing Apps and Services

Join JC and your community friends as we share our favorite email apps and services

3 pm: The Jewish Hour Purim

In this call we will discuss the holiday of Purim

Subscribe to the Jewish Hour email list

3 pm: Laundry Hacks, Part 2

By popular demand, this is a continuation of last week's call. We will continue the discussion of different tips and tricks when it comes to doing our laundry.

4 pm: Easy Chair Yoga

Come and enjoy easy chair yoga with modifications. We will be doing poses either in the chair or wherever you need to modify.

Sponsored by the ACB Get Up and Get moving Committee

5 pm: Sports Round Table

Join the Sports Spelunkers as we highlight the wonderful, wide, and wacky world of (primarily) U.S. team sports.

6 pm: Friendship Circle

Take your connection to the next level! Participate in smaller gatherings of three to five people in friendship circles  and will do them as many times as we can in one hour.

Note: This event is using breakouts. Everyone must identify themselves to participate.

7 pm: Get the Scoop

Join Kaila and friends to tell the story behind your answer to the daily question. Choose one of the previous week's questions and give us the full scoop!

8 pm: Cancer Support

Whether in remission; recently diagnosed; or somewhere in between, you do not have to deal with cancer alone. Come care for and support each other through sharing.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

8 pm: Monday Game Night       

Come join Patti and the gang for an hour of fun and conversation while you tease your brain just a bit. All are welcome!

Sponsored by Council of Citizens with low vision International

9 pm: Bookability: How Do We Find Books in Series?

In this week's Bookability, we'll be talking about how to find books in series, whether you are familiar with them or are wanting something new.

Email Book Abilities

Join the announce-only BookAbility email list

10 pm: Serenity

Embrace acceptance, cultivate inner peace, and find balance within, regardless of external circumstances or challenges.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

Tuesday, March 11


9 am: ACB Presents The Daily Schedule

Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the daily schedule; and sharing time.

10 am: Herbie's Community Cooking Corner

I'll be discussing the Air Fryer, sharing recipes, sources for them, and preparing one live during the call.

Subscribe to the ACB Cooks email list

11 am: The Morning Mingle

Join Bel for some light-hearted conversation in a space where warmth and community spirit thrive.

11 am: Tuesday's Turning Pages Book Brunch

We take a deep dive into a book on personal finance. This week we will be covering section 4 of Financial literacy for all: disrupting struggle, advancing financial freedom, and building a new American middle class DB125155.This section is titled: It’s a movement not a Moment. 
We will not meet March 18. We will start a new book March 25.

Sponsored by Money Matters with MOe

2 pm: Games to Play With Lady A!

Lucy loves to play games, so come in and find out about new games to play with your Lady A device.

3 pm: ACB Crafter - Crochet

Join us for some projects we can work on together no matter your skill level, as well as sharing of resources, where we can have fun while learning from each other.

Sponsored by ACB Crafters, making crafting accessible

Email ACB Crafters

3 pm: Homophones With Mary Haupt

This week, learn about "E N S U R E" and "I N S U R E"; "R O A D," "R O D E," and "R O W E D."

4 pm: The Ins and Outs of Sight Loss Later in Life

Come discuss the unique issues and feelings you may experience if you are losing sight later in life.  Hear from those who have taken this journey before you. Sponsored by Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

Sponsored by Alliance On Aging and Vision Loss

4 pm: Resistance With Leslie

It’s time for an upper body workout using resistance bands. Hand weights and the floor. These exercises can be done sitting or standing. Get moving with Leslie Spoone, Certified Aerobic Instructor and Personal Trainer.

Sponsored by the ACB Get Up and Get Moving Committee

5 pm: All Paws On Deck

Wipe those paws and raise one high. Let's talk about Guide dogs or a family pet.

6 pm: Braille Room

Join fellow braille learners and enthusiasts to study the code; practice skills; and troubleshoot problems in break out rooms.

Note: This event is using breakouts. Everyone must identify themselves to participate.

Subscribe to Braille Together email group

Email Braille Together

6 pm: Cats, Cats Everywhere

We will discuss James Herriott's favorite cat stories available in bard

6 pm: CCB Diabetics in Action

Join us as we share about all things Diabetes. We bring topics of interest for discussion, and ask for participants to share their questions, comments, and peer expertise. This is a call for peer support because we know we are walking on this journey together.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

Sponsored by California Diabetics in Action.

7 pm: Tuesday Topics

Celebrate ACB Next Generation’s fifth anniversary! Explore their successes, challenges, future plans, membership rules, and impact on ACB. Has the vision of a younger-focused affiliate worked?

8 pm: Staying Calm in Unstable Times

Join the Mental Health and Wellness Committee as we help each other with tips and strategies to navigate these uncertain times.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

Sponsored By The Mental Health and Wellness Committee

9 pm: Conversational French

Join Kathy to learn conversational French.

9 pm: The She Shed

A place for the discussion of fun and lively topics by women for women.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

9:30 pm: Guided Awareness Meditation

Guided Awareness, or Yoga Nidra, is relaxing and nourishing for both mind and body. 
Robin will guide you through 20 minutes of observing your body and breathing.
All you will need to do is listen.
This practice can be done lying down or sitting in a supportive comfortable chair.
What you will need: Somewhere to sit or lie down, and some pillows and blankets.

Email Robin

Sponsored By Songbird Yoga

10 pm: The Chat Cafe

Pull up a chair, grab a mug and let’s chat.
With Teresa and Marja,

Sponsored By The Hull Foundation and Learning Center

Wednesday, March 12


9 am: ACB Presents The Daily Schedule

Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the daily schedule; and sharing time.

10 am: Motivation on Mute - Get Things Done Together!

We will (1)Mute for 20 minutes to tackle personal tasks. E.g.” clean, organize, write, exercise, etc. (2)Share our progress and wins. (3)Repeat 1 and 2. Start your day off with success.

Sponsored by Living Inspired Fully Everyday

Email the facilitator

11 am: Lisa's Living Room with DJ Freshness

Come join us for hot topics, what's on your mind, show and tell, interviews, and DJ’s corner. Join our wacky Wednesday reboot.

12 pm: Experience Inner Peace Through Yoga

Discover the changes within as we incorporate traditional breathing techniques, movements, and postures to find greater inner calm and balance.

1 pm: The Classical Music Place

Have you always loved classical music, and need a place to share that love?  Are you relatively new to classical music, and wish to get more into it?  Are you not sure just what to make of the term “classical music,” and wish to learn a bit more about it?  If any of these apply to you, welcome in.  This is not a lecture presentation, so participant give-and-take is welcome.

Subscribe to our daily email list.

2 pm: Creative Journey Book Club

Join Kaila as we continue chapter 7 of 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do; DB 121267.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

Sponsored by Creative Guidance LLC.

Email Creative Journey group facilitator

2 pm: Widows and Widowers Support Group

A space for those who have experienced the life-altering loss of a spouse or significant other. Join for a time of sharing and connection for remembering our partners. Gain ideas on how to make living alone easier.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

3:30 pm: Happy Hour Cardio

Join Leslie for an enthusiastic ride or walk on your cardio machine of choice.

Sponsored by ACB Get Up and Get Moving Committee

4 pm: Lady A Talks with Tyanne

Knight Manager is a role-playing game on your Lady A. This week, we are talking all things Knight Manager.

Sponsored by Hull Foundation and Learning Center.

4 pm: Living with No Vision

Whether you are new to living with no vision, or had no vision all of your life, Join us as we talk about our challenges and experiences, sharing  with those who understand.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

5 pm: Better Living Better Life

This call is a reinvention on the Healthy Living support Group call. In this call there will be a focus on Living better and what that looks like for you. Whether that be learning a new skill or becoming healthier. Come and share and learn from others what you can do for a better life.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

Subscribe to our email group

5 pm: Introductory Spanish

Are you interested in learning Spanish but don't know where to start? Have you studied Spanish in the past but don't remember it well? During this hour, we practice Spanish at an introductory level, and everyone is encouraged to participate.

Join our conversational email list

6 pm: Weather or Not

We are discussing the role that our sun plays in weather

7 pm: Recipe Swap - Easter Brunch ideas

The Easter bunny is hippity hopping our way again!
We’ve got a hunch you are going to love our next recipe swap which is all about Easter brunch! Bring all your favorite recipes to share whether for breakfast or lunch!

7 pm: Sharing and Caring Support Group For Care Givers

Come talk with others who understand the stresses of caring for loved ones, to share resources, or ask questions.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

8 pm: Living Better with Diabetes


8 pm: Office Space

Join Office Space with Tyson Ernst, an access technology instructor, for an interactive session on web browsing with JAWS. Learn website navigation, HTML quick keys, and more!

Sponsored by ViperTech Training

8:30 pm: Meditation Celebration

Join for a special half hour together including a 20-minute meditation.

9 pm: Abbie's Alcove

Join us to share memories of St. Patrick's Day  and other topics.

9 pm: Awakening Through Vedic Wisdom

This time, we will complete exploring Chapter 9 and begin exploring Chapter 10 of Sovereign Self by Acharya Shunya, and our sadhana will be meditations from Chapter 10.

Email the facilitator

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Thursday, March 13


9 am: ACB Presents The Daily Schedule

Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the daily schedule; and sharing time.

11 am: Let's Talk Together

We will talk together in small groups. breakouts are fun and we learn more about each other.

Note: This event is using breakouts. Everyone must identify themselves to participate.

12 pm: I Love Braille

This being the second Thursday of month, as scheduled, we will have an interactive discussion on braille-related question under title "I have a question".

Sponsored by East Bay Center for the Blind

Email the Facilitator

1 pm: The Crafting Workshop

Join Tyanne and Desiree when they get into all kinds of crazy crafting projects. You never know what those two creative ladies will get up to.

Sponsored by Hull Foundation and Learning Center.

4 pm: Forgetfulness Tips and Tricks

Many of us struggle to recall names, places, dates, appointments and even why we entered a room. Come commiserate, share and learn strategies to experience less frustration and remain functioning no matter what life throws at us.

Sponsored by Hull Foundation and Learning Center.

5 pm: Essential Oils with Hayley

Are you tired of dark, rainy days, ready for some sunshine. Come learn what citrus essential oils can do for your home, body, and mind.

Email the Facilitator

5 pm: In Perspective

Featuring Allison Weinmann, infectious disease specialist physician consultant

Sponsored by Branco Events

6 pm: Christian Book Chat

We will read chapter 11 in the book the preacher and the presidents

8 pm: 12-Step Recovery Meeting

For anyone needing the support of a 12-step meeting designed to reflect the unique perspectives of those who are blind or visually impaired.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

8 pm: Beginning Your VoiceOver Voyage - Text Me!

Join Bel and Rick on this exciting journey to master essential VoiceOver gestures and more for your iPhone. This time, we will begin our look at the Messages app.

contact the facilitator

8 pm: CCLVI Table Talk Thursday

Website and Podcast Tours
Our website team has been working hard to update and enhance our website, Join Joyce and Dianna for a low vision tour of of all that’s available. This will be followed by tips on accessing podcasts.This will be a great learning experience especially for those using magnification.

Sponsored by Council of Citizens With Low Vision International

9 pm: Thursday Nightcap

Join Diane for an hour of lively conversation.

10 pm: Trivia Night with Tina

Did you know games not only ignite the brain into thinking but they engage the people around you in friendly competition? When you couple that with a few laughs and new knowledge you have a winning combination. I hope you sit down and join us for, Tina's Trivia Night. Grab a favorite drink and a friend for a night of good times.

Sponsored by The Hull foundation and Learning Center

Friday, March 14


9 am: ACB Presents The Daily Schedule

Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the daily schedule; and sharing time.

11 am: Alison's Community Cafe

Celebrate the end of the week with Alison and your fellow community members with some lively chatter and fun. Meet new people, or re-acquaint with old friends.

12 pm: Mindful Movement to Manage Stress

This yoga class co-ordinates small, gentle movements with the breath to promote a sense of well-being. The movements are selected to benefit guide dog handlers and white cane users, so we focus a lot on hips, back, shoulders, arms, and hands and other areas where we build up tension.
You will be encouraged to move within your current range of motion and energy level. The whole practice can be done while sitting in a chair. We will finish with a guided awareness relaxation. Everything will be described clearly, and you can ask questions. What you'll need for this class: a firm chair that won't slide around as you move; a folded blanket or a couple of folded bath towels, and a bed pillow or throe pillow. This class is taught by yoga teacher Robin Mandell.

Email the facilitator

2 pm: Pathways with Patty

Bridging the great chasm which separates the disAbled from the non-disAbled by finding the necessary tools and information building blocks.

Last time, we discussed breaking bad habits and forming new ones.

This week, we will focus on identifying our body's cues that indicate potential bad habit offense.

Sponsored by Pattys Worlds

Join the Pathways with Patty Facebook group  

3 pm: Learning Blind Tech With Desiree Renee

We will touch a bit on using chatgpt with the braille sense and with Leasey

6 pm: A Blind View - Celebrating Milestones

What is a personal or professional moment on your journey that you would like to celebrate? Let’s hear about it! No milestone is insignificant. Come and share your success witph us!

7 pm: Behind the Music Your Song Your Story

So many of us love Karaoke and the fun, family feeling we get when we share our songs. Often there is a story behind why we choose the songs, funny or challenging, or just something touches us. Spoken word and original music is welcome also. Send your submissions to be included in the set list by 4pm Friday  using the email [email protected]; put behind the music in the subject line and make sure your performance includes the Meta data or is a cappella or self performed.

8 pm: FIA Author Collective

What is an Origin Story and how to discover Yours

Sponsored by Friends in Art

9 pm: It's Play Time

Meka and Cindy welcome you to join in for another fun Friday night filled with games and laughter.

Saturday, March 15


8 am: ACB Presents The Daily Schedule

Join your Community Morning Crew for the question of the day; reading of the daily schedule; and sharing time.

11 am: Saturday Morning Trivia

Play Saturday morning trivia with Danette and your fellow Community members. Some of these are pretty easy. Some will break your brain. Fun and laughter will be plentiful.

12 pm: Blindness Prematurity Call

Advantages’ of prematurity

1 pm: Friendship Circle

Take your connection to the next level! Participate in smaller gatherings of three to five people in friendship circles  and will do them as many times as we can in one hour.

Note: This event is using breakouts. Everyone must identify themselves to participate.

2 pm: Demand Our Access

Jonathan will be discussing how you can let government officials know you support Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Sponsored by Demand Our Access

3 pm: Personal Finance and Investing

Discussion of personal finance, debt management, and assorted investment techniques. Bring any questions you may have!

4 pm: Tar Heel Tailgate

Join Bel for games, casual chat, and most importantly, lots of laughs. Come spend part of your Saturday with us!

5 pm: Friends Supporting Friends with Diabetes

Grab your favorite snack and/or beverage and join ACB Diabetics in Action for an hour of all things diabetes-related discussion. This is an open chat forum and there will not be any specific topics or speakers.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this group is for peer support only. It is not a therapy group; will not be facilitated by a health care professional; and does not purport to provide mental health services.

Sponsored by ACB Diabetics In Action.

6 pm: Basic iPhone Class

Whether you're new to the iPhone or have used one for years, come join us with your questions or problems. We will try to help you use your phone more effectively and efficiently.

6 pm: Weekend Braille Together - Base Braille Ball

Join us to make a small braille drawing of a shamrock. There will also be a round or two of What's That Symbol and Name That Command!

Subscribe to Braille Together email group

Email Braille Together

8 pm: Community Karaoke

Meka and Cindy invite you for another night of karaoke with your Community friends.  Performances are all pre-recorded. Those wishing to perform should email [email protected] to be included in the weekly communication.