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An Update on the Breast Cancer Support Group

by Bonnie Rennie

"Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," as the song says. What could be more enjoyable than a leisurely day spent shopping, window-shopping, or taking in a chick flick with your girlfriends? Whether it's the good times or the tough times, life often goes better when we share them together.

We wanted to provide an update, especially on our contact information, for the Breast Cancer Support Group. The ACB Women's Concerns Committee is still sponsoring this group by phone. It has been meeting on the first Tuesday evening of the month since December 2008. The group offers a safe and comfortable place for women living with the dual experience of having vision loss and a history of breast cancer.

The three group facilitators or moderators, Lori, Linda, and Bonnie, welcome you to this group. We are all long-time ACB members and social workers with much experience conducting groups. Since the group is member-driven, we talk about what the members in attendance want. Laughter, encouragement, and the sense that you do not walk through this alone are all common experiences.

If you are a woman living with vision loss and breast cancer, and you would like to join this lively, friendly group, please take note of the updated contact information. We meet on the first Tuesday evening of the month. The time is 8:30 to 10 p.m. Eastern time (5:30 to 7 p.m. Pacific). Dial (605) 475-4850. Follow the voice prompts and when requested, use the group ID 727660 pound sign. You will be asked to state your name and location, which helps the rest of the group know who is attending, and importantly, helps promote confidentiality. If you have questions, contact Lori Scharff at (516) 887-1336.

For a somewhat more detailed description of the group and what it may be like to attend, please refer to the article "A Taste of Support" in the June 2009 issue of the Forum. We regret that the conference call group call-in number is not a free call. Those women who do join us, we believe, will have a positive and helpful experience.