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The Time Is Drawing Closer: Coming to Birmingham This Summer?

by Cynthia Towers, ACB Convention Coordinator

This summer the American Council of the Blind will hold its 43rd annual national convention in the great, historic city of Birmingham, Ala. It is not just noted for its place in the civil rights movement. To be sure, Birmingham is an entity unto itself. Just take a look at some of Birmingham’s noteworthy accomplishments!

The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s University Hospital is the world’s top kidney transplant center. Additionally, Birmingham took 10th place among the U.S. cities on the annual list of Fortune 500 companies. Birmingham is also home to the nation’s oldest baseball park, Rickwood Field, which opened in 1910 and hosted baseball greats such as Jackie Robinson, Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb. I can think of no better place to gather for our annual event.

Once you arrive in Birmingham, you can get to the Sheraton via its complimentary shuttle, which runs on a regular basis. You can also call the hotel at (205) 324-5000 or call from the courtesy phone located in the baggage claim area. The hotel is just 10 minutes away from the airport; a cab ride will run about $12. Once you arrive at the hotel, go through the doors; the front desk is straight ahead. Upon check-in you will be presented with a thorough description of the hotel and convention center. The Sheraton, like many other hotels, is trying to be energy efficient. If you want new towels, place the old ones on the floor in the bathroom; if you want your bedding changed, there is a specially marked card for you to place on the bed on the day you want new linens. A listing of the television line-up will appear in the convention program.

The Crowne Plaza Redmont is the overflow hotel for this convention. Room rates are the same as the Sheraton, $75 per night plus tax for singles and doubles, $85 per night plus tax for triples. Rooms are available beginning July 1. We have contracted for rooms for the nights July 1 through July 3; there are plenty of rooms still available at the Sheraton beginning July 4. Make reservations at the Crowne for the nights you plan to stay there, and reserve your room at the Sheraton for the day you plan to move. The Crowne will accommodate those who wish to stay past the night of July 3 at the same rate on a space-available basis. Their phone number is (205) 324-2101; their address, 2102 Fifth Ave. N., Birmingham, AL 35203.

For those arriving on Saturday, July 3, we will begin our quick meal service for dinner starting at 5 p.m. You will be able to have one of two main dishes, plus two side dishes and a beverage for around $7 — salad and dessert cost extra. This will be in Hall One of the convention center and will be in the hotel description. Please remember that the ACB Café (quick meals) is a cash-only operation. The hotel also has two restaurants, Casey’s Bar and Grill and the Atrium Café, that will both be open as well.

Registration will be located on the first floor of the convention center, where some larger meeting rooms are located. Escalators and elevators are in the same vicinity and will easily get you there. The general sessions, exhibits and the ACB Café are all within steps of one another on the second floor, which is the floor you enter as you come over the sky bridge. Meeting rooms D through M are on the third floor. General sessions will again be set classroom style, with tables,

for all the delegates.

The Alabama Council of the Blind is planning a grand “Welcome to Alabama” party on Saturday evening. David and Rhonda Trott and crew have worked tirelessly to ensure that your stay in Birmingham is the best ever. Those who attended the midyear meetings were treated to a preview of what is to come. The Alabama Council really welcomed ACB in February and will do it again tenfold this summer.

Berl Colley has done an excellent job in putting together a tour package with something in it for everyone. Check out the offerings on the pre-registration form and sign up before the choices get taken. Margarine is working with the airport to enable volunteers to come to the gate to assist folks — if anyone can make this happen, Margarine can!! The ACB Store will have a table in the exhibit hall along with the vast array of vendors from all over the country. Mike Smitherman has done an extraordinary job for all of us in getting the hall set. I personally spend a bundle in that area each time and this year will be no exception.

Pam Shaw will take a break from her busy schedule to staff the convention information services desk, and Margie Donovan has been in the forefront of guide dog issues, from relief area to ensuring that you are absolutely safe at any time you take your dog out to the designated areas. Patti Cox will be taking some trips to museums and amusement parks with the children she will be supervising in the Youth Activities Center.

Yes, the weather will be very hot, but you will be in an air-conditioned hotel and complex. When you go out in the evening the temperature will most likely have dropped to the 80s!!!

This year’s convention theme is “Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM).” It will be our goal this summer to begin the process of healing, working toward a positive and productive future and getting back to making this country a better place for blind and visually impaired people. Please join us in Birmingham to be a part of TEAM ACB and be a contributing member to the best organization of the blind in this country, and possibly the world.