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A Summary of ACB Board Actions

by Mike Duke

Following the recess of the ACB board of directors meeting on Sept. 21, 2003, executive sessions were held via telephone conference calls on October 15 and 19, the purpose of which was to discuss personnel matters.

During the executive session of October 19, a motion to accept the resignation of Charles Crawford as executive director of the American Council of the Blind carried on a voice vote with two dissenting votes and two absent. The board also advised President Gray to release a statement on this matter to the ACB e-mail discussion lists as soon as possible.

The ACB board of directors met in open session via telephone conference at 9 p.m. Eastern time on Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2003 to discuss budget matters and the 2004 legislative seminar. Attendees were Gray, Speicher, Schmitt, Bazyn, Edwards, Annunzio, Bradley, Charlson, Christensen, Keith, Pomerantz, Ruschival, Sheehan, and Duke.

Gray reported that Paul Edwards, chairman of ACB Enterprises and Services, has stated that ACBES expects a 10 percent reduction in its contribution to ACB for 2004. This projected figure must be the primary consideration in the development of the 2004 budget.

During the September meeting, a motion to observe the same spending level for the first quarter of 2004 as for the first quarter of 2003 was adopted.

In the Nov. 25th meeting, a replacement motion that expenditures for the first quarter of 2004 may not exceed $255,000 passed unanimously.

A motion decreasing the general revenue contribution to the Floyd Qualls scholarship by 50 percent passed unanimously.


A motion to provide no subsidy for participants in the 2004 legislative seminar passed unanimously.


A motion to ask AFB and NIB to subsidize the 2004 legislative seminar passed unanimously.


A motion to generate a letter to affiliates by Dec. 8 asking for contributions to the ACB general fund passed unanimously.


A motion to raise the convention registration fee to $25 in advance and $35 on-site passed on a roll call vote of 8 to 3. Members Speicher, Schmitt, Bazyn, Edwards, Annunzio, Charlson, Keith, and Sheehan supported the motion. Members Bradley, Pomerantz, and Ruschival voted against it. Dawn Christensen had left the meeting, bringing the total absentees to four.


A motion directing the budget committee to fund 10 issues of “The Braille Forum” for 2004 passed unanimously.


A motion directing the budget committee to operate with the understanding that the two support staff positions in ACB’s national office will not be filled during 2004 passed unanimously.


A motion not to fund board travel or lodging for any regularly scheduled meeting or convention in 2004 passed.


The meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. Eastern time.