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Summary of 2008 Resolutions

Note: This publication reflects only those resolutions which were adopted by the convention. Resolutions which were referred to other ACB entities for further consideration, tabled or withdrawn are not included in this document.

Resolution 2008-02 instructs the officers, directors and staff to convey to the disability community, the Department of Justice and Congress our deep-seated dissatisfaction with the current state of the ADA. It also instructs ACB leaders to, at a minimum, withhold support from, or, if appropriate, oppose future ADA legislation or proposed regulations unless such revision contains a clear and unequivocal recognition of the rights of people who are blind and visually impaired by specifically addressing issues of concern to our community. It urges that examples of such appropriate extensions of the coverage of the ADA or its implementing regulations be included, and directs the officers, directors, and staff to broadly disseminate the sense of this resolution to the disability community and to selected members of Congress.

Resolution 2008-03 urges ACB, through its Information Access Committee, to engage in discussion with RFB&D to immediately institute changes in the User Authentication Key purchasing policies so that members can download and install the UAK at time of purchase. It also directs the committee to strongly urge RFB&D in writing that the policy changes regarding the UAK be implemented within 90 days of the close of the 2008 ACB national convention. ACB will offer RFB&D, through "The Braille Forum," ACB Radio and its listservs, assistance in publicizing the proposed change in the new UAK purchase policy.

Resolution 2008-04 directs ACB to call upon airlines that have thus far failed to ensure full web site access, and who have failed to provide telephonic alternatives to disabled customers so that they may receive Internet pricing and offers, and make reservations online, to promptly put such accommodations into effect.

Resolution 2008-05 directs the ACB national office to prepare a Presidential Candidates' Questionnaire to be sent to Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain requesting their positions on certain issues, and to let the responses to this questionnaire be made known to the membership of ACB no later than Oct. 1, 2008.

Resolution 2008-07 directs the officers, directors, and staff of this organization to work collaboratively with the World Blind Union to seek creative ways to increase the flow of books in accessible formats throughout the world, and that a report of the steps taken by this organization over the next year outlining the objectives of this resolution be presented at the 2009 convention.

Resolution 2008-10 directs the ACB president, in consultation with the chair of the Environmental Access Committee, to appoint a task force to develop, within 90 days, a list of appropriate accommodations constituting a model policy that would make the experience of attending stadia events as accessible to blind and visually impaired people as they are for people with other disabilities whose accommodations are typically recognized and included in the design and operation of stadia. It also instructs the officers, directors and staff of ACB to collaborate with other blindness-related organizations to advance the process of getting these model policies adopted at all stadia.

Resolution 2008-11 directs the organization to strongly urge airlines to make kiosks at airports accessible to and usable by people who are blind or visually impaired. It also directs the officers, directors and staff of this organization to take steps to work with the airline industry to bring about this result, and that ACB make available to the airline industry the assistance of the ACB Information Access Committee.

Resolution 2008-12 states that this organization is committed to the enactment of comprehensive federal telecommunications and video programming legislation, especially the unique needs of people who are blind or visually impaired. To be truly comprehensive, such federal legislation must, at a minimum, expressly address public policy objectives. This organization expects and demands of its coalition partners, as a condition of ACB's continued participation in such coalition, their unwavering commitment to the inclusion and retention of provisions described above.

Resolution 2008-13 directs ACB to urge Congress and the President of the United States to promptly enact H.R. 5734, the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act of 2008. The officers, directors and staff of this organization are instructed to contact their representatives as a matter of priority so as to advance the passage of this crucial legislation. Affiliates and members of ACB are strongly urged to add their efforts to this critical endeavor.

Resolution 2008-14 instructs ACB's officers, directors and staff to work to develop and implement such activities as are likely to forward a better understanding and a wider use of braille; also encourages the Braille Revival League to assume a leadership role in the design and implementation of the campaign that will be adopted by this organization.

Resolution 2008-16 directs that ACB strongly urge the Braille Authority of North America (BANA) to make a thorough study of Nemeth Uniform Braille System (NUBS) and provide a report on this study to this organization in its 2009 convention.

Resolution 2008-17 instructs ACB officers, directors and staff to immediately investigate the matter of free matter mailings from the U.S. to Canada being returned to the sender, and are urged to take such action as seems appropriate to them.

Resolution 2008-18 instructs ACB officers, directors and staff to communicate to developers, manufacturers and providers of telecommunications equipment, and, as appropriate, to lawmakers and officers of relevant federal agencies, that equality in telecommunications must include designing and building access features into equipment at the same price to consumers as is charged for equipment used by non-disabled people.

Resolution 2008-19 expresses ACB's thanks and appreciation for the services and accommodations provided by the Galt House Hotel and its staff during the 2008 convention.

Resolution 2008-20 thanks and commends the host committee and the commonwealth of Kentucky for their fine work on the 2008 ACB national convention.

Resolution 2008-21 directs that this organization express its appreciation to all volunteers who worked to assist the attendees of the 2008 ACB convention, and requests that Ms. Beaman assist in communicating this resolution, or its sense, to all volunteers.