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Skip the Soda and Put the Money Toward a Life Membership

by Charles S.P. Hodge

Let me state at the very beginning that I am a fully paid up ACB life member, and proud of it. I would never ask you or anyone else to do something that I had not already done myself. At last year's national convention in Minneapolis, a dozen new ACB life members added their names to the growing honor roll of life members. Now it's time for you to consider whether you want to step up and become a life member yourself!

I admit that the life membership dues ($1,000) sets a high bar for many dedicated ACB members, but the good news is that the money can be paid in up to five annual installments of $200 each. Furthermore, you will receive your life membership plaque and fully participate as a life member once your first installment of dues has been paid. The annual installment program for life membership will only cost you 55 cents per day, much less than buying a can of soda.

Over the years, many state and special-interest affiliates as well as some local chapters have decided to surprise and honor dedicated individuals within their memberships for those individuals' service and contributions to their organizations by purchasing ACB life memberships for them. So, your state or special-interest affiliate, or even your local chapter, may wish to follow the lead of other such organizations by honoring one of your especially deserving members. I am looking forward to welcoming an even larger class of new life members at our upcoming convention in Louisville.

If you're interested in becoming a life member, or in honoring someone else through purchasing a life membership, contact Lane Waters in the Minneapolis office, 1-800-866-3242.