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Professional Development at Convention

by Carla Ruschival

You know that professionals in the field of vision can earn continuing education units at the annual ACB conference and convention. But did you know that people who work in many different jobs — even those that don’t require certification or that aren’t blindness-related — may be able to use the conference and convention for professional development?

If you use a notetaker, braille display, screen reader, screen magnification software or other technology for your job; if you work at a hospital, library, call center or government office; if you are a TVI, counselor, program assistant, or administrator, you will find presentations, workshops, exhibits and even tours at the 2020 ACB conference and convention that relate to your job. Subjects include employment, technology, music, science, health issues, orientation and mobility, self-advocacy, braille, low vision issues and resources, daily living skills, social skills, and much more. Tell your employer about these opportunities, and ask if comp time might be available if you attend job-related events.

Also remember that continuing education units will be available for a wide range of programs, workshops, seminars, and other events presented by ACB and its committees, special-interest affiliates, and representatives of government agencies and private industry. CEUs in the field of blindness and visual impairment are recognized by the Academy for Certification of Vision Rehabilitation and Education Professionals (ACVREP).

Programs offering continuing education units will begin on Friday, July 3 and continue through Wednesday, July 8. A list of CEU sessions will be posted on the ACB website in early May.

Sign up for continuing education units when you register for the convention. Pre-registration for the conference and convention opens for ACB members on May 21, and for everyone on May 28, and will remain open until June 21. You may also register for continuing education units at the convention.

For more information about professional development and continuing education opportunities at the ACB conference and convention, contact Carla Ruschival, CE Chair, by phone at 1-877-630-7190 or by email at [email protected].