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View from the Podium

by Donna Seliger

The first session of the convention is always a mixed blessing for me. I am excited that convention is getting under way and I'm nervous too. As I sit at the table near the podium where our president, Chris Gray, is about to bang his gavel, letting everyone know it is time to come to order, I can hear a multitude of voices, most of which sound glad to be there. By listening to the applause, I can determine just how many hardy souls are left in the auditorium after the roll call of affiliates is completed.

Yes, every year the program committee tries to shorten the Sunday night session, but there is so much happening and only so much time during the week, it seems Sunday is a good time to have important and informative speakers. And the constitution mandates that the roll call of affiliates be completed during the first convention session.

By the time President Gray lowers the gavel for the final time and declares the convention concluded, there seems to be a collective sigh of relief as everyone has had a very busy week going from one meeting to another, including yours truly.

Having the banquet follow the completion of convention is a celebration of all the work that has been done by ACB in the past year. It is an evening of food, fellowship and fun.

I just wanted everyone to know how proud I am of ACB, the members who take time off work and spend a lot of money to attend each year and all those people who do the work behind the scenes to make our conventions the best each year.