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Other Meetings and Programs

Audio/Visual Services Sponsored in Part by Google
Be sure to check ACB committee and special-interest affiliate programs for more presentations, workshops and seminars related to the topics below.

Career Development

Monday, July 9 - Collins

5:45 PM  Piano Technology: A Lucrative Career

Wednesday, July 11 - Nunn

7:00 AM  NIB Breakfast - $10 ($15)
What's new with our employment programs and disability policy focus.

Events for Guide Dog Users

Tuesday, July 10 - Breathitt

7:00 AM  Guide Dogs for the Blind Alumni Breakfast
GDB grads connect with friends and staff; those considering the guide dog lifestyle are welcome.

Health and Well-Being

Wednesday, July 11 - Beckham

4:15 PM  NELDS Seminar - $5 ($7)
New elements of Medicare & Medicare plans, a brief analysis of the health care reform decision expected to be rendered by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Legislation and Advocacy

Monday, July 9 - Carroll/Ford

7:00 AM  AFB Breakfast - $10 ($10)
Staff will discuss AFB current initiatives; your feedback welcome.

Wednesday, July 11 - Collins

4:15 PM  ACB Legislative Seminar - $5 ($7)
Newest information regarding pending & recently implemented legislative issues.

4:15 PM  NELDS Seminar - $5 ($7) - Beckham
New elements of Medicare & Medicare plans, a brief analysis of the health care reform decision expected to be rendered by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Technology Updates and Training

Saturday, July 7 - Poplar

8:00 AM - Raising the Floor
Focus group to learn more about how people use technology, what works and what they'd like to see changed.  Your opinions are important, and may be added to the list of technical specifications for a new worldwide accessibility program for the Internet.  Each participant receives breakfast and a $25 gift card.

10:00 AM  HIMS: Low Vision Goes HD - Dogwood
CANDY Portable and Lifestyle Desktop Video Magnifiers

12:00 PM - Raising the Floor - Poplar
Repeat of morning session, lunch included.

4:00 PM  HIMS: Braille-Linking Technology and Brain - Dogwood
Explore new Braille Sense U2-B, notetaker with multi-lingual support, Google Maps, and powerful new hardware.  Learn about the new Braille EDGE 40 with intuitive braille display connectivity.

Monday, July 9 through Friday July 13 - Fields and Bradley

Map Reading Study
By invitation only.  Funded by the National Science Foundation and National Institute of Health; participants needed who are blind to participate in a 2- to 3-hour testing session.  They will be asked to perform various map-related tasks using a computer. Participants who use JAWS for at least 2 hours per week are preferred.  Participants will receive $100 per hour.

Monday, July 9

5:45 PM  HumanWare: Let the Breeze Guide You – Jasmine
Features make travel with this talking GPS a Breeze!

7:15 PM - Talking Labquest $5 ($7) - Holly
Learn how to incorporate a hands-on and independent learning environment in the science classroom for students who are blind. Workshop attendees will perform a lab activity with the Talking LabQuest, and learn how this innovative scientific access tool helps a student with visual impairments gain confidence in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM).  Perfect for educators.

Tuesday, July 10

2:45 PM - VDRDC Focus Group - Jasmine
By invitation only.  The Smith-Kettlewell Video Description Research and Development Center (VDRDC) investigates innovative technologies and techniques for making online video more accessible to blind and visually impaired students and consumers.

5:45 PM  HumanWare: Braille on the Go - Holly
iConnect your BrailleNote Apex or Brailliant display to iPhones, iPads, and PCs.

7:15 PM  APH: Explore the New Braille Plus 18 - Jasmine

7:15 PM  LookTel: New iPhone Apps – Collins
Demonstrations of Money Reader, Recognizer, and Breadcrumbs GPS for the iPhone.
7:15 PM  Bookshare 10th Anniversary Celebration – Sunflower
Bookshare members and staff celebrate with refreshments, games, and fun.

Wednesday, July 11

5:45 PM  HumanWare: Why I Love My Victor Stream - Nunn
Share your tips and explore new ways to increase your reading pleasure.

5:45 PM  LookTel: New iPhone Apps - Jasmine
Demonstrations of Money Reader, Recognizer, and Breadcrumbs GPS for the iPhone.