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Who Won the APH Bookport Plus?

by Ronald Milliman

Immediately following our 2011 ACB conference and convention in Sparks, Nev., the Monthly Monetary Support (MMS) program committee got busy kicking off our 2011-2012 promotional campaign, which we called our "Round Tu-It" campaign. 

We were delighted to have the American Printing House in Louisville step up and contribute a BookPort Plus as our grand drawing prize for this new campaign.  To be eligible to win the BookPort Plus, you had to either join as a new Monthly Monetary Support (MMS) Program participant or increase the amount of your monthly contributions any time from the end of our 2011 convention through the conclusion of our 2012 convention held in Louisville.  All of those participants were placed into a drawing for the APH BookPort Plus. 

As soon as we got all of our data entered into a spreadsheet following the convention in Louisville, the winner was selected using a random number program to ensure total fairness and objectivity. Each eligible contributor was numbered, and the computer program selected the magic number 19. 

Number 19 turned out to be Marcia Dresser of Reading, Mass.! Congratulations to Marcia, and we certainly hope she gets lots of good use out of her BookPort Plus.

We thank the following people who either became MMS Program contributors for the first time or increased the amount of their contributions during our 2011-2012 campaign. These people are: Dot Taylor, Rachel Schroeder, Karen Gourgey, Darlene Barton, Michael Golfo, Chris Gray, Rochelle Hart, Edie Huffman, Richard Johnson, Sandy Smith, Marian Haselrud, Joseph Wassermann, Nicky Coby, Marcia Dresser, Ken Jessup, Martin Kuhn, Teddie-Joy Remhild, Marion Howell, Susanne Howell, Linda Teixeira, Richard McDonald, Donna Brown, Sarah Presley, Dee Clayton, Lynn Powers, Casey Dutmer, Dan Spoone, Gaylen Floy, Kathy Devin, Lerae Oleson, Pam Evans, Fred Scheigert, Viola Bentson, Bill Deatherage, Debbie Deatherage, Stephanie Hunolt, Sue Wesley, Marie Brinas, Lisa Brooks, Lucinda Talkington, John McCann, Jean Mann, Elizabeth Barnes, Marie Brinas, Judy Burch, Mark Burns, Josephine DeFini, Carol Gray, Evelyn Larson, Josh Metz, Kenneth Semien Sr., and Deb Wild.

During the 2012 conference and convention, we gained 21 new contributors; 22 existing participants increased their monthly contributions.  Another nine people joined the MMS Program between the end of the 2011 and the beginning of the 2012 conventions, bringing our total enrollment up to 245 members.  We are continuing to make slow but steady progress. I sincerely thank all of you who have made this progress possible.

As chair of the MMS committee, I also want to recognize the efforts of the other members of our outstanding committee: Ray Campbell, Kathy Brockman, William Benjamin, Mike Godino, Kenny Maddox, and Carla Ruschival. We also thank Lane Waters and the wonderful staff in our Minnesota office for their extraordinary assistance throughout the entire year and during the convention.  Finally, we would be remiss if we did not recognize the extraordinary contribution of APH providing us with the BookPort Plus as our grand prize this year.  The American Printing House is, indeed, a very good friend of ACB!

The MMS program committee is currently planning the next big campaign and will be announcing it shortly. If you want to become a participant, or to increase your current contribution, you can contact our Minnesota office, 1-800-866-3242, or contact me at (270) 782-9325.  You can also visit the web site; the form is at

Who will be the winner next year? In order to win, you have to participate. So, sign up and be a new contributor, or increase your current contribution. Maybe you'll be the next big winner!