by Carla Ruschival, Nolan Crabb and Dave Trevino
Get in the driver's seat and take the on-ramp to an outstanding weekend of leadership training. Plan now to attend the Crossroads Leadership Conference, March 15-17, 2013, in Louisville, Ky.
Are you an emerging leader, just beginning to explore ways to get involved in committees or participate on your local chapter board? Have you been involved in your local chapter, state or special-interest affiliate for a while, but need to learn some new leadership techniques, or fine-tune those you already have, so you can move to the next level?
The Crossroads Leadership Conference is a skills-based weekend designed with beginners and more advanced leaders in mind. Open to anyone who wishes to attend, Crossroads will include interstates (general sessions) for the entire group, and side roads (break-outs) targeting more specific skill levels. Participants will create their own unique road maps as they choose the sessions that best fit their needs.
Crossroads is being hosted by the Kentucky Council of the Blind. The planning team spans several affiliates and chapters, including Blue Grass, Ohio, Tennessee, West Virginia, Guide Dog Users of Kentucky, and others.
The conference will be at the Best Western Plus Airport East/Expo Center, 1921 Bishop Lane, in Louisville. Room rates are $79 a night plus tax; a hot breakfast is included. Free wi-fi is available throughout the hotel, and the hotel shuttle will pick up guests at both the airport and the Greyhound bus station.
Crossroads is open to any state or special-interest affiliate, any local chapter, or any individual who wishes to attend. Affiliates may select people to attend, but anyone wishing to participate may register as well. Crossroads is open to all.
To make reservations at the hotel, call (502) 456-4411; be sure to let them know that you are attending the Crossroads Conference.
Pre-registration will open in late January. Request your pre-registration packet and get more information by calling the Kentucky Council of the Blind at (502) 895-4598, or by e-mailing
Take the right turn and meet us at the Crossroads.