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Affiliate News

Dogs in Dixieland

If you live in the southeastern U.S. and have an interest in guide dogs, this message is for you! DixieLand Guide Dog Users is looking for new members. We are based in South Carolina, but also welcome members from North Carolina and Georgia. Our purpose is to unite guide dog users, puppy raisers, trainers and others interested in guide dogs on a local level for support, information, and special events. We are a regional affiliate of Guide Dog Users, Inc., the world's largest organization of guide dog users. For more information, please contact president Carmella Broome at (803) 256-3271 or by e-mail at [email protected].

$10,000 Drawing to Support Scholarship Fund

A super drawing has been organized to raise funds for the ACB national scholarship program. Only 300 tickets will be sold. The owner of the winning ticket will receive $10,000. The second prize is $500, and third prize is $300. Tickets cost $100 each. If you don't think you can afford to buy a ticket yourself, you can partner with up to four friends to buy the ticket and become possible winners with that ticket. Local chapters, state affiliates or special-interest groups, as well as individuals, can purchase tickets to support this worthy cause. The winning ticket will be drawn at the banquet during the 2002 ACB national convention. You do not have to be present to win.

The idea grew from a small committee of NOVA chapter members from northern Virginia, and ACB staff. NOVA receives no money from this volunteer service project. For more information or to purchase a ticket, please send Billie Jean Keith an e-mail message to [email protected] and she will be able to send you a ticket following receipt of your check. Or you may phone her at (703) 528-4455.

Congratulations to Alaska, Where Blind and Visually Impaired Citizens Will Soon Vote Independently!

Gov. Tony Knowles recently signed into law a bill that affords people with disabilities, especially those who are blind and visually impaired, the same privacy in the voting booth that others enjoy. House Bill 320 allows people with disabilities to vote without assistance through the use of "paperless" electronic balloting equipment. The equipment will allow voters with disabilities to cast private, independent, and verifiable ballots.

Alaska is one of the first states in the nation to take this step to accommodate people who are visually impaired in the voting booth.

Lt. Gov. Fran Ulmer, who is responsible for overseeing the state's election process, recently appointed a committee to make recommendations to address voting issues experienced by those with disabilities. The committee and the Division of Elections researched electronic elections equipment that is newly available on the market.

"We're hopeful that we will be able to upgrade our services with this new equipment to accommodate the sight-impaired," Ulmer said. No funding was provided to implement House Bill 320, so the state will purchase new electronic balloting equipment as replacement of old or broken equipment is funded.

Lynne Koral of Alaska Independent Blind, which advocated strenuously for passage of the legislation, welcomes the new law. "Machines that give audio information through headsets or Braille templates are here now, making this bill the perfect vehicle for allowing those of us with visual impairments the opportunity to exercise our right to vote in a private, secure voting booth. Alaska Independent Blind applauds an idea whose time has arrived, and looks forward to a time when every person who is blind can vote his or her own ballot."

Spring is in the air ...

Spring is in the air, and ACB state conventions seem to be everywhere! Here is a listing of ones we have been asked to publicize.

April 5-7: Badger Association of the Blind, contact Kathy Brockman, (414) 615-0108

April 6 & 7: Bay State Council of the Blind, Holiday Inn, Worcester, MA, contact Judi Cannon, (617) 972-7646

April 12-14: Mississippi Council of the Blind, contact Ken Maddox, (601) 982-1713

April 19-21: ACB of Nebraska, contact Jim Jirak, (402) 553-8456

April 19-21: ACB of Colorado, contact Rod Chard, (303) 730-1353

April 27-28: Vermont Council of the Blind, contact Heidi Pfau at (800) 639-5861 ext. 30 or [email protected]

May 2-5: California Council of the Blind, San Mateo Marriott, 1770 S. Amphlett Blvd., San Mateo; contact CCB office at (510) 537-7877 or (800) 221-6359 (California only)

May 3-4: ACB of New Mexico, contact David Armijo, (505) 437-9295 or by e-mail at [email protected]

May 3-5: Iowa Council of the United Blind, contact Donna Seliger, (515) 284-0505 or via e-mail at [email protected]

May 31 - June 2: Florida Council of the Blind, contact FCB office at (800) 267-4448 (Florida only)

May 31- June 2: Louisiana Council of the Blind, Best Western Landmark Hotel, Metairie, contact Herbert Reado at (225) 387-0440

June 7-9: North Dakota Association for the Blind, contact Elmer Morlock via e-mail at [email protected]

June 8-9: ACB of Idaho, contact Travis Beck, (208) 524-4459 or e- mail [email protected]