by Deb Cook Lewis
In 2023, the American Council of the Blind passed Resolution 2023-07, Amendment of Older Americans Act (OAA).
Funds under the OAA are distributed to each state for allocation to local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA’s) to fund local programs for purposes specified in the Act. Very little funding is ultimately obtained through the OAA for services specifically targeted to older Americans who are blind or have low vision, because the OAA does not explicitly designate vision loss as a purpose for which funds are allowed to be specifically expended. In order to enable funds to be targeted for programs and services for people with vision loss, the OAA must be amended to recognize “aging with vision loss” as a distinct and sizable population of older Americans with unique and specialized needs.
There has been a significant effort made by ACB’s advocacy team and by our special-interest affiliate, the Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss (AAVL), to promote the intent of this resolution. But more is needed, and you can make a difference at the state or local level. Local Area Agencies on Aging are often unaware of the many eligible individuals with vision loss residing within their catchment area, and many ACB members may not even be aware of the services provided by their local AAA.
In view of all of this, I’m taking this opportunity to strongly urge ACB members and local chapters to identify and reach out to their Area Agency on Aging and invite them to a regular chapter meeting to disseminate information about their services for the elderly population, while simultaneously educating the agency about the existence of and needs of their many constituents experiencing vision loss.
State affiliates are encouraged to reach out to the agency that manages senior services at the state level. Request that they communicate with their various Area Agencies on Aging throughout the state and encourage them to make an effort to identify and reach out to their many constituents experiencing vision loss.
Finally, encourage and support your members who may wish to seek to fully participate as members of local AAA’s Advisory Council or similar body. We can move the needle on this crucial issue, but only by increasing our visibility with decision-makers and service providers.