by Cindy Burgett, CFVI President
If you have a blind child, parent, grandparent, sibling or friend, or if you are that blind child, parent, grandparent, sibling or friend, please consider joining the Council of Families with Visual Impairment (CFVI), one of the oldest special-interest affiliates of ACB. CFVI exists to work within its membership and throughout the United States to uphold the respect and dignity of each family member, blind or sighted, and to strengthen the family unit through support, education and advocacy.
Currently, CFVI is in the process of reorganizing and would love to have you involved in these new beginnings. We're hitting the ground running, but we need more runners! Dues in CFVI are only $8, and your membership will put you in partnership with others who share your same concerns for the family where blindness exists.
CFVI currently has an e-mail list for sharing issues of concern, and you can subscribe by e-mailing [email protected]. We also hope to produce a newsletter and create a web site sharing the message of CFVI, but these are in our future. If you would like to join CFVI as a member, please send dues and contact information to Roy Ward, Treasurer, 6212 W. Franklin St., Richmond, VA 23226. CFVI at Convention
Although we're small, CFVI has planned fun and informational events for the 2005 ACB convention. We hope you will consider participating in one or all of these sessions below.
Monday, July 4: A co-sponsored afternoon session with CCLVI. "Kids, Parents & Grandparents living with vision loss," and "Sending a Family Member to College, Negotiating the Money Maze."
Wednesday, July 6, 1:30 - 3:00: An afternoon business meeting followed by a Q&A sharing time. And then that evening at 7:00 there will be a root beer float social for $10; this will be a fun time for the whole family.
The Youth Activity Center (YAC) will be operating all day Monday through Friday of convention week. CFVI is a proud sponsor of the YAC and reminds all of you that ACB conventions are for the entire family.