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Need Some New Tunes? Check out the NELDS CD Swap!

Once again this year, the National Education and Legal Defense Fund for the Blind (NELDS) is holding its annual CD swap meet on the first Saturday evening at the ACB conference and convention in Phoenix, Ariz. It's an exciting and fun event, and it helps to support NELDS' many activities on behalf of the blind. Part of the evening includes a brief update about what NELDS has accomplished in the past year.

Here's how the swap meet works. Step 1: When pre-registering or registering onsite for the 2010 ACB conference and convention, mark the NELDS CD Swap Meet. This provides you a ticket to attend. Step 2: Bring to the convention all those CDs you no longer want, never wanted, or that you're tired of hearing. Then, bring them with you to the swap meet.

Once there, you have three choices. You can swap them for CDs that others have brought. This is great fun, and you just won't believe what other people bring. Or you can donate your CDs to NELDS as a tax-deductible contribution, and we will sell them at auction during the evening. Or, worst case, you might decide at the last moment you really can't part with what you brought, in which case you can take them back home. NELDS will have a cash bar at this event to ease the pain of parting with those CDs.

For the past couple of years, we have had literally hundreds of CDs from which to choose. Come help make this the most successful ever NELDS CD swap meet!