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Election Results: New Faces in the Crowd

by Sharon Lovering

Everyone looks forward to Fridays, and this year’s ACB convention was no different. Friday means election day, and all week people had been heard expressing their opinions on the candidates, their platforms, and who they were planning to vote for.

First up was the remainder of the term for the second vice president. Mitch Pomerantz, who had been chosen by the board to fill out the remainder of Steve Speicher’s term, was elected by acclamation to fill out the remainder of the term.

Board of Directors

Following Pomerantz’s election to second vice president, the focus switched immediately to the board of directors. And the jolly caucus races began!

Teddie-Joy Remhild challenged Ed Bradley for his seat on the board. Bradley defeated Remhild by a landslide, 78.3 percent to 21.7 percent.

The next seat on the board of directors belonged to Oral Miller, who was, indeed, running again. He retained his seat by acclamation.

After Miller came the seat held by Cynthia Towers of Washington. Her challenger was Arlene Cohen of Ohio. Towers led the race 2 to 1, gaining 66.5 percent of the vote; Cohen received 33.5 percent.

The fourth board race started out as a three-way race between David Trott, Arlene Cohen and Naomi Soule of Missouri. Trott obtained 45.2 percent of the vote; Cohen, 24.6 percent; and Soule, 30.1 percent. In the run-off between Trott and Soule, Trott retained his seat, getting 55 percent of the vote.

Undaunted, Soule entered the next race to fill the seat held by Jerry Annunzio, along with Becky Floyd of Mississippi, Arlene Cohen and Marsha Farrow of Georgia. And what a race it was! Floyd garnered 36.4 percent of the vote; Soule, 29 percent; Cohen, 7.9 percent; and Farrow, 26.7 percent. In the run-off election, Floyd received 42.5 percent, or 333 votes; and Soule received 57.5 percent, or 451 votes.

Board of Publications

Things got even livelier when it was time to elect the three members of the board of publications. The first seat belonged to Mike Duke. He was re-elected by acclamation.

Cindy Burgett of Washington took on Ken Stewart of New York in the second race. It was a nail-biter, too; Stewart received 48.6 percent, or 381.5 votes, and Burgett got 51.3 percent, or 402.5 votes.

The third and final race was to fill the seat formerly held by Winifred Downing. Downing had served the maximum number of terms, and was not eligible to run again. The nominating committee recommended DeAnna Quietwater Noriega. Then Stewart jumped into the race. Noriega prevailed with 55.4 percent, or 406.75 votes; Stewart received 44.6 percent, or 327.25 votes.


Congratulations to the new board! Top row, left to right: Mitch Pomerantz, Carla Ruschival, David Trott, Ed Bradley, Oral Miller, Ardis Bazyn, Alan Beatty, Brian Charlson, Cynthia Towers. Bottom row, left to right: Chris Gray, Billie Jean Keith, M.J. Schmitt, Patrick Sheehan, Donna Seliger, Paul Edwards, Naomi Soule.