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Board of Publications Guidelines for Letters to the Editor

In order to assure the expression of diverse opinions, and to most effectively utilize limited magazine space, the board of publications has adopted these guidelines for the “Letters to the Editor” column effective with the February 2004 issue of “The Braille Forum.”

  1. To be considered for publication, each letter must include a verifiable name, address, and appropriate contact information. Only the name, city, and state of the author will be published.

  2. The “Letters to the Editor” column shall not exceed five large print pages, and will be published only on a space-available basis.

  3. No single letter shall exceed 300 words; longer letters will be edited.

  4. The subject matter of “Letters to the Editor” shall be as diverse as possible, and shall reflect a proportional representation of letters received; redundancy should be avoided.

  5. Though disagreement with an individual or a policy of the organization is acceptable, no letter shall contain defamatory or abusive language, or accuse others of conduct that is dishonest, immoral, unlawful, or otherwise unethical.