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Editor Search Ends

by Melanie Brunson

I want to begin this article by publicly thanking all of those who expressed an interest in serving as editor of "The Braille Forum." We received applications from a number of very enthusiastic and highly qualified individuals. After considering all of them, one person has finally been selected to be the editor of "The Braille Forum," and I think you will be pleased with the selection.

You are reading an example of this person's work as you peruse the pages of this magazine. The new "Braille Forum" editor is Sharon Lovering. Sharon has worked for ACB, as editorial assistant, for 12 years. She has demonstrated her commitment to ACB in countless ways during her tenure, and during the past year and a half, has proven her abilities as acting editor of this publication. Please join me and the members of the board of publications in congratulating Sharon. We are looking forward to many more years of her fine work. She is a person who has already demonstrated that her hands are capable, and that her heart is with ACB all the way.