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Letter to the Editor

The contents of this column reflect the letters we had received by the time we went to press, Sept. 15, 2006. Letters are limited to 300 words or fewer. All submissions must include the author's name and location. Opinions expressed are those of the authors.

Thank You for Helping Students in Ghana

Remember the article that appeared in the July-August "Here and There" column requesting help for students in Ghana? Many "Braille Forum" readers responded to that request for assistance. Below is a letter from Wendy Olson, a teacher of the visually impaired from New Jersey, who coordinated the effort.

Thank you to all of you who provided your time, equipment and/or financial support for the 12 blind college students in Ghana. Several boxes of materials (including braille writers, a braille printer, computer software, a CCTV and braille books) have been shipped. The principal wanted me to tell all the donors that the students are very appreciative of the support, and look forward to accessing their new Resource Center soon. Thank you all for making this possible.

-- Wendy Olson, New Jersey