During the June affiliate virtual programming prior to the July ACB convention, Friends in Art unveiled a unique rhythmic collaboration titled, “Come On, Justice.” What began as a poem written by Joan Myles morphed into a musical composition created by Peter Altschul and developed into a spoken word ensemble performance coordinated by Annie Chiappetta. Abbie Taylor collaborated, and Jason Castonguay produced the recording. Five artists sculpted something stronger than words.
In part:
“Somethin’s truer than the tears that blind us
somethin’s shining on the hill ahead
somethin’s marching in the streets behind us
come on
come on, Justice,
come on, Justice, come”
© Joan Myles from the poem “Come On, Justice.”
We hosted the panel discussion in 2023, and it will be replayed on the Art Parlor podcast for March.
If you can’t wait for the replay, here is a presentation hosted by Behind Our Eyes: https://behindoureyes.org/audio/conferences/Come-On-Justice-Audio-Prese…. In the spirit of diversity, equity and inclusion, we encourage you to listen to it and move the message forward.
— Annie Chiappetta, President, Friends in Art