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Win the Latest Version of the Victor Reader Stream!

by Donna Seliger

Start off your new year with a pledge to the ACB to become a participant in the MMS program, or if you are already a participant, to increase the amount of your monthly contributions. By doing so, you could win the very latest version of the incredible Victor Reader Stream!

The names of all new contributors and existing participants who increase the amount of their contributions by at least $5 per month will go into a drawing for a HumanWare Victor Reader Stream. This includes all participants since the end of our 2007 ACB national convention in Minneapolis and will continue through the end of the 2008 convention in Louisville.

The Monthly Monetary Support Program (MMS) is designed for ACB members to take part in financially supporting the organization through monthly contributions of as little as $10. In addition, your contributions can be split between the national organization and a state affiliate of your choice, allowing you to support two levels of our organization at the same time with one monthly contribution.

I can't emphasize enough how important it is for the members of this organization to step up and financially support the current and future activities of ACB. Yes, we pay dues, but that is only $5 per year; that amount doesn't even come close to paying for publishing "The Braille Forum," not to mention the many other activities the ACB and its many affiliates perform on our behalf.

Currently, we have nearly 200 participants in the MMS program, but this number is still a relatively small proportion of our total ACB membership. Just think about this: if a thousand members signed up for the minimum amount of only $10 each month, ACB would be $10,000 richer every month or $120,000 over a year! Think of the possibilities for using the extra funds.

With the added income each month, "The Braille Forum" could be produced and distributed without reducing the number of issues. ACB Radio could add more streams and programs. We could do an even better job with our marketing and public relations efforts, produce more public service announcements, create the other support materials we need to help our affiliates, recruit new members, and do an even better job of educating the public.

In other words, with your support, we can better meet our needs and be the organization you want and expect ACB to be! Please help us get the new year started off in a big way by becoming a participant in the MMS program, or if you are already a participant, please increase the amount of your monthly contributions. Every little bit will help ACB meet its goals in the new year!

I ask you to join with me and give a little back to ACB. For more information, to become a participant, or to increase your monthly contributions, contact Dr. Ron Milliman, chair of the committee, by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (270) 782-9325.