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Expectations for Community Events

Thank you for your participation and support of our ACB community events. Our success depends on each one of you! The following community events policy was updated by the ACB Board of Directors on September 30, 2023.

For All Submitting Events for Inclusion on the Community Events Schedule

Deadline to Submit an Event

To be included in the weekly schedule, which goes Sunday through Saturday, your event information must be received by the previous Wednesday using our Event Planners Form:

Anything submitted after Wednesday of the previous week will be added to the daily schedule only if received by 4pm ET the previous business day. This submission is required for all events unless recurring.

Recurring Events

Recurring events need only use the form if there are changes to their event info, or they can be canceled via email [email protected].

Expectations for Holding a Community Event

By submitting an event, you are acknowledging you have read the below expectations and agree to abide by them.

  • Upholding the ACB Core Values:
  • Upholding the ACB Prohibited Conduct Policy.
  • To ensure the security of events and regardless of account, Zoom information must not be shared via social media or any public website.
  • All events must have at least one designated facilitator 18 or older to be responsible for the given event.
  • Facilitators must arrive ten minutes prior to the scheduled start time and if not in the room by the start time, the meeting will be canceled by the host.
  • All events will be for one hour unless requested for a half-hour, 90 minutes, or two hour time-slot. Longer events may be held on a case by case basis.
  • No more than three concurrent events will be scheduled at the same start time. Known blackout times will be shared in a weekly reminders communication.
  • Events held on ACB Media will be one hour. Exceptions may be made on a case by case basis and are dependent on event content and resource availability.
  • All events scheduled using a non-ACB account must match the title of the event in the community events schedule and should be kept current.
  • All events must use the Zoom platform, utilizing the “passcode” feature and not “waiting room.”
  • Zoom rooms should never be locked during a community event.
  • All accounts used for community events must enable the “mask phone number” setting under the “telephone” tab.
  • Facilitators should not permit the sharing of personal contact information (professional contact information only).
  • Upholding all terms of agreements and policies set forth by Zoom.
  • All events must have an ACB qualified host (separate from the facilitator) whose charge is to support the facilitator and ensure the event remains safe, respectful, and welcoming.
  • All events must be recorded to the cloud with a link sent within 24 hours of the event to [email protected] remaining available for two weeks. Recordings will only be accessed by ACB for community policy violation investigations and are not for public consumption (unless previously approved for podcast or streaming).
  • Exemptions to the recording requirement may be made on a case by case basis with approval by the Community Support Committee after a review of a formal written proposal. This must include a structured program with defined governing rules and an agreement to read the following statement at the beginning of each event: “As part of the ACB Community Events schedule, we agree since this event is not being recorded, it will remain safe, respectful, and welcoming, and remind everyone to uphold ACB’s Code of Conduct which can be found on the website.
  • Events should be family friendly and foster a safe, respectful, and welcoming environment (see Important Reminders below).
  • You understand substantiated violations may result in removal from the Community Events schedule.
  • ACB reserves the right to refuse an event if deemed inappropriate, concerning in nature, etc.

ACB Core Values

  • Integrity and Honesty
  • Respect
  • Collaboration
  • Flexibility
  • Initiative

Prohibited Conduct Policy

The American Council of the Blind (hereinafter referred to as ACB) is committed to maintaining the integrity of its events by creating a welcoming, professional, safe, and respectful environment for all who attend and/or participate in its events.  The term "events" shall include conferences, meetings, functions, or any other gatherings sponsored or convened by ACB. Read the complete policy here:

Important Reminders Concerning the Use of Zoom

American Council of the Blind (“ACB”) provides access to the web-based conference platform, Zoom, to support staff, affiliates, and members in Community Events. The Zoom platform is designed to promote collaboration by connecting users through voice, video, and screen-sharing capabilities. By the terms of the various Zoom services agreements and policies, ACB, its affiliates, and anyone using their personal Zoom account for community events are responsible for compliance with all laws pertaining to the content transmitted, displayed, uploaded, or viewed while using Zoom services.

Regardless if on an ACB account or not, as long as an event is scheduled as part of our Community Events, Zoom or any other conferencing platform should not be used to create or transmit material that is derogatory, defamatory, obscene or offensive, or unwelcome to others, nor to engage in any activity that is misleading, false or fraudulent, collect or gather user data without consent, violate the privacy of others or distribute confidential or personal information of others, nor to violate or infringe any intellectual property or proprietary rights of others, including copyrights.

Virtually any third-party work that you may come across in readable or experiential format such as books, magazines, journals, and newsletters (whether in hard copy or on a Website), computer programs and other software, sound, visual, and audiovisual works (whether photos, audio recordings, or video), are protected by copyright. Such third-party materials should not be displayed or otherwise used without obtaining the prior consent of the copyright owner in writing. Simply acknowledging the source of a work or crediting the author or creator is not a substitute for obtaining permission. Copyright does not protect things such as titles, names, slogans, ideas, facts and data, listings of ingredients or contents, and natural or self-evident facts. Sharing third-party content (e.g., music, movies, etc.) via Zoom, without prior written approval from the copyright holder is prohibited.

ACB asks that everyone use Zoom in a responsible and professional manner and be particularly careful in sharing material. Failure to obtain appropriate authorization could result in claims of infringement and/or violation of Zoom terms of use and policies.


To maintain the integrity of our community events, all those facilitating and hosting events are expected to abide by these guidelines and expectations. Substantiated violations may result in temporary or permanent removal from inclusion on our Community Events schedule.