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Dots and Dashes: March 19, 2021

Celebrating a Year of Community

ACB is celebrating a year of community! When the pandemic hit and everyone was told to shelter in place, we turned isolation into connection. From education, training, and information sharing, to peer support, socialization, and fun, learn what this growing community has meant to so many people in and outside of ACB over the past year by visiting

ACB is Hiring

Join the ACB team! We are searching for applicants for a new Manager of Communications position. To access this position description on our website, visit:

Facebook Back Button

Over the past month ACB has heard from many people within our community that the back button was no longer working on Facebook. We brought this to their attention and would like to thank Facebook for promptly restoring access to this feature.

ACB Advocacy Update: 2021 Remote Voting

On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, ACB's Director of Advocacy and Governmental Affairs, Clark Rachfal, speaks with ACB leaders about our internal voting process. Clark is joined by ACB President Dan Spoone, as well as Pat Sheehan and Koni Sims from the ACB ad hoc Voting Task Force. Voting is fundamental to our work as a membership organization, and during this conversation we learn how ACB is meeting the challenge of the current pandemic to ensure that the voices of all of our members are heard. Listen online by visiting

To read the Voting Taskforce’s recommendations for 2021, visit

Seeking Nominations for ACB Annual Awards

Is there someone you know who has provided outstanding service to the blindness community? Has your local chapter put together an outreach program that’s had an incredible impact in your area? Has someone helped advance opportunities for blind individuals in your state? Nominate them for an ACB award! Nominations are due April 2, 2021. Email your nomination letters to Deb Trevino, [email protected], and Debbie Rozear, [email protected]. You may find the award descriptions at

Board of Publications Seeking Nominations

ACB’s Board of Publications seeks nominations for the Ned E. Freeman Excellence in Writing Award, the Vernon Henley Media Award, and the Hollis Liggett Braille Free Press Award. Has someone written an excellent article in your affiliate newsletter? Did someone air a show on TV, on the radio, or elsewhere that portraying the capabilities of people who are blind in a positive light, rather than focusing on outdated stereotypes and misconceptions? Do you think your affiliate’s newsletter is excellent? Check out the awards criteria and information at, and get your nominations in by April 2nd!

ACB on Clubhouse

Clubhouse is a free social networking app, only available on iOS, that provides a platform to interact with others and discuss various topics via audio in virtual chat rooms. To join you must receive an invitation from an existing user, or you may join by becoming a part of our ACB Club on Clubhouse by submitting your mobile number to ACB’s presence on this app further expands the reach our community. Join us for a community call to learn more about Clubhouse this Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 8pm ET/5pm. To get our daily list of community call information, visit

Reintroduction of Cogswell Macy Act

This week the Cogswell Macy Act was reintroduced in the Senate as S. 813 by Senators Markey and Capito and in the House as H.R. 1959 by Representatives Cartwright and McKinley. This bill would expand access to education for students who are blind and deafblind, and ACB urges its swift passage. More information about this legislation can be found at:  

Aira Access at Starbucks

Starting today this week Aira—a service that connects blind and low-vision people with remote visual interpreters through an app—is available for free in all US Starbucks stores. Learn how Starbucks is using Aira and inclusive design to create a more accessible customer experience by visiting

Financial Institutions and Accessibility Person with Disability Survey 2020 - 2021

G3ict (the Global Initiative for Inclusive ICT's) and IAAP (the International Association of Accessibility Professionals), invite you to participate in a survey to learn how persons with disabilities are impacted by financial institution services. This survey also seeks to identify whether and how the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 has impacted financial accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please answer the questions in relation to your primary financial provider. The survey should take approximately 20-25 minutes to complete. Complete the Persons with Disabilities Financial Survey by visiting Thank you for your participation!