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Dots and Dashes: December 11, 2020

Get Up & Get Moving: A Call for Leveraging Technology to Improve Health and Wellness

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the global challenges that technology can experience when pushed to the limits. This reality check has not only been disproportionately burdensome for individuals who are blind and visually impaired, but it has also exposed the pre-existing barriers that have harmed the physical, social, and psychological well-being within this community over the years. Join the American Council of the Blind for an empowering panel on how technology can break down barriers to a full and enriched life, and how we can all get up and get moving toward full equality in the health and wellness arena. This presentation from the Sight Tech Global 2020 conference sets up the “Get Up & Get Moving" national campaign, which will launch in 2021 as America comes out of the coronavirus with the goal to expand health and wellness for Americans who are blind and visually impaired, particularly those with additional health concerns such as diabetes. Watch the video of this presentation by visiting:

Pandemic Exemptions to the ADA

In August, ACB sent this letter ( to Congressional leaders opposing an waivers or exemptions to the ADA as part of pandemic relief policy measures, specifically those referenced in the Safe to Work Act (S. 4317). These measures are under consideration once again as Congress debates another stimulus package. As we reiterate our opposition to any waivers or exemptions that would undermine the civil rights guaranteed by the ADA, ACB urges all of our friends to communicate your opposition to any ADA waivers and exemptions as part of COVID stimulus relief by contacting your members of Congress by calling the Capitol switch board (202-224-3121) or by contacting your member of Congress directly. 

DOT Travelling by Air with Service Animals Final Rule

On Dec. 10, the Department of Transportation’s Final Rule on Travelling by Air with Service Animals was published in the Federal Register. ACB and our affiliate, Guide Dog Users, Inc. actively participated in this rule making. We are pleased the DOT harmonized the definition of a service animal with the ADA, however we are concerned the written attestation requirements will place an undue burden on people with disabilities. This final rule will go into effect on Jan. 11, 2021. We will remain actively engaged with the DOT to ensure that service animal handlers may travel freely and independently. Read the rule by visiting:

TLPC and Georgetown Communications and Technology Law Clinic Draft Accessibility Agenda for FCC Transition Team

In consultation with Telecommunications for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Inc. (TDI), the National Association of the Deaf (NAD), the American Council of the Blind (ACB), the Hearing Loss Association of America (HLAA), and the Technology Access Program (TAP) at Gallaudet University, the TLPC and our sister Communications and Technology Law Clinic (CTLC) at Georgetown Law developed an overview of critical technology accessibility priorities for a new administration at the Federal Communications Commission. Access the overview by visiting:  

The Protection & Advocacy System

On this week’s episode of the ACB Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark discuss an important resource that can be used by all ACB members and people with disabilities. With special guests from Cyrus Huncharek, National Disability Rights Network, and Thomas Crishon, Indiana Disability Rights, we learn about the federally mandated protection and advocacy (P&A) services available to people with disabilities. The P&A system offers free disability-related legal and advocacy services to residents of their region. Listen via your favorite podcast player or online at: To find out more about the P&A in your area, visit:

Leadership Training – Officer Focus

In our first in a series on officer positions, join the Berl Colley Leadership Institute on December 17 at 9pm Eastern to learn "The do's and don'ts for the office of Secretary". You'll get an overview of common responsibilities and duties of this office including the important elements of taking minutes, Good record keeping, and more. Whether you're a newly elected Secretary, considering running for this office in the future, or someone who's been wearing this hat for a while, let's learn together. Sponsored by the Berl Colley Leadership Institute. To receive our weekly schedule of community calls, join our Community listserv by sending an email to [email protected].

Take the ACB Consumer Survey and Be Entered Into a Drawing for an Amazon Gift Card

ACB has put together a brief survey to gain a better understanding of those throughout our network. Help us out by taking time to complete the survey. Your responses will help guide our advocacy and program services. You can also enter a drawing at the end to win an Amazon gift card. Take the survey at: