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Dots and Dashes: August 14, 2020

Connecting to ACB Community Calls

At a time when our country is in a state of social distancing, your ACB family has opportunities for you to connect with others from the comfort of your home. To receive up-to-date information on how to join our community calls, please subscribe to our ACB Community Events email list by filling out the subscription form at, or by sending an email to [email protected]. To access community call information over the phone, please call 1-800-424-8666 and press 1017.

Claire Stanley on Accessible Technology

TechCrunch asked leaders in the accessibility world how technology has improved the lives of people with disabilities since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act 30 years ago. ACB Advocacy & Outreach Specialist Claire Stanley was featured in this article and shares her thoughts on accessible tech.

Progress and What Lies Ahead

Perkins School for the Blind interviewed two long-time disability advocates, ACB Immediate Past President Kim Charlson and retired U.S. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa. In this article, they discuss their thoughts on the Americans with Disabilities Act.

New Lego Braille Bricks

The LEGO Foundation designed and created a line of bricks molded with studs that correspond to numbers and letters in the braille alphabet. The foundation is partnering with the American Printing House for the Blind (APH) to send the blocks, free of charge, to school districts across the United States. Learn more by reading this article. Starting August 17th, APH is bringing together great minds from the LEGO Foundation, braille professionals, and a TVI to host a series of webinars all about learning through play with the new LEGO Braille Bricks. Check out all the cool sessions available and register today!

The State of Accessible Voting in the States

On this episode of the Advocacy Update, Claire and Clark speak with multiple guests about the advocacy work and government initiatives to ensure in-person and remote absentee voting options are accessible. We are joined by Commissioner Donald Palmer, Vice Chair of the Election Assistance Commission (EAC), as well as Carrie Chapman, president of the Iowa Council of the United Blind, and Barbara Salisbury, president of the ACB of Indiana. Commissioner Palmer shared the resources available for election officials and voters from the EAC, and Carrie and Barbara share the ongoing advocacy work in Iowa and Indiana. To listen to the podcast, go to

To learn more about accessible voting, visit the ACB accessible voting toolkit at

To learn more about the upcoming EAC roundtable on election accessibility on Aug. 19, visit