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‘Tuesday Topics’ Is Back on ACB Radio Mainstream

by Paul Edwards

It is perhaps a little unseemly to self-advertise, but I wanted folks to know that “Tuesday Topics” is back on the air. For those of you who are veteran ACB Radio listeners, you will remember that the idea of “Tuesday Topics” is to choose a particular topic, invite a guest (usually) and then open that topic for discussion by those who are on the call. As I write this, we are up to our 10th show and have covered a pretty wide range of issues. We looked at the impact of the virus on a couple of shows as it particularly applies to us blind people. We have done a show on mail-in voting; another on how our two largest state affiliates are surviving the virus; and a show on a new book on navigating the medical morass as people who are blind.

We are using Zoom and we advertise the calls pretty widely on various lists. What I want all of you to know is that, if you just want to listen, we are on ACB Radio Mainstream at 8 p.m. Eastern time every Tuesday, live. The show is repeated at 8 a.m. on Wednesday and is also repeated at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Sunday. Please make “Tuesday Topics” a part of your week!