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The Theme for April is Aging

by Ron Brooks

Within the ACB, we have begun to put a tremendous focus on attracting and retaining younger members, and this is of critical importance because younger people represent the future of the ACB and the future of our movement. Nevertheless, the largest cohorts within the low-vision and blind populations are people over 50 and seniors. As a result, their concerns are also extremely important.

People who are 50 and above are often beginning to think about retirement, focused on saving for their golden years, becoming increasingly concerned about their personal health and safety, thinking about how and where to travel, how often to visit children and grandchildren, and all the ways they can put their spare time to good use. Topics that attract their interest include retirement and estate planning, health care, personal finance, travel, and a whole lot more.

In this month’s edition of “The ACB E-Forum,” we will be focusing on the issues and concerns of older members and on the committees and affiliates which have been established to represent older blind and visually impaired members. Readers will be able to learn about the Alliance on Aging and Vision Loss and a number of other topics of special import to people who are in their 50s and beyond.